How old is Loki in human year?

After a little math from Tumblr user nycstark, they deduced that, in human years, Loki would be around 16 "human" years old in the MCU. With that being the case, then perhaps Tom Holland would have been a more applicable casting choice for the teenage antihero.
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Is Loki 16 in human years?

In Thor 2 the life expectancy was stated to be around 5,000. The average human life in developed countries from what I've gathered is approximately 82. Therefore, in human years Loki is somewhere around 17.
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How old is Loki exactly?

Loki's age is hard to pinpoint given his status as a deity and a Frost Giant. In the MCU, it is confirmed that Loki was 1,054 years old when he was killed by Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War.
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How old is Odin in human years?

Odin was born around mid-3480 B.C. (August 15th by modern dating systems). This makes him: 492.25156833, or 25.11075322 in human years, during the Thor: The Dark World flashbacks.
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Is Loki younger than Thor?

Thor is older than Loki. It is said in the first movie of Thor , that Loki was the second son of Odin and Thor first son. Loki was actually adopted. He was the son of the gaint monster farbauty and laufi .
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Loki Origin & History - Know Your Universe | Comicstorian

What is the oldest avenger?

While Steve Rogers gets the title of the oldest human avenger, Thor Odinson, as the mighty Asgardian God of Thunder, has a much longer life span than any of his Earth-born friends.
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Who is older Thor or Thanos?

While it is never addressed in-universe, MCU director Joe Russo confirmed Thanos was around 1000 years old in 2012's The Avengers when he first appeared in the MCU. Based on that, Thanos is younger than Thor and Loki, which, if revealed in one of the past two Avengers films, might have proven itself to be distracting.
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Does Loki give or take 5000 years?

"Loki Is About 16 Years Old In The MCU In Thor: The Dark World, Odin reminds Loki that Asgardians are not immortal and have lifespans as humans do, to which Loki responds: "Give or take 5,000 years." From this, it can be calculated that Asgardians live to about 5,100, with Loki being around 1050 years old in the MCU."
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Who is older Hades or Odin?

Hades is the oldest of the Olympians, but you kind of get the impression that he is as powerful as either of his brothers, Zeus or Poseidon. He's not a very warlike god so it's hard to say how good a fighter he was.
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Who is more older Zeus or Odin?

If the surviving stories about both Gods are taken at face value then Odin is far older, because Odin was alive before this world took anything like its current form and shape, whereas Zeus came long after.
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How old is Thanos?

Early life. Thanos was born approximately 1,000 years ago on the planet Titan to A'Lars, along with his brother Eros. Thanos deems the growth of Titan's population to be unsustainable, so he proposes to arbitrarily kill half of Titan's population.
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How tall is Loki?

His weapons of choice are throwing knives. Loki is portrayed by Tom Hiddleston in the MCU with a height of 6'2” (1.88 m). The comic book height of Loki is 6'4” (1.93 m). Loki is a fictional prince of Asgard and god of mischief in Thor, The Avengers, and the extended Marvel franchise.
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Is Loki 17 in human years?

Loki's age equals what would be 17-20 years for humans.
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How quickly do Asgardians age?

The Asgardians are extremely long lived and age at an extremely slow pace as compared to human beings, unlike the Olympians who cease to age once reaching adulthood. The bodies of the Asgardians possess some degree of superhuman durability.
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What year is Loki set?

Because he teleported away with the Tesseract, creating a new branched timeline, Loki takes place after The Avengers in 2012, with the God of Mischief still a villain and several years away from redemption.
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How long can Asgardians live?

Asgardians' regenerative abilities enable them to have longer lifespans. While humans generally perceive them as immortal, Odin has pointed out they are not. Loki noted that, even though they are not truly immortal, Asgardians live much longer, "give or take 5,000 years".
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Who is stronger Zeus or Odin?

While Zeus is by no means a pushover, unless he has some immensely powerful tricks up his sleeve in Thor: Love and Thunder, it appears that the MCU's Odin is still the strongest god on the cosmic block.
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Why did Odin hang himself?

Odin's self-sacrifice

He sacrificed his eye in Mimir's well and he threw himself on his spear Gungnir in a kind of symbolic, ritual suicide. He then hanged himself in Yggdrasil, the tree of life, for nine days and nine nights in order to gain knowledge of other worlds and be able to understand the runes.
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Who will win Zeus or Odin?

Certainly Zeus. Zeus in mythology is immortal and the only Olympian who even had a chance of defeating the giant Typhon, who is far more powerful than any of the beasts and monsters of Norse mythology.
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Will Thor ever see Loki again?

While a third season hasn't been confirmed, there is a chance for Loki and Thor to reunite in a future MCU film.
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Is Loki gone forever?

Technically speaking, the real Loki — or rather, the Loki that fans have watched since 2011 — is still dead. The version in the series is from a different timeline, and he is at a distinct point in his character growth.
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Why did killing Kang cause the multiverse?

Why Sylvie Kills Kang. Sylvie's decision to kill the Kang variant He Who Remains is perhaps the single most important event that takes place in Loki episode 6 - as it allows the iconic Marvel villain to replace him in the timeline, and results in the multiverse once again forming in the MCU.
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Who is the youngest Avenger?

By the time it happened, Vision was only 3 years old. Even though he didn't look and behave that way. That makes Vision the youngest Avenger.
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Who is oldest Marvel hero?

Marvel's 10 Oldest Heroes By Age, Ranked
  • 8 Apocalypse.
  • 7 Odin.
  • 6 The Eternals.
  • 5 The Watchers.
  • 4 Living Tribunal.
  • 3 The Celestials.
  • 2 The One Above All.
  • 1 Galactus.
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Is Thanos physically stronger than Hulk?

Physically they're pretty evenly matched, but Thanos is just a much more skilled fighter. No stones were used in the fight. Per Joe Russo: "I would say that he's just that powerful," said Joe Russo.
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