How old is Loki in Ragnarok?

Thus, in Thor: Ragnorak (2017) Thor would have been 1,499 years old, and Loki would be 1,052 years old.
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Is Loki 16 in human years?

Based on calculations from a Tumblr user, Loki is around 16 "human" years old in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which explains his petulance in his early appearances.
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How old is Thor in Ragnarok?

While continuing with this pattern, Thor was 1,497 in Avengers: Age of Ultron, 1,499 in Thor: Ragnarok, and 1,505 when he helped decimate Thanos in Endgame, which was set in 2023.
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What is the age gap between Loki and Thor?

How is Thor 500 years older than Loki? Thor Odinson himself said he is around 1500 years old at the time of the events of Infinity War (2018), and MCU fandom wiki mentions Loki's year of birth as 965 AD, hence he would be 1055 years old at the time of his death in 2018. So, Thor is around 445 years older than Loki.
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How old is Loki right now?

The version of Loki we see in Season 2 is around 1,047 years old. We know this because the MCU is a little more forthcoming with its timeline.
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LOKI: Trapped Forever or Returning in Avengers Secret Wars?

What is Odin age?

In Thor: The Dark World, Odin makes it clear that they “are born, they live, they die, just as humans do”, to which Loki replies that “give or take, 5000 years” – so taking that into account, Odin was at least 5000 years old when he died in Ragnarok.
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Is Loki 17 in human years?

Loki's age equals what would be 17-20 years for humans.
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Who is older Thor or Thanos?

While it is never addressed in-universe, MCU director Joe Russo confirmed Thanos was around 1000 years old in 2012's The Avengers when he first appeared in the MCU. Based on that, Thanos is younger than Thor and Loki, which, if revealed in one of the past two Avengers films, might have proven itself to be distracting.
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What is Loki the god of?

Loki was regarded by the ancient Norse people as the god of mischief, trickery, and deception. He was also seen as the father of several gods and Jotunns, including Sleipnir, Hel, Jormungandr, and Fenrir.
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How old was Loki when he died?

How old was Loki at death? In the MCU, it is confirmed that Loki was 1,054 years old when he was killed by Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War. The Asgardians are far older in the comics than they are in the movies, so Loki is likely thousands if not tens of thousands of years old.
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Who is the oldest avenger?

While Steve Rogers gets the title of the oldest human avenger, Thor Odinson, as the mighty Asgardian God of Thunder, has a much longer life span than any of his Earth-born friends.
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How old was Loki in human years?

Thor and Loki's ages relative to human years were worked out with Thor 23 years old and Loki just 16 years old!
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Can Odin beat Thanos?

He has feats such as defeating Surtur (who can destroy a planet), conquering the 9 realms, and sealing away Hela. While there isn't much doubt that Thanos could beat Odin if he had all 6 stones, Odin could probably defeat Thanos if he only had one or two of them.
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Does Loki give or take 5000 years?

"Loki Is About 16 Years Old In The MCU In Thor: The Dark World, Odin reminds Loki that Asgardians are not immortal and have lifespans as humans do, to which Loki responds: "Give or take 5,000 years." From this, it can be calculated that Asgardians live to about 5,100, with Loki being around 1050 years old in the MCU."
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How old is Thanos?

Early life. Thanos was born approximately 1,000 years ago on the planet Titan to A'Lars, along with his brother Eros. Thanos deems the growth of Titan's population to be unsustainable, so he proposes to arbitrarily kill half of Titan's population.
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Is Thor an immortal?

While Thor is powerful and his strength is said to be unmatched, he is not strictly immortal like other mythological gods. He is susceptible both to aging and to being killed in battle. Like other Norse gods, he must consume special apples kept by the goddess Idun to keep from aging.
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Is Loki a god or evil?

Loki is considered a trickster god, known for being neither fully good nor evil since his main aim was always to create chaos. Despite his father being a giant, he is still counted a member of the Aesir—a tribe of deities including Odin, Frigg, Tyr, and Thor.
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Who is Loki's wife?

Loki is married to Sigyn and they have two sons, Narfi or Nari and Váli.
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Did Odin love Loki?

After all Loki has done, Odin still loves him. Odin still calls him 'son. ' Odin still sees only his child. It was, perhaps, in that moment that Loki accepts his father's love, becoming free to be his real self for the first time.
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Who is the youngest Avenger?

By the time it happened, Vision was only 3 years old. Even though he didn't look and behave that way. That makes Vision the youngest Avenger.
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Who is oldest Marvel?

Not Thanos, Here Are 10 Oldest Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters!
  • Thor (1.500 years old) ...
  • Thanos (more than 2.000 years old) ...
  • Hela (more than 6.000 years old) ...
  • Surtur (more than 500.000 years old) ...
  • Odin (more than 700.000 years old) ...
  • Malekith (more than 700.000 years old) ...
  • Ego (1.000. ...
  • Eson the Searcher (80.000.
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Is Thanos afraid of Odin?

No, he doesn't. He doesn't fear Odin to the point even a spear-wielding All-Father respects him as an adversary worth saluting, considering him as a foe he's never fought in eons.
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Is Loki unkillable?

Yes, despite naysayers going against common sense to question if Loki, Thor or even Odin are actually Norse gods depicted in the MCU, the answer is yes, Loki is immortal. The meaning of immortal simply means (by differentiation) that Loki isn't mortal in the sense of being a human mortal.
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How tall is Loki?

His weapons of choice are throwing knives. Loki is portrayed by Tom Hiddleston in the MCU with a height of 6'2” (1.88 m). The comic book height of Loki is 6'4” (1.93 m). Loki is a fictional prince of Asgard and god of mischief in Thor, The Avengers, and the extended Marvel franchise.
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Do Asgardians age slower?

Asgardians are not true immortals. They do age, albeit slowly, but are immune to all known Earthly diseases.
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