How old is Palpatine when he dies?

As the Death Star had been destroyed, and the Battle of Yavin had finally taken place, the years then moved into ABY (After the Battle of Yavin). It's said that Star Wars: Return of the Jedi takes place during 4 ABY, meaning Palpatine was 88 when he met his original end.
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How does Palpatine live so long?

Summary. Emperor Palpatine survived his death in Return of the Jedi by transferring his spirit into a clone body, which required constant life support. Palpatine orchestrated Operation: Cinder and the Contingency to destroy the Empire and pave the way for the rise of the First Order.
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How old was Palpatine when he met Plagueis?

The Legends Darth Plagueis novel established that Hego Damask was Plagueis' alter ego. Therefore, Darth Plagueis might have been operating on Naboo since as early as 65 BBY. Should that be the case, then Palpatine was around 19 years old when he met Plagueis.
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How old is Darth Vader when he dies?

The Star Wars timeline revolves around the Battle of Yavin, which serves as a reference point for the events and origins of all characters. Darth Vader spent half of his life as Anakin Skywalker before turning to the Dark Side and dying in Return of the Jedi at the age of 45.
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Would Palpatine live forever?

Essence transfer allowed Palpatine to essentially hijack another body and possess it, using it as a house for his consciousness. With enough bodies, Palpatine could live forever, but finding those bodies proved to be the most challenging part of his plan.
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How Old Was Palpatine When He Died - Explain Star Wars

Which Jedi is immortal?

Qui-Gon Jinn learned to manifest as a Force ghost after death, thus allowing him to retain his consciousness in the Force. Several other Jedi also achieved the same ability, most notably Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and the redeemed Anakin Skywalker.
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Could Plagueis actually cheat death?

A Sith Lord with the ability to cheat death and create life, Plagueis is the enigmatic mentor of Sheev Palpatine / Darth Sidious, who, in accordance to the Sith's Rule of Two, eventually betrays Plagueis by murdering him in his sleep, taking his place as Sith Master.
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Who is older, Anakin or Luke?

How old was Anakin when Luke and Leia were born? In canon, he was 22 (he was born in 41 BBY, and Luke and Leia were born in 19 BBY). In Legends, accounts vary saying he's either 22 or 23. Interestingly enough, he was around two years younger than Ben Solo was in the TLJ flashback were Luke reads his mind.
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Why does Anakin look so old in Ahsoka?

Hayden Christensen makes a pivotal return as Anakin Skywalker in Ahsoka episode 5, with his appearance being digitally de-aged using CGI. Flashbacks to the Clone Wars in Ahsoka episode 5 feature a young Ahsoka and Anakin with his hair and armor from the early seasons of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
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Who did Palpatine fear?

Thus, while Qui-Gon was less powerful than the likes of Yoda and Mace Windu, Palpatine feared him more. In the simplest terms, he was a wild card, and with the Sidious executing an intricate decades-long plan to seize power and destroy the Jedi, a wild card was something he just couldn't afford.
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Who did Palpatine have a kid with?

Rumor had it that his mother was Palpatine's Umbaran aide Sly Moore, who had impregnated herself using DNA from an undisclosed source. Regardless of the veracity of that report, Triclops was regarded as the true son of Palpatine, both by himself and the few high-ranking officials who were aware of his existence.
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How did Kylo Ren get Darth Vader's helmet?

Kylo Ren's obsession with Vader is clear, but Star Wars never explained how he acquired the helmet. It is speculated that he may have found it himself on Endor, or it could have been passed down to him by Supreme Leader Snoke.
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Was Snoke a clone?

Snoke and his many copies were not a clone of any known individual the way the Clone Army soldiers were modified copies of Jango Fett. Nor was he a one-for-one recreation of a previous body like Palpatine's clone body. Snoke was an entirely new being made from scratch, and Dr.
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How many clones did Palpatine have?

There was only a single identical Palpatine clone, but numerous altered clones over the entire Sith headquarters. In Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, why was Palpatine's return from the dead criticised even though he did the same thing multiple times in the Legends continuity?
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How old is Kylo Ren?

Kylo/Ben was born about a year after Return of the Jedi so he's roughly 29 when we first see him in The Force Awakens, also possibly having turned 30 during The Last Jedi.
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Who trained Yoda?

Legend had it that Yoda—a Jedi who became Grand Master—was trained by N'Kata Del Gormo. A Force-sensitive Hysalrian, N'Kata Del Gormo was trained in the ways of the Force and achieved the rank of Master within the Jedi Order.
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Why was Anakin too old but Luke wasn't?

In Star Wars, younglings were traditionally recruited into the Jedi Order from an early age — so young that 9-year-old Anakin Skywalker faced opposition as being too old to train. However, during the original trilogy, Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi resolved to train a 19-year-old Luke Skywalker.
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Is Padmé too old for Anakin?

Summary. Padmé Amidala was five years older than Anakin Skywalker during their relationship in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Though they had a significant age gap, especially given the young age they met at, their relationship could not be avoided, nor could its tragic end.
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How many kids did Han and Leia have?

Han Solo marries Princess Leia and they have three children: twins named Jacen and Jaina, and a younger son named Anakin. Luke reestablishes the Jedi Order, marries a non-movie (but fan favorite) redheaded Force-wielder named Mara Jade, and they have a son, Ben Skywalker (named in honor of Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi).
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Who was Anakin's dad?

Summary. Anakin Skywalker's birth mystery is solved - his mother, Shmi Skywalker, reveals that there was no father and she can't explain what happened. Qui-Gon Jinn believed that the Force itself created Anakin in Shmi's womb, making him the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force.
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Why did Palpatine tell Anakin he killed Padmé?

With Anakin's mother dead, his padawan Ahsoka estranged and his faith in Obi-Wan and the rest of the Jedi council fading, Padmé was all he had left by the climax of Revenge of the Sith. By eliminating her, Palpatine would be the only one left for Anakin to turn to and therefore would have complete control over him.
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Who was Darth Plagueis afraid of?

The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did.
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Is Darth Plagueis Anakin's father?

However, given that this confirmation was never made into the movie, nor was it ever revisited, the idea that Darth Plagueis created Anakin remains just a theory. The same applies to whether Palpatine created Anakin, which has never been confirmed by the Star Wars canon.
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