How old is Thanos?

Early life. Thanos was born approximately 1,000 years ago on the planet Titan to A'Lars, along with his brother Eros. Thanos deems the growth of Titan's population to be unsustainable, so he proposes to arbitrarily kill half of Titan's population.
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How old is Thanos in human years?

He's roughly over 1000 years, somewhere around 2000 or 5000. But in human years he's as old as the actor that he's played by-Josh Brolin which is 51 years old. This would make sense because Gamora is in her late teens and early adulthood and when Thanos captured her for the first time she was a child.
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What is Thanos lifespan?

Advanced Longevity: It has been confirmed that Thanos is an extremely long-lived being and was roughly over 1000 years of age by the events of the Infinity Wars and the Battle of Earth. Even during the 2010s, he had displayed no signs of aging or any decline in his physical powers.
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How old is Thor vs Thanos?

Thor is 1500 years old. Thanos is 1000 years old.
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Who is the oldest avenger?

While Steve Rogers gets the title of the oldest human avenger, Thor Odinson, as the mighty Asgardian God of Thunder, has a much longer life span than any of his Earth-born friends.
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How Old Is Thanos?

How old is Odin?

In Thor: The Dark World, Odin makes it clear that they “are born, they live, they die, just as humans do”, to which Loki replies that “give or take, 5000 years” – so taking that into account, Odin was at least 5000 years old when he died in Ragnarok.
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How old is Thor?

Thor was born approximately 1500 years ago to Odin, the King of Asgard, and Frigga. He was raised on Asgard as the crown prince, alongside his brother, Loki.
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Can Thanos beat Odin?

He has feats such as defeating Surtur (who can destroy a planet), conquering the 9 realms, and sealing away Hela. While there isn't much doubt that Thanos could beat Odin if he had all 6 stones, Odin could probably defeat Thanos if he only had one or two of them.
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How old is Loki?

In Thor: The Dark World, Odin reminds Loki that Asgardians are not immortal and have lifespans as humans do, to which Loki responds: "Give or take 5,000 years." From this, it can be calculated that Asgardians live to about 5,100, with Loki being around 1050 years old in the MCU.
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How old was Thanos before death?

However, Thanos' death occurred prior to the big time skip. Less than a full month after Infinity War, the thousand-year-old warrior destroyed the Infinity Stones to prevent them from ever being used again. He was living alone in his hut when he was confronted by an angry group of Avengers and subsequently killed.
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How old is Groot?

Based on what can be deduced about his species' aging, it is possible that Groot is around 14-18 years old in The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special.
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Is Thanos a Titan or God?

Thanos is a mutant member of the race of superhumans known as the Titanian Eternals. The character possesses abilities common to the Eternals, but amplified to a higher degree through a combination of his mutant–Eternal heritage, bionic amplification, mysticism, and power bestowed by the abstract entity, Death.
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How tall is Thanos?

Thanos was first introduced by Marvel in The Invincible Iron Man #55 in February, 1973. Thanos has a height of 8'3” (2.52 m) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and 6'7” (2.01 m) in the comics.
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Is Thanos 1000 years old?

While it is never addressed in-universe, MCU director Joe Russo confirmed Thanos was around 1000 years old in 2012's The Avengers when he first appeared in the MCU.
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Why is Thanos purple?

Thanos is an Eternal from the planet Titan who was born with a Deviant syndrome, meaning there are traces of Deviant genes within his body which gives him his hulking, purple appearance.
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Why did Thanos wait 6 years?

Some fans speculated that the Titan waited until various powerful deities in the universe died, like Ego in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Odin in Thor: Ragnarok. This would clear the field of resistance to his diabolical plan. It turns out some of that speculation was indeed headed in the right direction.
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Is Thor or Loki older?

As revealed by Infinity War, Thor is 1500 years old. From Thor(2011) we know loki is around 1070 years old. so there is about 430 years of difference between them.
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How old is Captain America?

Chronologically Cap is 66 (the years he was frozen) add his “true” age of 39, giving us 105. After the jump to 1945, he presumably lived until 2023, which gives him an added 78 years to both of his ages. So overall, biologically Steve is 117, chronologically he's 183.
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Is Loki the son of Odin?

In modern literature (such as Marvel Comics) it has become popular to portray Loki as the adopted son of Odin. This however has no basis in Norse mythology, where Loki is portrayed as the blood brother of Odin.
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Can Thanos lift Mjolnir?

Clearly, Thanos is aware he wouldn't be able to lift it. Although it's hard to pinpoint what exactly makes someone worthy of using Mjolnir, as it's ultimately determined by Odin, who placed the enchantment on the hammer, some believe one's worthiness is measured by traits like courage, honor, and selflessness.
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Can Thor beat Thanos?

Thor. Can Thor beat Thanos? In the MCU he certainly would have, if only he had aimed for the head. The Asgardian Son of Odin was extremely close to ending Thanos at the end of Avengers: Infinity War.
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Can Hela beat Thanos?

Hela Has Superhuman Speed And Stamina

This, coupled with her superhuman stamina might prove too much for Thanos, despite the fact that he is also an incredibly powerful being. Her speed gives her reflexes, and she can definitely hit quite hard.
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How old is Iron Man?

Iron Man: 48 years old

Tony Stark was born on May 29, 1970.
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How old is Hawkeye?

With Captain America: The Winter Soldier giving Black Widow the same birth year as her actress, Scarlett Johansson, Barton was most likely born in 1971, like Renner, making him 53 during the events of Hawkeye and making him older than his comic counterpart.
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How old is Heimdall?

Longevity: Like all Asgardians, Heimdall ages at a rate that is much slower than that of a human being. Even though he is over one thousand years old, he still looks like a young man by Earth standards.
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