How old was Batman when he lost his parents?

Bruce is brought up in Wayne Manor, and leads a happy and privileged existence until the age of eight, when his parents are killed by a small-time criminal named Joe Chill while on their way home from a movie theater. That night, Bruce swears an oath to spend his life fighting crime.
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At what age did Batman lose his parents?

Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman, was 8 years old when his parents were murdered.
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How old was Alfred when Bruce parents died?

33 years ago - 29-year-old Alfred Pennyworth receives word that his father is dying. He returns to Wayne manor and meets young Bruce Wayne. He helps him outsmart a bully, and decides to stay for him. 31 years ago - 31-year-old Alfred Pennyworth becomes Bruce's legal guardian after Thomas and Martha Wayne are killed.
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How old was Bruce when he left Gotham?

At the age of 14, Bruce leaves Gotham City to explore and obtain skills in martial arts and forensics.
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How old is Batman at 30?

Batman is around 30 years old and is not yet an experienced crime fighter, because director Matt Reeves wanted to explore the character before he becomes "fully formed".
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5 Times Batman Was A Good Father

How much older is Bruce Wayne than Robin?

What's the source? Bruce Wayne was 25 when he became Batman, making him 30, and Dick Grayson was 16 when he was Robin, making him 21.
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Why were Bruce Wayne's parents killed?

In Andrew Vachss' novel Batman: The Ultimate Evil, Chill (who is never seen) is revealed to have killed Bruce Wayne's parents on the orders of an international ring of pedophiles. They wanted to silence Bruce's mother Martha, who was investigating their network of sexual slavery and child pornography.
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How old is Thomas Wayne?

In the revised Earth-Two alternate universe of "The New 52", Thomas Wayne is revealed to be the second version of Batman, having succeeded his son as the incumbent through use of the Miraclo pill of Hourman which enhances his strength and agility. He states that he is 65 years old.
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How old was Bruce when he took in Robin?

at 30, Batman finds 9-year old Dick Grayson after his parents die in the circus and takes him in. Dick becomes Robin at 12 while Batman is 32.
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Is Bruce Wayne older than Superman?

RELATED: Non-DCU Projects Like Joker and The Batman Will Have Clearer Labels In The FutureDuring the DC slate presentation, Gunn expressed that Batman will be “a couple [of] years older than Superman,” stating that this is “a world where superheroes exist and have existed.” While reports suggested a specific age for ...
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What did Batman do after his parents died?

Following his parents' deaths, Bruce attempted to commit suicide with a razor blade. However, just before he went through with it, he realized that this wasn't what his parents would want, and it was at that moment Bruce vowed to spend the rest of his life warring on crime.
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How old is Bruce Wayne in the Batman 2004?

How old is Batman in this? The series The Batman begins in Batman's third year. In the graphic novel BATMAN: YEAR ONE, by Frank Miller & David Mazzucchelli, Bruce Wayne is 26 years old when he debuts as Batman. If this timeline holds for The Batman then Bruce is 28 or 29 at the beginning of the series.
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Does Batman ever find out who killed his parents?

In that issue, Batman discovers that Joe Chill, the small-time crime boss he is investigating, is none other than the man who killed his parents. Batman confronts him and reveals his secret identity. The frightened Chill flees, seeks out his cohorts, explains the encounter, and begs for their protection.
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Will Batman ever get over his parents death?

The death of Bruce Wayne's parents is a driving factor in Batman lore. But he's gotten over it much more often than you'd think. While it may seem like the Caped Crusader is powerless to escape the cowl, Batman has more than once found peace with the murder of his parents...
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Who is Joker's dad?

In Joker, Thomas Wayne (Batman's father) and Penny Fleck (Joker's mother) are key characters. Penny claims that Thomas is actually Arthur's father.
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Is the Joker Bruce Wayne's Brother?

No, Batman and Joker are not related.

Official confirmation will be required before we can consider Todd Phillips' Joker to be the brother of the much younger Bruce Wayne. Until then, they aren't officially related. In other comic updates, check out what Pink Kryptonite does to Superman.
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Is the Joker Thomas Wayne's son?

One of the mysteries in director Todd Phillips' Joker is whether Arthur Fleck really is the son of Thomas Wayne as his mother Penny Fleck claimed. Both Wayne himself and Alfred Pennyworth said it was untrue and that Penny was delusional, hence her eventual stay in Arkham Asylum.
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Why does Batman hate Joker?

That includes the Joker, whose endless cycle of committing crimes, killing innocent people, being captured, and breaking out of Arkham Asylum has caused severe problems in Batman's life and Gotham City.
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Who actually killed Bruce Wayne's parents?

Casualties. The murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne was perpetrated by mugger Joe Chill in Gotham City on the night of April 26, 1981. The incident was the main catalyst of Bruce Wayne becoming the Batman.
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What is the Joker's real name?

Jack Napier, also known as the Joker, is a fictional character introduced in the 1989 superhero film Batman, directed by Tim Burton.
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How old is Robin in 60s Batman?

This version of Robin has been shown to be in his teenage years, as he is 15 in season 1. He is right-handed. He attends Woodrow Roosevelt High School.
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How old is the Joker?

The Joker's age changes depending on the version of the character – for example, in Batman: The Animated Series, he's 44 years old, but in some stories in the comics, he has been portrayed as being in his late 50's, so it's not surprising that the movie went for a younger portrayal.
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How old was Damian when Bruce Wayne was born?

Batman is 24, Damian is 10, so yes, somehow Bruce fathered Damian when he was 14 with a woman he'd never met a good six or seven years before he became Batman.
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