How old was Bella Swan when she had Renesmee?

Just before Bella's 19th birthday, Renesmee is born and Edward turns her to save her life. Bella becomes a vampire at 18 and will always appear to be 18 years old, which leads her to joke with Edward about being a year older than him despite their actual significant age difference.
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How old was Bella when she had Renesmee?

In Breaking Dawn, how old was Bella when she had Renesmee? She was eighteen, two days before her nineteenth birthday.
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How old was Bella Swan when she got married?

At the end of Eclipse, she becomes engaged to Edward Cullen, and they marry in Breaking Dawn, one month prior to her 19th birthday. On their honeymoon, she becomes pregnant, and, due to the peculiar nature of her baby, Bella nearly dies giving birth to their daughter, Renesmee.
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How old was Belle when she got married?

She was 18 when she got married to Edward. When she first met him, it was halfway through her junior year, so she was 17. Then in September, the beginning of her senior year, she turned 18. She was very upset about this since she was now older than Edward, who is forever 17.
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How long was Bella's pregnancy?

Summary. In The Twilight Saga, Bella's pregnancy with Renesmee lasted only 28 days due to her hybrid nature as a half-human, half-vampire, causing rapid growth. Renesmee's accelerated growth during her early years was a result of her dhampir hybrid status, reaching full maturity by around seven years old.
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The Life Of Renesmee Cullen (Twilight)

Did Renesmee bite Bella when she was born?

Twilight fans have pointed out that the sound was that of Bella's spine and/or ribs snapping, though that happened during the birth, while others believe that, while it's possible that Renesmee bit Bella at that moment, there was more of Edward's venom in Bella, so in the end, he was still the one who transformed her.
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Does Jacob marry Renesmee?

Renesmee got married to Jacob and made Lucina her maid of honor. In Have A Purpose, Renesmee reveals that she is pregnant. She gives birth to Evan and Sarah and appointed Lucina as the godmother to her kids.
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What is the age gap in Snow White?

In Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Snow White meets a handsome prince after he overhears her singing in the woods. When she's poisoned by her evil stepmother, the Prince comes along and kisses her to wake her up. Snow White was thought to be 14 in the film, and the Prince was 31.
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How old is Gaston?

Gaston (25-40): Gaston is the story's antagonist - a handsome, muscular, and extremely narcissistic hunter who is relentless in his pursuit of Belle. His self-centeredness is highlighted by his belief that Belle should naturally want to marry him.
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Why did Belle fall in love with the beast?

Indeed, he treats Belle like a queen, "It is I who should knee and take orders from you," said Beast when Belle kneeled in front of him to let her go for a while. In fact, his good heart is what makes Belle fall in love for him and breaks the spell which he has been the victim.
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What is Edward and Bella's age gap?

The age difference between Edward and Bella was always weird. Bella is 17 and Edward is 104. Even though he has been in a 17-year-old body for "a while" as an immortal being, he's still 87 years older than her, and Bella is underage.
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How old was Bella when she stopped aging?

Bella stops aging at 18 (why couldn't they wait for marriage/vampire-dom until she was at least 22, a grown young adult with some education?). Her daughter will reach maturity and stop the aging process at about 17, when older Jacob will probably marry her.
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Why is Bella's blood special?

Edward had a theory that Bella's overwhelmingly appealing blood may be derived from a mixture of her parents'—Renée's being far too sweet and Charlie's being moderate—together, giving her blood a more powerful appeal. The blood of singers is described by Edward as being said vampire's "own personal brand of heroin".
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How long will Renesmee live?

At the end of Breaking Dawn they are given confirmation that Renesmee will live forever and not age past 18. They live happily for a while, Jacob just glad to be a part of Renesmee's life. Renesmee loves Jacob very much growing up, even when she wasn't aware of the imprint.
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How old is Renesmee when she stops aging?

Renesmee, however, will only age for a few years before she's reached the vampire equivalent of maturity, appearing as a young woman seemingly forever. The only other human-vampire child in the franchise is said to look like a teenager and stopped aging at seven years old.
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Does Bella's dad know she's a vampire?

After Bella has become a vampire, Jacob tells him about the underlying supernatural world and Bella's involvement with it, although without informing him directly that she has become a vampire. Despite the shock caused by the change, he learns to cope with it and ultimately remains a part of her new life.
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Why is Gaston so obsessed with Belle?

A Captain in the light cavalry, Gaston is a hero to the village, but he is bored with his peaceful life after returning from the war. Gaston pursues Belle, determined to marry her, as she is the most beautiful girl in the village and thus the only one good enough for him.
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What is the age gap between Belle and the Beast?

This gives us a 19-year gap between Adam and Belle (or Terrance and Susan, anyway), which seems way more reasonable. Seen like that, he has had time to think about his mistakes, to have a somewhat clearer view of life, and to be a really experienced man.
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Does Gaston actually love Belle?

While the Beast is an ugly monster based on his appearance, he is actually innocent and truly cared for Belle, and became a protagonist of his film; Gaston, on the other hand, while being superficially handsome on the outside and praised by the populace, is actually egotistical and male-chauvinistic, and only wanted to ...
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Who is the oldest Disney character?

Pete is the oldest continuing Disney character, having debuted in the cartoon Alice Solves the Puzzle in 1925. He originally bore the appearance of an anthropomorphic bear, but with the advent of Mickey in 1928, he was defined as a cat.
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Who is the oldest Disney princess in order?

They were given an official number in the franchise line-up based on the chronological order in which their films were released, starting with Snow White as the first and original Disney Princess and Cinderella as the second followed by Aurora and so on. No.
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What would happen if Renesmee and Jacob had a baby?

Their child would be 1/4 human, 1/4 vampire and 1/2 werewolf, which would make them a threat to the Volturi. Renesmee is fertile as she is 1/2 human. The only aspect of herself that is a vampire is that she'll never age after she matures and she drinks blood.
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Will Jacob and Renesmee fall in love?

During the third stage, romantic feelings start to develop. Jacob will fall in love with his imprintee Renesmee, acting toward her as he did her mother when Bella was pregnant. By the fourth and final stage, true romantic love is in full swing — which is where much of the criticism comes from.
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Will Jacob stop aging with Renesmee?

When they phase into a wolf for the first time, they stop aging. There are plenty-a-plot-holes here BUT if Jacob maintains a regularly scheduled shape shift, he can essentially stay young forever. This is a good thing because Renesmee will be Jacob's age physically in a mere few years.
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