How old was Cato when he died Hunger Games?

Trivia. Cato survived 18 days in the novel and 9 days in the film. According to the film, Cato is 18 years old, but according to the tribute guide, he is 16 years old. In the film, Cato is 6'2" and weighs 185 pounds.
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How old was Cato in The Hunger Games?

Alexander Ludwig (19) As Cato (18)

Cato was Katniss and Peeta's strongest opponent in The Hunger Games, and the Career was 18 years old in the film, so it was his last year to participate in the Games. Meanwhile, Cato's portrayer, Alexander Ludwig, was only one year older than the character in real life.
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What did Cato say before he died?

Cato says, paraphrased, "Kill me, I'm dead anyway, no matter what happens. Thats all I'm good for, right?".
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Who killed Cato in The Hunger Games?

The animals gnaw on Cato through the night; Katniss shoots him with an arrow the next day to end his, and their, suffering. Katniss and Peeta believe the Games are over, but then Claudius Templesmith's voice announces that the new rule that was previously established about two tributes winning has been revoked.
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Whose neck did Cato snap?

Cato is livid. He kills the boy from District 3 by snapping his neck and, at nightfall, the Careers head back into the woods to hunt. The next morning, Katniss has regained some of the hearing in her right ear, but believes the left one is damaged beyond repair.
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The Hunger Games (2012) Death of Cato

Who was Cato in love with?

While popular ships like Katniss/Peeta and Katniss/Gale generally come to mind first when discussing romantic pairings in the world of Panem, the combinations of couples that fans have shipped are many. One of those ships, in particular, is Cato and Clove (also known by the portmanteau "Clato").
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How did Katniss go deaf?

Therefore, when Katniss is made deaf by the Careers' explosion, her game is seriously affected. Without hearing in one ear, her natural skill as a hunter is lessened, making her and Peeta vulnerable. Katniss' deafness is healed by the Capitol after the 74th Hunger Games in Suzanne Collins' book.
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What finally kills Cato?

Morning finally comes and Katniss is able to see Cato below. Out of pity, she uses her last arrow to end Cato's life.
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What was Cato dying of?

With Peeta's help, she leans down into the mouth of the Cornucopia and finds a savagely bloodied Cato lying at the back. He mouths the word "please," and out of pity, not vengeance, she shoots the arrow into his head, killing him instantly.
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Why did Cato cut Peeta?

Angered at Peeta's betrayal, Cato engages the other tribute in a fight, in which Cato wins, with Peeta escaping only with a severe leg wound.
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Why did Cato say he's dead anyways?

He acknowledges that he is already a "dead man walking" and questions his worth and purpose in the face of imminent defeat. The content of Cato's speech aims to evoke sympathy and understanding for his character. It humanizes him by revealing his vulnerability and the internal struggles he faces.
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Which Cato killed himself?

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Why does Snow hate Katniss?

Snow can't stand to see a young woman betray a young man's affection—his view of what happened 65 years ago. And so he takes out his old, festering wound on Katniss.
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How old was Prim when she died?

She was only 13 years old when she was killed in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, and her youth only makes the tragedy that much harder for Katniss to bear after everything else she had suffered. Prim's death is a truly heartbreaking moment.
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Was Glimmer in love with Cato?

In the film, Glimmer acts flirtatiously toward Cato. They talk and joke around the fire, she sleeps beside him that night, and even snuggles into his arm. However, the relationship is largely one-sided, and Cato leaves her to die to the tracker jackers.
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How old was Haymitch when he was reaped?

When he was 16, Haymitch was reaped for the Second Quarter Quell, wherein four, instead of the normal amount of two tributes from each district participated. He became an ally to a girl named Maysilee Donner, the original owner of Katniss' symbolic mockingjay pin, but was later forced to watch her die.
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What did the mutts do to Cato?

Eventually, despite his great strength and skill, he is disabled, and the mutts brutally attack him for what seems like hours, as he is too exhausted to defend himself. When dawn comes, Katniss can't take Cato's moans of pain and despair any longer and decides to use her last arrow to end his suffering.
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Why was Cato obsessed with Katniss?

He is also very impulsive, climbing a tree to chase Katniss, not taking into account his enormous weight. Cato is very vengeful, swearing revenge on Thresh for killing Clove, and becoming obsessed with killing Katniss for outshining them in the private training scores.
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Who almost killed Katniss?

Clove envied Katniss' high training score (an 11 vs. her 10) and hated her for it, more so than her fellow Careers did. In fact, Clove had purposely targeted and almost killed Katniss twice, while the other tributes, including the other Careers, couldn't at all.
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Who has the most kills in Hunger Games history?

Brutus was the male Career tribute from District 2 for the 75th Hunger Games, and the victor of the 43rd Hunger Games. He went down in history as the tribute to get the most kills in one edition of the Games, killing eleven of his competitors.
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How does Peeta lose his leg?

He was bitten by a mutt, Katniss stopped the bleeding by using a tourniquet. After he and Katniss forced the Gamemakers to accept them both, as the Victors. He was treated by Captiol doctors, and his leg was amputated. In Catching Fire when they both go back to the arena, he does have a artificial leg.
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What does Cato say at the end of the movie?

Change: Mournful Cato

'' The film grants Cato a little bit more emotion. Realizing that he's about to die, the District 2 tribute says, ''I've always been dead, haven't I? I didn't realize it until now. ''
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What disability did Peeta have?

2. Also, when Peeta's leg is amputated and he has a prosthetic leg for the rest of the series, which is important when he goes back into the Games in Catching Fire.
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What illness does Katniss have?

Her mother's depression increases Katniss' genetic risk for PTSD, given common genetic risks for both disorders. All this is set against a backdrop of an oppressive government. Katniss is constantly looking over her shoulder in fear that her illicit hunting activities will get her and her family executed.
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Why didn't they clap for Katniss?

The people of the districts must mask their dissent, as well. By maintaining silence when Effie Trinket asks them to applaud and by saluting Katniss, they are doing all that they safely can to protest the Capitol's dictatorship.
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