How popular is Star Trek?

Star Trek and its spin-offs have proven highly popular in syndication and was broadcast worldwide. The show's cultural impact goes far beyond its longevity and profitability. Star Trek conventions have become popular among its fans, who call themselves "trekkie" or "trekkers".
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Is Star Trek more popular than Star Wars?

Despite the similar number of films, the profit made by the Star Wars film series exceeds the profit of the Star Trek film series by six times, while the entire Star Wars franchise surpasses Star Trek by four times.
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Is Star Trek gaining popularity?

However, 2.7% of all shows in this market have the same level of demand. But the demand for Star Trek: Picard also increased by 8.4% on a rolling 30-day average basis, meaning that more people watch the show month-over-month.
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Why is Star Trek so famous?

Some fans were drawn to a franchise that stood out for being unusually hopeful about the future, compared with most other works of science fiction. Rolling Stone credited its appeal to "sunny assurances": "Optimism. Respect for diversity.
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How big is the Star Trek fan base?

Some Trekkies regularly attend Star Trek conventions (called "cons"). In 2003, STARFLEET International was the world's largest Star Trek fan club; as of January 1, 2020, it claimed to have 5,500+ members in 240+ chapters around the world.
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Star Trek: Why Were The Next Generation Movies Such A Mixed Bag?

What do they call Star Trek fans?

As a collective, trekkies/trekkers are known as "Star Trek fandom", in parlance, especially among themselves, often contracted to "Trekdom".
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What percentage of Star Trek fans are female?

For starters, 57% of the fans were female! Here's some other findings: The respondents were mostly single, over 40, and well-educated. 43% referred to themselves as "Trekkies."
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Is Star Trek popular outside the US?

Star Trek and its spin-offs have proven highly popular in syndication and was broadcast worldwide.
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Why is Picard more popular than Kirk?

Fans of Star Trek: The Original Series prize Kirk for his rough and tumble attitude, and the cheesy, over-the-top style of his acting that matches the show around him. On the other hand, fans of TNG prefer Picard for his sophistication, his commanding demeanor, and the classically trained actor that portrays him.
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Did Netflix dump Star Trek?

Three Star Trek Series Leaving Netflix | Fandom. I read an article on Daily Star Trek News that stated that Star Trek- The Orginal Series, Star Trek- Voyager and Star Trek- Enterprise are leaving Netflix at the end of September.
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Is Spock more popular than Kirk?

William Shatner's Captain Kirk was supposed to be the breakout star. Yet while Trekkies loved everyone on the bridge, their greater affection for Spock has made him the most beloved character in the entire decades-old franchise.
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Why did they cancel Star Trek?

The cancelation machine NBC's biggest concerns were ratings, but it was also concerned with demographics. Star Trek actually performed well with what would now be considered key demographics; however, these were not considered quality demographics of the era, resulting in less faith in the network.
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How long would it take to watch every Star Trek?

Every series and movie combined totals 837.5 hours, meaning it will take 34.9 days to watch them all uninterrupted. Obviously, watching them all consecutively is impossible, but realistically, watching everything in the Star Trek franchise could take less than half a year.
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What state has the most Star Trek fans?

Where is Star Trek most popular? It's an interesting question and one that the folks over at the Movoto recently attempted to answer. In the United States, it appears that Oregon has the highest percentage of Star Trek fans.
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Did Disney buy Star Trek?

Star Trek is owned by Paramount and CBS, not Disney. However, this isn't anything new for Disney. In fact, Disney is doing a Friends reboot, Sharknado 7, and a Purge movie at Disney World.
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Was George Lucas inspired by Star Trek?

George Lucas claims he became a fan of Star Trek when the original series broadcast in the late 1960s which played an influence on the development of Star Wars in 1977. Lucas claimed he also visited Star Trek conventions.
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Why did George Takei fall out with William Shatner?

In his 2011 memoir “Shatner Rules,” he said that their discord was a result of Takei's unwillingness to play second fiddle on the show. Takei had other names for him, calling Shatner “a guinea pig” after the 90-year-old's October flight aboard Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin space capsule.
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Who turned down Picard?

But as Beltran explained on Twitter, he declined to return. “I was offered an episode (first 2 then1) in Picard, but I simply did not like what they had written for Chakotay so I turned them down,” wrote Beltran.
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Why Janeway is better than Picard?

Admiral Picard felt similarly restricted, as demonstrated by his resignation, a backfired attempted bluff to maneuver Starfleet's official position. In contrast to these similar roles, Janeway's lengthy record as an admiral decisively surpasses Kirk's and Picard's.
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What is more popular, Doctor Who or Star Trek?

Star Trek. Star Trek and Doctor Who are the most enduring, universally popular science fiction shows ever made. Trek dominates the American market (we Yanks have no respect for any foreign entertainment, believe me), but on the worldwide stage Doctor Who has won over 100 million fans in 80 countries.
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Was Star Trek popular in Russia?

Past Star Trek films have been mainly distributed on TV and home video. And while the 2009 Star Trek movie was the #1 film in Russia for its opening weekend, it finished its run with just $4.1 million in total, ranking it 49th for the year.
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Is Star Trek popular in China?

The films have collectively grossed $2.26 billion worldwide – the last three alone earned 860 million yuan in China, according to Paramount.
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What actor has the most Star Trek appearances?

Star Trek actors appearing in most episodes (Top 25)
  1. Michael Dorn. Actor. Director. Writer Star Trek: First Contact (1996) ...
  2. Colm Meaney. Actor. Producer. ...
  3. Majel Barrett. Actress. Producer. ...
  4. Patrick Stewart. Actor. Producer. ...
  5. Brent Spiner. Actor. Director. ...
  6. Jonathan Frakes. Actor. Director. ...
  7. Tim Russ. Actor. Director. ...
  8. Avery Brooks. Actor. Director.
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Why are females called Sir in Star Trek?

Considering the many variant species found within Star Wars and other science-fiction narratives, "sir" might be the simplest gender-neutral and species-neutral term within the universe's base language.
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Who played the most roles in Star Trek?

With 11 appearances, Vaughn Armstrong easily (and not unexpectedly) tops the list of the actors with the most different Trek parts.
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