How powerful is Q from Star Trek?

He is an extra-dimensional being of unknown origin who possesses immeasurable power over time, space, the laws of physics, and reality itself, being capable of altering it to his whim.
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Is anything more powerful than Q?

While their cosmic powers have always been depicted as immeasurable in human terms, much like the Q, Star Trek #12 may in fact reveal that the Bajoran Prophets are more powerful than the Q. Although the Q and the Prophets never met onscreen, they have encountered each other in the comics.
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Is Q the most powerful being?

Q is, without a doubt, one of the most powerful entities in the Star Trek universe (although his membership in the so-called Q Continuum implies that there are others like him). He is, as he so often will remind you, omnipotent.
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Can Q defeat the Borg?

The Borg, while still a powerful threat, are nothing compared to this type of power. The Q are not only able to defeat their entire race without breaking a sweat, but can also eradicate any trace of their existence altogether.
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Is Q in Star Trek a god?

As the god war rages across the galaxy, Q, Star Trek's omnipotent trickster god, arrives for one last prank on humanity–namely Captain Benjamin Sisko and the crew of the USS Theseus.
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Q Anatomy Explored - Who Created Q? What's Their Purpose? How Did They Attain God-Like Powers?

Why is Q afraid of Guinan?

Q seemed frightened of Guinan, telling Picard that she is "not what she appears to be," and that Picard should remove her from the Enterprise. Considering Q's abilities, it's unclear why he would be afraid of Guinan, and Star Trek has never offered a real explanation for Q's reaction.
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Do the Borg know about Q?

And since the Borg did not know about Q, for them, it might have appeared as an untamed tease, baiting them into the alpha quadrant.
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Could Borg assimilate Q?

Could "Q" or a "Founder" be assimilated by the Borg? Yeah, maybe. There seem to be some species like species 8472 though, that are just incompatible with assimilation, but for the most part they can usually find a way to assimilate many species.
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Did Q create the Borg?

At that time, writer and de facto showrunner Maurice Hurley intended for the Borg to be introduced much earlier, and possibly as an insect race. Hurley was also the writer of "Q Who?" and the person who, basically, created the Borg.
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Why are the Q so powerful?

He is an extra-dimensional being of unknown origin who possesses immeasurable power over time, space, the laws of physics, and reality itself, being capable of altering it to his whim.
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Who is stronger than Borg?

The Borg quickly realize that Species 8472 is immune to assimilation and that contemporary Borg technology is no match for it. In fact, 8472 is one of the few species so advanced that its ships are able to destroy Borg cubes in seconds.
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Who is the strongest race in Star Trek?

Klingon military strength combined with their traditional values have made them a worthy opponent in the Star Trek universe.
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What is the most feared species in Star Trek?

The Borg Queen

Though the Borg were eventually humanized, so to speak, by the end of Star Trek: The Next Generation and certainly on Voyager, for a long time they served as TNG's most fearsome enemy.
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How old are the Q in Star Trek?

The existence of the Q dated back no less than four billion years. They evolved over "countless centuries" into their current form and considered themselves to be the ultimate form of life, existing in a state of "ultimate purity".
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What race is Q in Star Trek?

Star Trek uses the name "Q" for the names of all the individuals from the Q species. All male and female Q characters refer to each other as "Q." They also call their whole race "Q" and call their home "the Q Continuum" – an alternate dimension accessible to only the Q and people they choose to bring there.
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Why is Q obsessed with Picard?

Q, on the other hand, takes an intensely disdainful attitude towards beings he views as “inferior.” Picard was correct that respect is earned and Q has done nothing worthy of earning it. This concept, foreign to Q, explains his obsession with Jean-Luc Picard.
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Did Q have a crush on Picard?

Star Trek: The Next Generation writer Ronald D. Moore says that John de Lancie's Q was "in love with" Captain Jean-Lic Picard (Patrick Stewart), and that's one of the reasons why their relationship worked so well.
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What killed Q in Star Trek: Picard?

The in-universe explanation for Q's death is shrouded in mystery, but there are a few interesting fan theories that go some way to explaining it. Q himself states that even he does not know why his power is fading, and he is dying, unaware of what might come next.
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Are the Borg aware of the Q continuum?

The Borg do not act like they have any awareness of the Q. Even if they did, it would not matter to them because the Q is not matter!
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Who created the Borg?

The origin of the Borg is never made clear, though they are portrayed as having existed for hundreds of thousands of years (as attested by Guinan and the Borg Queen).
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Can the Borg assimilate the Ferengi?

Reputation aside, there is little in the Ferengi for the Borg to wish to assimilate. Physiologically, they are fragile creatures and do not have traits that the Borg are interested in. Aside from a passing interest in their auditory capabilities, it's doubtful the Borg would assimilate the Ferengi.
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Was Q ever in DS9?

Q only made one visit to DS9, and it was early on in Season 1. The moment that we love so much may be the reason why he never went back. Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) is not Jean-Luc Picard.
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Did Q save the Federation?

Summary. Q's warning about the Borg in Star Trek TNG saved the United Federation of Planets from certain destruction. The Borg's encounter with the Enterprise-D led to Earth's vulnerability being exposed, prompting Starfleet to better prepare.
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Why does Q say "don't provoke the Borg"?

The "Don't provoke the Borg" line is from a weary father to a pain in the butt son. It could be that Q got disciplined for introducing humanity to the Borg and so is trying to spare his idiot son the same punishment. The "Don't provoke the Borg" line is from a weary father to a pain in the butt son.
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