How strong is Rapunzel's hair?

Conservatively, let us assume that Rapunzel has an even 100,000 composing her ponytail for Flynn Rider to climb, with each hair having a diameter of 60 μm and a strength on the order of 200 MPa. This results in a breaking load of over 10,000 lbs.
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Is Rapunzel's hair unbreakable?

In the TV series, Rapunzel's magic hair grows back to the length and color it was in the film. It grows back when Rapunzel and her handmaid, Cassandra, discover some mystical rocks with magical properties during a secret adventure. In the series, her new hair is revealed to be indestructible and cannot be cut.
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What power does Rapunzel's hair have?

Rapunzel's hair is what makes her special, glowing bright gold when she sings a special song known as "Healing Incantation". It is known to have the ability to heal the sick and wounded as well as restore life to those who have just died or fallen unconcious. Rapunzel's hair is bright gold, and about seventy feet long.
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What happens if a piece of Rapunzel's hair is cut off?

Rapunzel says that if her magical hair happened to be cut off it would lose all its magic, turn brown and never grow again.
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How fast does Rapunzel's hair grow?

The average human hair grows about 15 cm (or 6 inches) per year. At that rate, if Rapunzel were trapped in a tower 10 meters (32.8 feet) tall (about as tall as a four-story building), it would take 66.6 years for her hair to grow long enough to reach the base.
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Film Theory: Tangled - Rapunzel's Hair is KILLING Itself!

Why does Rapunzel tear heal Flynn?

Her tears heal him. They contain the magical healing powers, not just her hair. Now the implications of this are pretty vast. Basically what it means is that the healing powers of the flower were contained not just in Rapunzel's hair but also in her... "fluids".
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Why was Rapunzel's hair so hard to animate?

The bible set rules, like how Rapunzel's hair could never fall in anything resembling a straight line. It had to have volume; rhythmic curves, twists, and turns; and a signature swoop in the front. But that shampoo-commercial hair wouldn't be so easy to replicate in 3D.
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What is Rapunzel's weakness?

Weaknesses: Can sometimes be clumsy and naive.
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How hard was it to animate Rapunzel's hair?

A single scene could take weeks for the computer to simulate, and when it was finished, Rapunzel's hair might drag behind her like a long tail that the filmmakers called 'the racetrack,' clump into a mass or wrap around her face like Cousin Itt.
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How long is Rapunzel's hair in real life?

Perkova stands at 5-foot-3 while her hair length measures to be 5-foot-6. She said it takes 30 minutes to blow dry.
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What does Rapunzel's hair symbolize?

What does Rapunzel's hair symbolize? Her hair symbolizes desire. This desire is prevalent in her birth mother, Dame Gothel, and even the prince who initially uses the hair to climb up her tower.
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Who is Rapunzel's child?

The Mattel cartoon Ever After High (2013–2017), features Rapunzel's has two daughters: Holly O'Hair and Poppy O'Hair. Tangled: The Series (2017–2020) is a 2D animated TV show based on Disney Animation's computer animated musical feature film Tangled.
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Is it possible to have 70 feet hair?

We measured and weighed the hair of several team members, and based on averages and ratios we determined that Rapunzel's hair would weigh 20 pounds. Since we couldn't get 70-foot-long strands of human hair, we had to use a material that has a similar strength-to-weight ratio as human hair: aluminum.
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How much force can human hair take?

A single human hair can take a force of 200 megapascals. This is its tensile strength — how much load it can take before breaking. Pressure is measured in pascals. A pascal is the amount of mass something can take per square meter of material.
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Is Rapunzel 10 feet tall?

Appearance. Rapunzel is 18 years old during the film. She's shown as petite at a height of 5'1". She has fair skin with a light tint of blush to it and is mostly known for her golden blonde long hair which in length is around 70 feet, though her hair is naturally brown, like her parents'.
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What is Rapunzel's worst fear?

Rapunzel, who's been hiding her fear, finally admits that her fear is Cassandra coming and destroying Corona, although her greatest fear is losing Cassandra as a friend forever.
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Is Rapunzel a villain or a hero?

This retelling makes Rapunzel a hero and arguably the most heroic of all the Disney princesses. She overcomes the odds of her traumatic upbringing, stands up for herself, remains compassionate for those around her, and saves the day for herself and others.
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What is Rapunzel's favorite animal?

Introduced as the pet and best friend of Rapunzel, Pascal is a chameleon who lives with Rapunzel in Mother Gothel's secluded tower.
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What age does Rapunzel turn?

When he meets the likable Disney princess Rapunzel in her tower, she's 17 years old with her 18th birthday right around the corner. At first, Flynn only joins forces with her to get her to the floating lanterns before her 18th birthday so she won't turn him in for his crimes.
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Why did Disney change Rapunzel to Tangled?

In order to market the new film to both sexes and additional age groups, Disney changed the title from Rapunzel to Tangled while also emphasizing Flynn Rider, the film's prominent male character, showing that his story is just as important as that of Rapunzel.
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Why does Rapunzel's hair stop growing?

But logically, I explain it like this: Rapunzel's hair is the Sundrop flower. What happens if you cut the petal on a flower? The petal shrivels and dies, but doesn't affect the rest of the flower. It definitely stops growing, though.
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Does Rapunzel get pregnant?

She asked her lover to bring her linen threads, so she could do a rope out of them and use it to escape. Rapunzel got pregnant, and Gothel noticed this. Either that, or Rapunzel once incautiously exclaimed that the witch was much heavier, thus longer to lift, than her prince.
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Did Mother Gothel care about Rapunzel?

Now, it's possible that Gothel feels some fondness for Rapunzel. But based on her actions, she clearly does not love Rapunzel at all. Rapunzel is someone who ultimately must be put up with in order maintain what Gothel really loves more than anything: herself.
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What condition does Rapunzel have?

Rapunzel syndrome is an extremely rare condition associated with trichophagia (hair eating disorder) secondary to a psychiatric illness called trichotillomania (hair-pulling behaviour). It is most commonly seen in children and adolescents.
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