How tall is Loki?

His weapons of choice are throwing knives. Loki is portrayed by Tom Hiddleston in the MCU with a height of 6'2” (1.88 m). The comic book height of Loki is 6'4” (1.93 m). Loki is a fictional prince of Asgard and god of mischief in Thor, The Avengers, and the extended Marvel franchise.
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Is Loki taller than Thor?

In Marvel Comics, Loki stands 6 feet and 4 inches, according to The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe. The handbook also lists his adopted brother, Thor, at just a hair taller – 6' 6”.
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Why does Loki weigh so much?

Why does Loki weigh 525 pounds? It's possible, therefore, that Loki's weight is simply something that does not change with the rest of him, and is a hint at his long-forgotten true form. Loki weighs 525lbs, quite simply, because he's a giant.
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How old was Loki in human years?

Thor and Loki's ages relative to human years were worked out with Thor 23 years old and Loki just 16 years old!
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Is Loki gender Fluid?

In both the comics and Norse mythology, Loki had been portrayed as gender-fluid. In Norse mythology, Loki was first recognized as a “shapeshifter” when Loki lived as a handmaiden for eight years. Loki's first mention as being gender-fluid in the Marvel comics was when he stole the female form of Sif.
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Is Marvel Loki LGBT?

Loki made his debut in the MCU way back in 2011 and has been a mainstay in the universe for a decade, and yet fans are only finding out now that he is bisexual. Loki is not the first queer character in the MCU and he won't be the last. Marvel has plans to introduce a gay superhero in a film this year.
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Is Loki a God or a giant?

Loki is trickster god causes lots mischief in Norse mythology. He is one of the most well-known gods of Norse mythology. He is at least half-giant; but some report him as being a full-grown giant. Loki's father was Fárbauti and his mother was Laufey.
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Who is the oldest avenger?

While Steve Rogers gets the title of the oldest human avenger, Thor Odinson, as the mighty Asgardian God of Thunder, has a much longer life span than any of his Earth-born friends.
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Can Loki be killed?

So far, that was the only film in the trilogy where Loki didn't "die." His final, final death came at the hands of Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War. Loki's parting words to Thor were, "the sun will shine upon us again." And it has, but in separate universes!
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Who married Loki?

Loki is married to Sigyn and they have two sons, Narfi or Nari and Váli. By the jötunn Angrboða, Loki is the father of Hel, the wolf Fenrir, and the world serpent Jörmungandr. In the form of a mare, Loki was impregnated by the stallion Svaðilfari and gave birth to the eight-legged horse Sleipnir.
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What is Loki's weakness?

The character Loki was first introduced in Timely Comics - which later became Marvel - in 1949 in Venus #6. Loki's greatest weakness is water and his spells do not work in water.
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Why does Loki laugh at his death?

But by sacrificing himself to help Loki and Lady Loki, Classic Loki proves himself wrong. He's not selfish like the other Loki variants. He does have a glorious purpose, and it's giving up his life to help others. He laughs because of the absurdity of it all.
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Why can Loki lift the hammer?

In AVENGERS & X-MEN: AXIS (2014) #9, Loki found himself in the unfamiliar role as the hero when he confronted the inverted “evil” Thor on the moon. This version of Loki was so pure of heart that he was able to pick up Mjolnir and transform into a version of Thor.
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Who is the tallest Avenger?

He might not tower over the other Avengers as it might seem in the movies, but aside from Hulk, Thor is actually the tallest of the group.
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How tall is adult Groot?

Groot is portrayed in the MCU with a typical height of 7'10” (2.39 m) with the ability to grow at will. The variable comic book height of Groot is 23' (7 m). Groot is a fictional alien tree with the intelligence of a human in Guardians of the Galaxy and the extended Marvel franchise.
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How tall is Odin?

Odin is portrayed by Anthony Hopkins in the MCU with a height of 5'8” (1.73 m). The comic book height of Odin is 6'9” (2.06 m). Odin Borson is a fictional warrior, father of Thor and Loki and King of Asgard in the Thor movies and the extended Marvel franchise.
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Why is Loki not blue?

Citing the Marvel Visual Dictionary, this theory explains that Odin used magic to make Loki seem Asgardian. However, Odin must have used stronger magic than a simple illusion. Otherwise, Loki would have turned blue in Loki when he entered the Time Variance Authority (TVA) Office, where magic and powers did not work.
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Is Loki is immortal?

Immortality: As with his fellow Jötunn, Loki can live forever.
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Could Loki have survived?

At the end of Thor, he apparently took his own life — but Loki survived death by plunging into one of the many portals he knew could be found in Yggdrasil.
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How tall is the Hulk?

As Bruce Banner, the character is about 5 ft 9 in (1.75 m) tall and weighs 128 lbs (58.05 kg), but when transformed into the Hulk, the character stands between 7 and 8 ft (2.13 - 2.43 m) tall and weighs between 1,040 and 1,400 lbs (471.73 - 635.02 kg).
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Who is the 1st strongest Avenger?

Thor. Blessed with the powers and long life of a god, Thor was undoubtedly the most powerful member of the initial version of the Avengers. Not only can he fly and transport between worlds, but he was also the only one capable of taking down Thanos, even after he had assembled all six Infinity Stones.
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Who is youngest avenger?

By the time it happened, Vision was only 3 years old. Even though he didn't look and behave that way. That makes Vision the youngest Avenger.
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Did Odin love Loki?

After all Loki has done, Odin still loves him. Odin still calls him 'son. ' Odin still sees only his child. It was, perhaps, in that moment that Loki accepts his father's love, becoming free to be his real self for the first time.
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Who is Loki's brother?

Loki is considered to be the son of the Jotunns Farbauti and Laufey, and the brother of Helblindi and Byleistr, also Jotunns. The exact fates of Loki's biological family are left unclear, and his eventual relationship with Odin and the rest of the Aesir is equally mysterious.
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