How unrealistic is 47 Meters Down?

The behavior of the sharks was also pointed out to be incorrect, considering the species doesn't usually have interest in humans. They may attack, but it's usually a case of mistaken identity, and they certainly wouldn't stalk humans for long periods of times as seen in 47 Meters Down and other shark movies.
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How true is 47 Meters Down?

Roberts has confirmed his story was entirely made up, though it may have been inspired by some shark attacks that have occurred in Mexico. However, the story and characters were not real. 47 Meters Down: Uncaged seems to be more Jaws-inspired and less Soul Surfer.
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Can a human go 47 meters underwater?

According to the US Navy dive decompression tables a diver may spend up to five minutes at 160' (47 meters) without needing to decompress during their ascent. The longer a diver stays underwater the greater their exposure to “the bends” becomes.
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Why is 47 Meters Down so scary?

The film focuses on a group of teenage girls that get trapped in an underwater Mayan ruin with a shark. The sense of peril is constant throughout, and most of the movie has a very claustrophobic feel. The girls often scream and cry in fear. The water is very murky and dark, which leads to many jump scares.
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How deep is 154 feet in the ocean?

47 meters is equivalent to 154 feet 3 1/2 inches . The average depth of ALL the oceans world wide is 3688 meters so the 47 meters is 1.27% of the average depth of all the oceans ! It's 47 meters deep.
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Everything Wrong With 47 Meters Down In 12 Minutes Or Less

How deep is 47 meters in water?

Thus one hour is highly exaggerated. US Navy dive tables establish the no decompression limit ("bottom time") for 47 meters (>150 ft) to 5 minutes (not including descent or ascent time). A diver has 20 minutes of bottom time at 100 feet using air (21% oxygen).
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At what depth would a human be crushed?

While there's no precise depth at which a human would be 'crushed', diving beyond certain limits (around 60 meters) without proper equipment and gas mixes can lead to serious health issues due to the pressure effects on the body, including nitrogen narcosis and oxygen toxicity.
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Was 47 Meters Down all a hallucination?

Lisa is attacked again and when the men finally manage to pull the sisters onto the boat, they see that she has lost half of her leg. It is then revealed that Lisa has been hallucinating due to nitrogen narcosis and that she is still at the bottom of the ocean with her leg pinned under the cage, with Kate gone.
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Is 47 Meters Down ok for kids?

The MPAA rating has been assigned for “creature related violence and terror, some bloody images and brief rude gestures.” The evaluation includes many scenes with teen girls wearing revealing swimsuits, many scenes of shark attacks leading to death and injuries with blood and injuries shown in the ...
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Was 47 Meters Down all a dream?

The ending of 47 Meters Down features a dark twist where the main character's escape turns out to be a hallucination. Director Johannes Roberts considered a bleaker ending but ultimately decided to include some hope in the film.
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Are there blind sharks in caves?

The Blind Shark lives in shallow coastal waters. Juveniles are often seen in high-energy surge zones, whereas adults are usually seen during the day in caves and under ledges.
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What's the lowest a human can dive?

That means that most people can dive up to a maximum of 60 feet safely. For most swimmers, a depth of 20 feet (6.09 meters) is the most they will free dive. Experienced divers can safely dive to a depth of 40 feet (12.19 meters) when exploring underwater reefs.
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Why can't divers swim straight up?

Often called "the bends," decompression sickness happens when a scuba diver ascends too quickly. Divers breathe compressed air that contains nitrogen. At higher pressure under water, the nitrogen gas goes into the body's tissues.
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Is 47 Meters Down scary?

47 Meters Down doesn't take its terrifying premise quite as far as it should, but its toothy antagonists still offer a few thrills for less demanding genre enthusiasts.
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Is the shark in 47 Meters Down blind?

Naturally, it all goes down in a Mexican cave filled with Mayan ruins. Yes, the killer sharks have adapted to life in darkness (blind, but with enhanced hearing), while retaining those big teeth.
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Can there be sharks in cenotes?

Although we cannot guarantee the sight of bull sharks (after all this is happening in the big pool where we have no control over what's going to swim by), we generally get visited by smaller groups of 3-7 bull sharks on some days and sometimes up to 15 bull sharks on others days.
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Is 47 Meters Down: Uncaged bad?

47 Meters Down: Uncaged Reviews

It doesn't try to introduce compelling characters, the shark sequences fall flat for the most part, and the screenplay is filled with laughable plot points. For an 89-minute runtime, it astounds me how it can't be slightly entertaining, to say the least.
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Is fall like 47 Meters Down?

It was basically an exact copy of 47 meters down except they were in the sky instead of underwater.
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Do both girls live in 47 Meters Down?

Well, there are actually two endings to 47 Meters Down. The first one is a fake-out, as Mandy Moore's character hallucinates that she and her sister have been rescued. The actual ending, as we soon realize, is that Moore's character survives, while her sister doesn't make it out of the water alive.
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Did Alexa survive 47 Meters Down?

Alexa makes it to the other entrance but is attacked by one of the sharks, and Mia is dragged into the current. Alexa escapes the shark by taking off her air tank but eventually drowns.
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Does anyone survive 47 Meters Down: Uncaged?

At the end of 47 Meters Down: Uncaged, Mia and Sasha are the only surviving members of the group of seven who go down to see the underwater ruins.
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What happened to Alexa in 47 Meters Down?

They swim together with Alexa to try and get out of there. They come across a current that pulls Sasha away from Mia and Alexa. The shark finds them again and attacks, but Alexa evades it. However, she is out of oxygen, and she soon drowns.
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What would 6000 psi do to a human?

Air / gasses in the body would compress significantly, if not allowed to exit the body. Your lungs would collapse in an instant, and your chest cavity would collapse on itself, until all air has escaped, and then replaced by water. Your ear eardrums would also rapture in an instant.
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How deep can a human dive without dying?

For adults who are not certified scuba divers and have no training, a depth of no more than 40 feet (12.19 m) is recommended. Adults with the basic open water certificate can increase the depth to 60 feet (18.29 m). Advanced divers with additional training on top can reach depths of 130 feet (39.62 m)
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Will the ocean crush you?

Water cannot be compressed, or squeezed, by pressure like air can. This means that animals in the sea can stay safe when in the depths of the sea, as their body is balanced with the pressure around them, whereas we have air in our bodies that would be crushed.
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