How was Dallas killed in alien?

In a deleted and later restored scene, Ripley finds Dallas cocooned in the lower sections of the ship, turning into a Xenomorph egg. In a state of agony and unable to free himself, he begs Ripley to kill him. Ripley uses the flamethrower to end Dallas misery and escapes to the shuttle.
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What happened to Dallas and Brett in alien?

Alien. , when Ripley discovers Dallas and Brett cocooned in the Nostromo's hold, both at various stages of being "digested" and turned into an Egg. The entire sequence was cut as director Ridley Scott felt it slowed down the final act of the film.
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Were Ripley and Dallas lovers?

It is also said that Ripley had absolutely no clue about Dallas' feelings. This is contradicted in the later novel Alien: River of Pain, in which it is stated that Ripley and Dallas were on-and-off lovers.
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How was Parker killed in alien?

The alien easily swatted him to the side with its spiny tail. It then turned towards Parker and killed him by spearing him with its secondary jaw.
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What did the alien do to Brett?

The build-up to the character's demise is one of the tensest sequences in the movie, with the creature descending on Brett when he's alone searching for missing cat Jones. The Xenomorph grabs the terrified Brett, punching a hole in his head with its tongue before pulling him into the vents. An error occurred.
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Alien: Uncut - Extended Cocoon Sequence

How was Ripley impregnated by the Alien?

Ripley soon learns that during her cryostasis aboard the escape pod, she was attacked by a Face Hugger, and impregnated with a Xenomorph embryo. A scan using the escape pod's barely functioning medical apparatus reveals this baby is none other than an Alien Queen.
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Was Ripley pregnant in Alien?

In Aliens: Colonial Marines (2013)

In this prequel campaign, Ripley is seen being impregnated by a facehugger and also appeared recreating the same final scene of Alien 3.
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What does Parker say before he dies in Alien?

3 "Get Ready To Roll!"

Just like "Get out of the road!" Parker's final Alien dialogue has been translated as "Get ready to roll!" This sounds like an oddly casual line to drop as Parker is literally staring death in the face, so it's safe to discount that reading of Kotto's line too.
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Who betrayed Ripley in aliens?

In Alien, the android Ash betrays Ripley and her crew under orders from the company to bring a live alien specimen back to Earth at all costs.
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How did Jones survive in Alien?

Ripley later found Jones and put him in a carry case. At one point, Ripley was forced to abandon Jones to the Alien, but, while the Xenomorph was notably distracted by the cat, it did not attack it. Jones was later recovered and put in hypersleep aboard the Narcissus after escaping with Ripley.
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Did Ripley and Clemens sleep together?

It's implied that Ripley and Clemens have a sexual relationship. They're seen mostly clothed in bed together while Clemens is redressing himself and adjusting his clothes.
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How did Ripley have a baby?

Upon her reunion with Ripley 8 (now exhibiting Xenomorph traits) the Queen had moved past the egg laying stage and developed a massive womb, Ripley's genetic "gift", according to the maddened Dr. Gediman. The Newborn emerges from the womb, the Queen's first live birth.
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Was Dallas still alive in Alien?

In a deleted and later restored scene, Ripley finds Dallas cocooned in the lower sections of the ship, turning into a Xenomorph egg. In a state of agony and unable to free himself, he begs Ripley to kill him. Ripley uses the flamethrower to end Dallas misery and escapes to the shuttle.
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What happened to Ripley after Alien?

The queen erupted from her chest, but she still had enough strength to hold onto it as they were taken by the lead. Lieutenant Ellen Ripley, the last survivor of the Nostromo's destruction and the mission on LV-426, had died. With Ripley's sacrifice, the Xenomorph species had finally been brought to an end.
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How did they bring Ripley back?

Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley (officially designated as Ripley 8), reprising her role from the previous three Alien films. After having sacrificed herself to kill the Alien queen gestating inside her in Alien 3, Ripley has been cloned using blood samples so that the military may extract the queen embryo.
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Is Ripley infected in Alien 3?

In Alien 3, Ripley gets infected with a Xenomorph embryo by a Facehugger and lands on a prison planet following the unceremonious deaths of Hicks and Newt. The film then played out much like the first one, with a single Xenomorph hunting a group of people trapped in an enclosed space without weapons or resources.
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Why did Ripley sacrifice herself?

Unfortunately Ripley was carrying a Queen Alien embryo inside of her, which the company, Weyland Yutani, wanted to preserve to produce biological weapons. Ripley kills herself to avoid this. Centuries after the death of Ripley, scientists were able to clone her using DNA acquired from the incidents in Alien 3.
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What happened to Ripley's daughter?

11 Dec 2137: Amanda Ripley escapes the dying Sevastapol. She dies of cancere at the age of 66, on 23 Dec 2178.
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Why does Ripley shave her head?

The alien-fighting warrant officer revealed her shaved head in the third instalment of the successful franchise, which had her stranded on a prison spaceship. “I think it brings out the faces and the vulnerability of these actors very much,” she said of her and her fellow cast mate's shorn locks.
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What is the last line of alien?

With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ellen Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off.
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What is the famous scene in alien?

  • 10 The Exploding Head.
  • 9 Alien Vs. Predator.
  • 8 The Headburster.
  • 7 Face Hugger.
  • 6 The Medbay Scene.
  • 5 The Xenomorph Lets Ripley Live.
  • 4 Ash Attacks Ripley.
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Who is alive at the end of aliens?

At the end of the film as it is now, Ripley is the only survivor in the last act, along with the ship's cat, Jones. Ripley sets the Nostromo to blow up and escapes to a smaller shuttle. The Nostromo explodes, and the alien is dead. Movie over — or so it seems.
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Why is the Alien in Alien 3 different?

This Alien is different from the ones in previous installments due to its host being quadrupedal (a dog in the theatrical cut, an ox in the assembly cut). Initially a visual effects supervisor, Woodruff decided to take the role of the creature after his company, Amalgamated Dynamics, was hired by Fox.
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How does Ripley know it's a queen?

Ripley suspects that she has a Chestburster inside and has it confirms it, when 85 gives her an x-ray. Even when Ripley confronts the Xenomorph, it won't kill her because it knows she is carrying a Queen. X-Ray of Ripley showing the Queen Chestburster.
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Why didn t Ripley age in Aliens?

In the Alien movie series, no mention is made of the concept of time dilation, and characters can withstand long voyages through space by entering cryosleep (a form of hibernation) in which the body is placed into a form of suspended animation for prolonged periods and therefore doesn't age for months or even years.
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