How were silent films not truly silent?

Silent films were never silent. From their earliest days as an exhibition attraction, motion pictures were accompanied by some form of music–typically a piano, a musical combo in more modest sized houses, and sometimes an entire orchestra in movie palaces.
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Why were silent films not actually silent?

The technology to capture and record sound on film along with the images was not mastered until the mid-1920s, and it wasn't in common use until later in that decade. That means that for most of the first 35 years of motion pictures, theaters had to provide their own accompaniment with the films.
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Were silent films completely silent?

The term "silent film" is something of a misnomer, as these films were almost always accompanied by live sounds. During the silent era that existed from the mid-1890s to the late 1920s, a pianist, theater organist—or even, in large cities, a small orchestra—would often play music to accompany the films.
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What do historians mean when they say that the silents were never silent?

Someone explained how silent films were accompanied by music by starting with the phrase, “Of course, silent films were never silent …” We've all used those words, or something like them, explaning the basics of silent film to those new to or indifferent towards the medium. It's corny, but it's useful.
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When were films not silent?

The gradual transition from silent films to talkies took place between 1926 and 1930 and included many small steps — both technological developments and adjustments to audience expectations — before it was complete.
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A Beginner's Guide to Silent Cinema

Why did early movies have no sound?

In the early days of film, only moving pictures could be recorded - not the sound that went along with them. This is why all films were silent before the late 1920s.
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When did silent movies add sound?

Vitaphone, as this system was now called, was publicly introduced on August 6, 1926, with the premiere of Don Juan; the first feature-length movie to employ a synchronized sound system of any type throughout, its soundtrack contained a musical score and added sound effects, but no recorded dialogue—in other words, it ...
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What were silent films called?

The term silent film is therefore a retronym — that is, a term created to distinguish something retroactively. That is to say before sound was introduced, (silent) movies were called motion pictures or just films.
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Why is it called the silent era?

Silents are the films of the early era that were without synchronized sound, from the earliest film (around 1891), until 1927, when the first 'talkie', The Jazz Singer (1927) - the first commercially successful sound film, was produced.
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Was the music for silent movies scored or improvised?

The vast majority of films did not have scores composed specifically for them. Rather, they relied on local pianists or small orchestras to improvise music without the supervision of the studios and filmmakers.
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How did they get music in silent films?

During the silent era, films music is provided by each individual theater, either by phonograph or as performed live by flesh-and-blood musicians. In the later case, either a pianist improvises to the film or a small ensemble of musicians performs a classical piece, in the background, as the film plays. But!
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Why did silent films have music?

Setting the Scene: Silent Films and Live Accompaniment

During the silent film era, live music accompanied screenings to provide emotional context and enhance the overall experience. Music played a vital role in setting the mood, narrating the story, and keeping the audience engaged.
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What ended the silent film era?

But it was The Jazz Singer that really spelled the end of an era. Even though the movie was still only part-talkie and was largely silent with intertitles, it showed exhibitors and producers that audiences craved talking and singing and crying and laughing. They wanted sound pictures.
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Why is the term silent film misleading?

The term silent film is somewhat misleading, as silent films were often accompanied by live music, played by anyone from a single musician to a full orchestra.
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Did people talk during silent films?

Yes, they did actually talk, although they didn't really follow the script sometimes. They did it to get into the character better and gain the sense that they're portraying an actual person. The fact that the movie makers were unable to capture sound at the time wasn't actors' problem.
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Were deaf actors often in silent movies?

Representation among actors was not equal even in the heyday of silent films—there were not many Deaf actors—but the celebrated few included Granville Redmond, a painter who appeared in Charlie Chaplin films.
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What silent film stars didn t transition to talkies?

Those who failed to make the transition to sound included Vilma Banky, Mae Murray and Norma Talmadge. Comic legend Charlie Chaplin had yet to talk on film. Roles for Rudolph Valentino's romantic rival John Gilbert dried up, Douglas Fairbanks became disillusioned and audiences avoided director D.W. Griffith's talkies.
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What was the first movie with sound?

On October 6, 1927, Warner Bros. released The Jazz Singer, the first feature-length film to incorporate synchronized sound for sequences of dialogue. Though these sequences were limited and brief, hearing the voices of the film's stars was a revelation for audiences. The following year, Warner Bros.
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Who was the first black person to be in a movie?

The first black actor in the film was Lincoln Perry and the character he portrays is a blubbering fool. The black community did not receive Perry with praise although he was the first Black film star because his roles reflected them so poorly.
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How many silent films still exist?

The American silent era produced about 10,919 films. Just 2,749 of those are still with us in some complete form, either as an original American 35mm version, a foreign release, or as a lower-quality copy.
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How did people enjoy silent films?

People have always appreciated and loved silent films because they were a new and innovative way to tell stories. Silent films were also popular because they were often very funny and entertaining.
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Are there any modern silent films?

'The Artist' is a modern day silent movie that's making a lot of noise in Hollywood playing homage to the early days of filmmaking.
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What is the oldest video with sound?

The Dickson Experimental Sound Film is a film made by William Dickson in late 1894 or early 1895. It is the first known film with live-recorded sound and appears to be the first motion picture made for the Kinetophone, the proto-sound-film system developed by Dickson and Thomas Edison.
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Why do they talk so fast in old movies?

In old films from the 1930's to 1950's, why do the characters seem to talk so fast? Movie makers encouraged diction, more along the lines of British speech which was more clipped, with less drawl. (drawl was allowed in Western movies), but Bette Davis and Katherine Hepburn had very clipped accents.
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Why did people talk like that in old movies?

Many Hollywood accents were based on an old, artificial theatrical accent used on the live stage from the 19th century, entitled “Mid-Atlantic" accent. It was taught in theatrical circles and at elite East Coast boarding schools. As such, it was not a natural accent which anyone had from their upbringing.
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