Is air the best element in Avatar?

Usually, the choice comes down to water, fire or earth. But it shouldn't be. Air is the element that would be the most useful, and the series itself proves that. It may be the most overlooked bending art, but there's just no doubt that airbending would be the best of the four you could choose for yourself.
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What is the best element in Avatar?

Waterbending is the most versatile and skilled. benders like Hama showed. they can just pull water out of the air. Guitar was bending her sweat.
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Is air the strongest element?

The Element

Air is one of the four classical elements along with water, fire, and earth, and is bound to the others through Quintessence. Even though it is considered as the weakest element, Air can be a very powerful element at times.
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What element can beat air?

Air — usually strong against earth, weak to fire and electricity.
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Which element is most powerful?

Every element in the periodic table possesses a unique ability or what we call as power. Here are some of the most amazing powers of different elements: * The Strongest Element- Tungsten - In terms of tensile strength, tungsten is the strongest out of any natural metal (142,000 psi). (Tensile strength ref…
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This is why earthbending is the best element in Avatar

What is the weakest avatar element?

The weakest element in Avatar is fire. In terms of combat, other functionalities, and versatility, firebending falls really quite low. Let's look at combat bending. Firebending is one of the best offences as fire and lightning are incredibly difficult to block.
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Is air or water stronger?

Actually, water pressure is generally stronger than air pressure. Think of it this way... if you had a plastic bottle filled with water and you poked a hole in the side, would water squirt out or would air squirt in? If air squirted in, then the air pressure would have to be higher.
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What are air elements weaknesses?

Air elementals are resistant to non magical weapons (they take half damage), thunder and lightning as well. They are only immune to poison. Even with non magical weapons and thunder and lightning spells, you're still doing half damage. Or simply use other spells, like fire, ice, etc.
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Is air a pure element?

Answer and Explanation:

Air is not a pure substance because it is a homogeneous mixture of different substances. Air is a homogeneous mixture because air is a thoroughly mixed combination of multiple gases. The air predominately consists of nitrogen gas. Oxygen gas comes in second place after nitrogen.
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What element goes with air?

Air signs will naturally gravitate toward one another, but their complementary element is fire. They are the element that stokes the fire's flames, so to speak, therefore bringing fire signs (Sagittarius, Leo, Aries) to their fullest potential. It is not uncommon to see air and fire signs together.
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Who wins, fire or air?

It's not about which element is “stronger,” it's how they interact. Fire burns, but Earth and Water can extinguish Fire, and Fire needs Air to burn. So if you take Air away, no more Fire.
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What is the hardest element to master in Avatar?

Aang's hardest element to learn was Earthbending and he got the hang of it by Sunset. Raw Talent at its finest, Literally.
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What is the strongest bending in Avatar?

Bloodbending. With the right timing, skill, and place, nothing can stand in the way of a bloodbender. And with Yakone, Noatak (Amon), and Tarrlock's unique genetics that allowed them to bloodbend without the full moon, it's a truly formidable bending form.
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What Avatar is the most powerful?

Calling Kyoshi the strongest Avatar is an understatement. Although it took a while for her powers to materialize, there's no doubt that she was anything less than overpowered. Kyoshi also learned how to prevent her body from aging, explaining why she lived to be a whopping two hundred and thirty years old.
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Can the avatar use all 4 elements?

Yes. Multiple avatars have been shown to be able to bend all 4 elements at once. How long would Gordon Freeman survive in Avatar: The Last Airbender?
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Is air a Chinese element?

Air is not one of the traditional five Chinese classical elements.
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Is air an element yes or no?

Air is not an element. It is made up of different gases like hydrogen, carbon dioxide and oxygen mixed together. Hence air is a mixture. The smallest particle of an element is molecule.
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What is air made of?

More than 99% of air is made of three gases: nitrogen, oxygen, and argon. Air contains other gases in very small quantities, including gaseous water, which is called water vapor. Air also contains solids and liquids. Solids in air include pollen, dust, and soot.
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Can air elements marry air elements?

As a rule of thumb, signs of the same element tend to get along because of their similar values and interests. In other words, air signs make good pairs with other air signs. However, the signs that air signs are considered most compatible with are actually the fire signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
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What is the opposite of air element?

The ancient Greeks thought that there were only four 'elements' (types of stuff); earth, water, wind, and fire. Earth was the opposite of air; water was the opposite of fire. We now know there are at least 118 elements.
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Why isn't air an element?

In 1674, the English physician John Mayow established that air is not a single element, it is made up of different substances. He did this by showing that only a part of air is combustible. Most of it is not.
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What does air beat?

Air beats Fire, which also makes sense. Air puts out Fire. Wood beats Water, which makes sense. Trees absorbs Water.
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Which is stronger air or gravity?

Gravity can be strong enough to squeeze the very atoms themselves into an enormously dense neutron star or even a black hole. Under extreme pressures, air ceases to be even "air" but becomes a liquid or solid. Thus gravity wins out in the long run.
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How strong is the air?

When gravity acts on the air, the air exerts a force upon the earth called pressure. The typical pressure at sea level is 1013.25 millibars or 14.7 pounds per square inch.
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