Is Anakin descended from Revan?

A native of the desert world of Tatooine, Anakin Skywalker started out a slave to a Toydarian junk dealer named Watto. However, unknown to everyone but his mother, Shmi, Anakin is the direct descendant of the legendary Jedi Revan.
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Is Anakin Skywalker a descendant of Revan?

Revan is an ancient Jedi who is the ancestor of the Skywalker family.
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Who is Darth Revan's descendant?

Bastila Shan and Revan's descendants would lead to the birth of Satele Shan three centuries later, a prominent figure who rose to become the Grand Master of the Jedi Order. Satele Shan led the Jedi them through many crises, even discovering the lost world of Tython, and in secret rediscovered the planet Ahch-To.
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Does Revan have any descendants?

Bastila later turned to the dark side herself, but Revan redeemed her. The two would play key roles in the final battle of the war, and eventually marry before Revan's disappearance during his quest to stop the True Sith. Thereafter, their son, Vaner Shan, fathered two children, Reesa and Bress.
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Who is Revan Skywalker brother?

Revan Skywalker was a Jedi Knight and twin brother of Cade Skywalker. His father was Kol Skywalker and his mother was Morrigan Corde. He was apprenticed to Jedi Master K'Kruhk. To distinguish himself from his older brother Cade, Revan would dye his hair black.
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Why Revan is the ONLY Perfect Master For Anakin (FULL POTENTIAL) - Star Wars Explained

Is KYLO ren based off of Revan?

Disney used Revan as an inspiration to create Kylo. His armor, inner conflict between Light and Dark and his use of the Force. Snoke considers Kylo to be the ideal embodiment of the Light and Dark sides of the Force, much like Revan, who was a master at both sides of the Force.
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How is Ezra related to Revan?

They were originally led by Darth Maul (who claimed to be the one chosen to seek out Revan's descendant) until he "stepped down" when he took Ezra (who was revealed to be Darth Revan's descendant) as his apprentice and appointed him Mandalore and the offical leader of the Revanchists under the name Keneh Heru (when in ...
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Was Revan a mandalorian?

Revan—renowned as the Revanchist, honored as the Revan, reviled as Revan the Butcher, dreaded as the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan, and praised as the Prodigal Knight—was a Human male who played pivotal roles as both Jedi and Sith in the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War.
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Is Revan canonically female?

As the playable character of the game, Revan's physical characteristics and gender were customizable by the player for gameplay purposes; the 2005 reference book The New Essential Chronology then established Revan's gender as male and canonized the light-side ending.
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Was Revan originally female?

In the novels revan is male. Obviously in the kotor 1 game you can make revan make or female. Now in kotor 1, Atton says that revan was female.
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Who killed Revan?

killed by an Imperial strike team, his dark side, like many Seth before him, refused to let go of life. and he continued as pursuit of the Sith Emperor. he became more dangerous than Vitiate himself.
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What is Darth Revan's real name?

His name is Revan. He was taken from his original parents who we dont know the family name of, by the jedi as a child, thus he has no last name.
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Who turned Revan into a Sith?

However, Revan and Malak eventually found their way to Dromund Kaas and discovered that the Sith Empire indeed still lived. Their attempt to eliminate the Sith Emperor went horribly wrong, with the Emperor dominating their minds and finally turning them to the dark side.
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Is Revan more powerful than Anakin?

Revan triumphs in this contest mostly through statistics. He was the greatest warrior of his time, while Anakin was not. Also, Revan could interfere with cosmic bodies like meteors through his Force powers. Vader never achieved such feats.
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Did any Sith species become Jedi?

Praven was a Sith pureblood male who served the reconstituted Sith Empire as a Sith Lord and later protected the Galactic Republic as a member of the Jedi Order.
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What type of Jedi was Revan?

Some time before 3,963 BBY, Revan, along with Alek, attained the rank of Jedi Knight. The two friends were acknowledged as being among the Order's most promising members, although Revan was always recognized as the leader—the more powerful and intelligent of the pair.
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Was Revan good or evil?

His redemption does obviously play a role in who he is overall, but Darth Revan, through his invading the Republic and seeking to conquer, was unquestionably evil, albeit perhaps not as evil as other Sith.
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Is Revan non binary?

You're right - in canon Revan is a male.
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Is Revan's Mask Mandalorian?

This mask was originally worn as a part of a Mandalorian female's armor, and had a red and gray color. Ten years after her death during the Mandalorians' genocide of the Cathar people on their homeworld in 3973 BBY, the mask was claimed by the Jedi Knight Revan and was immediately donned by the Jedi.
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Was Revan a grey Jedi?

Unfortunately, his actions led to both he and his apprentice, Malak, falling to the Dark Side and his master, Kreia being tossed from the Council. Revan would rejoin the Light Side of the Force and hunt down Malak and other Sith, but for a short time, he was a Gray Jedi.
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Did Revan ever have the Darksaber?

"After Mandalore's passing, Revan took the Darksaber back to Coruscant, where the Jedi kept it in their temple.
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Is Ezra Bridger Palpatine's son?

The Bridger family was a human family native to the planet Lothal in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. Ezra Bridger, the son of Ephraim and Mira Bridger, became part of the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire during the reign of Emperor Palpatine.
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Who was Darth Revan's apprentice before he was turned to the light side?

Darth Malak, voiced by Rafael Ferrer, is the old Sith apprentice of Revan and the main antagonist of the first game. As Jedi, Malak and Revan disobeyed the Jedi Council and helped the Republic defend against the Mandalorians.
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Is Ezra in rise of Skywalker?

Ezra Bridger didn't appear in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, but the young Jedi is set to make his live-action debut in Ahsoka. The Star Wars universe has a rich history with animated content, and the live-action shows have been tapping into that pool of characters.
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