Is Anakin's droid R2-D2?

Throughout the three years of the Clone Wars, R2-D2 was Anakin's loyal helper and sidekick. In a daring rescue of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, R2-D2 served as his master's assistant in his Jedi starfighter.
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Was Anakin a droid in R2-D2?

Later still, he serves as the astromech droid for Anakin's starfighter during the Battle of Naboo, helping Anakin destroy the Trade Federation's command center and free the planet Naboo from the Federation's grip.
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Who did R2 originally belong to?

In Phantom Menace, R2 is owned by Queen Padmè Amidala.
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Does R2-D2 recognize Anakin?

One of the mysteries from the original trilogy that was fueled by the prequels is why R2-D2 never told Luke that Darth Vader was his father, as he actually knew Anakin Skywalker and witnessed his turn to the dark side.
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Why did R2-D2 leave Anakin?

Summary. Anakin's fall to the dark side had a heartbreaking effect on R2-D2, who felt abandoned and ignored by his former master. Star Wars droids like R2-D2 rarely receive emotional depth, making R2's words about Anakin's betrayal even more tragic.
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Star Wars Special - The Friendship of Anakin Skywalker and R2-D2 Explained

Why didn t R2-D2 tell Luke?

secondly, in Legends, R2 was given programming that actually restricted him. from sharing any information with Luke or Leia. about their parents or relation to one another. this was all part of the plan. to conceal this information from the twins.
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What does bb8 stand for?

Abrams also named the character, saying, "I named him BB-8 because it was almost onomatopoeia. It was sort of how he looked to me, with the 8, obviously, and then the two B's." The name was conceived early on in the film's production and was one of the few to remain unchanged.
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Why did Obi-Wan forget R2-D2?

However, one theory argues that Obi-Wan did recognize R2-D2, but he chose to pretend not to in order to avoid telling Luke the full truth. This would explain certain signs of familiarity between the Jedi and the droid and fit Obi-Wan's pattern of subtly lying to Luke.
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Does Darth Vader not recognize C-3PO?

in the Dark Horse comic series star Wars Tales, which is now part of legends, it's revealed that Darth Vader did recognize C. 3PO on Cloud City. when 3PO was shot by Stormtroopers, his parts were brought before Vader. because the Imperials thought he could hold valuable.
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Why didn t Vader go back for R2?

It's clear from the Clone Wars show that he loved that droid. I've also read that it was a gift from Padme, so there's an emotional connection. Beyond that, R2D2 had a lot of personal and strategic information that would be bad for Vader if it leaked.
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Has R2 ever met Yoda?

In the original “Star Wars” trilogy, we see Luke Skywalker and R2D2 meet Jedi Master Yoda on Dagobah. But R2D2 and Yoda met before.
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Does R2-D2 know who Darth Vader is?

To answer the original question, I'm pretty sure that R2 never knew that Anakin became Vader. He wasn't there when Anakin was named Vader, he didn't know what happened on Mustafar. All he knew is that Anakin told R2 to stay with the ship, and that was the last time R2 saw Anakin.
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Who owned C-3PO before Luke?

Following the Trade Federation's invasion of the Mid Rim planet of Naboo, C-3PO's life entered a new chapter when his owner Anakin met several off-worlders at the shop of his owner, the Junk dealer Watto, and then invited them to seek shelter at his home during a sandstorm.
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Did R2-D2 meet Darth Vader?

Yes, he did.
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How did R2-D2 end up with Leia?

R2d2 was assigned to his diplomatic ship and 3p0 to his personal entourage as a translator. Some time before the events of rogue one they 3p0 and the tantive 4 were given to Leia for her sentate duties and rebel activities.
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How did Anakin get his scar?

Always a canny foe, Ventress baited Anakin by threatening to kill Padme Amidala, before striking him across the face. The scar became another symbol of Anakin's journey to the dark side when he punishes Ventress by binding her in cables and flinging her from the top of a skyscraper.
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Why can't C-3PO translate Sith?

Why is C-3PO forbidden to translate the Sith-Runic language? Rather simple. All protocol droids have the ability to translate. But a Senate ruling put in a rule that required all translating droids to be forbidden to translate, and if such system is overridden, to erase the droid's memory.
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Did Vader know Leia was his daughter?

Darth Vader only learned he had a daughter in Return of the Jedi - but there's no evidence he realized she was Leia before his death and redemption. Darth Vader may have never known Princess Leia was his daughter in Star Wars and never cultivated a relationship with her, even when he was a Force ghost.
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Why doesn t Vader use Force Lightning?

Darth Vader can not use force lighting, because of his severed arms. Robotic hands can't summon the force lighting. However Darth Vader can still use other forms of the force, such as force choke.
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Why does C-3PO not remember Anakin?

Obviously, C-3PO does not recognize Vader because his memory was wiped at the end of Revenge of the Sith.
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Why was C-3PO's memory wiped?

On a mission to Pasaana, C-3PO discovered safeguards in his programming made it impossible for him to translate Sith runes that could help the Resistance locate the legendary planet Exegol. With the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance, C-3PO reluctantly agreed to have his memory erased so the runes could be read.
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Does Darth Vader remember Padmé?

Every time she speaks, he remembers Padmé. Fighting alongside Sabé reminds him of fighting alongside his wife. While that is certainly painful enough, it's also reminds Vader of the man he used to be, a past he had long ago attempted to kill and bury. However, the memory of Padmé via Sabé won't let his past stay there.
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Does Rey own BB-8?

Rey, however, was not the owner of BB-8 and it may have been unclear why she had the droid. The astromech droid known as BB-8 belonged to Poe Dameron, a skilled pilot who emerged as a hero in the Resistance's efforts against the First Order.
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Who does Han Solo take Rey to see?

Maz Kanata Biography Gallery

Arriving at Maz Kanata's castle on Takodana, Han Solo urged Rey and Finn to keep a low profile. But the castle's proprietor had other ideas, letting out a shriek of joy when she saw her old Corellian friend.
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What is the black BB-8 called?

BB-9E is the literal dark side version of the lovable BB-8 droid from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
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