Is Aragorn wise?

However, Upon first meeting Aragorn, the hobbits thought of him as untrustworthy, often talking behind his back. He proved not to be a servant of Sauron, as Aragorn was only seeking to protect them. Aragorn was very wise, even having his wisdom as high as an elf due to being raised in Rivendell.
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What personality type is Aragorn?

A complex individual, Aragorn, in our opinion, is a fascinating portrayal of a Turbulent Advocate (INFJ-T). Pensive yet passionate, he exemplifies many of the traits that make individuals with this personality type so unique and inspiring.
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Who are the wise in LOTR?

The Wise was a title given to the greatest Elves of Middle-earth and the chief Wizards, who formed the White Council in the Third Age.
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Why is Aragorn so special?

Aragorn's healing abilities, moreover, were a sign to the people of Gondor of the identity of their true king; as Ioreth said, "The hands of the King are the hands of a healer, and so shall the rightful king be known." The people hailed him as King that same evening.
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What type of people is Aragorn?

He's a Dúnadan, a man descended from the Númenoreans. To quote the wiki: Direct descendants of the Dúnedain are known to have lived longer than normal Men. A good example is Aragorn who, in the movies, tells Éowyn he is 87 years old, although he appears to be relatively young.
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Why We Need Aragorn’s Example of Masculinity

Why does Aragorn age slower?

Why did Aragorn live so long? Aragorn is not half Elf, although he is a descendant of Elros, who is half Elf (and the brother of Elrond, the half-Elf who raised him), which explains why Aragorn's life span is unusually long.
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Is Aragorn a good guy?

What Makes Him Pure Good? He protects Frodo and his friends from the Ringwraiths. He joins the Fellowship on his own accord to protect Frodo on his journey to Mordor. He doesn't take the Ring when Frodo offers it to him, showing that he is incorruptible.
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Is Aragorn morally grey?

Aragorn is good: he makes no bad choices and has no bad impulses. Similarly, the Orcs are evil; bloodthirsty and violent, they have no good impulses, no kindness within them. We've made these distinctions for centuries, not just for fictional characters, but for historical figures as well.
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Why did Sauron fear Aragorn?

Bloodlines are very important in Tolkien's stories, and it makes a lot of sense that Sauron would fear the great-grandson of the man who cut off his hand. Aragorn carried the blood of Numenor with him. His genetic connection to the heroes of the Second Age established him as a dangerous opponent of Sauron.
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Why is Aragorn not tempted?

Aragorn faced the temptation of the One Ring and turned it away because it was the right thing to do.
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Who is the smartest LOTR character?

Gandalf's greatest power is his wisdom. He's known throughout Middle-earth and beyond as the wisest being in the land, which is made symbolic in his form of an old man. But Gandalf's strengths also lie in his extensive knowledge of history, culture, and traditions.
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Who is the corrupt king in LOTR?

Théoden is introduced in The Two Towers, the second volume of The Lord of the Rings, as King of Rohan. By this point Théoden had grown weak with age, and was largely controlled by his chief advisor Gríma Wormtongue, who was secretly in the employ of the corrupt wizard Saruman.
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How wise was Galadriel?

Besides her magical powers, Galadriel was also very wise and intelligent: she was one of the very few who were not fooled by Sauron in the Second Age, and therefore suggested to Celebrimbor to hide the Three Rings.
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What is Aragorn's ideal man?

His legacy speaks to a modern ideal of masculinity based on respect for others, honest communication, responsible leadership and emotional intelligence – traits which any man should strive for regardless of their situation or circumstance.
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Is Aragorn arrogant?

In the books, Aragorn is a lot more arrogant, likely the way Tolkien thought a king should be in the classic romantic sense.
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Is Aragorn a stoic?

Aragorn might have come off as a rugged and stoic ranger who preferred to keep to himself, but his heart was large, and he wore it on his sleeve.
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Why was Legolas so loyal to Aragorn?

Aragorn and Legolas are long-time companions and best friends since Legolas' father Thranduil sent him to live among the Rangers of the North. Aragorn and Legolas grew close, up to the point where Aragorn revealed his true identity to Legolas. Throughout his journeys, Aragorn and Legolas are as close as brothers.
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Why did the Ring not corrupt Aragorn?

Fortunately, Aragorn avoids the corruption of the Ring in the only way possible… by refusing to take it in the first place. He doesn't crave power, except what is his by right, and he doesn't fear death. He also knows what happens to those who accept Sauron's gifts.
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Why is Aragorn so cool?

What made him my hero? Kids know Aragorn is awesome because he's an amazing swordsman and a heroic warrior. Grown-ups can appreciate his nobility, that he is tough without being a brute, and properly chivalrous to the women in his life. All great qualities.
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Why is Aragorn so respected?

Throughout the kingdom of Middle Earth, there are many who come to respect and admire Aragorn, in part because he is the heir and eventual king of Gondor, but also because he proves himself time and time again to be a noble warrior, with a brave and loving heart, who will fiercely defend his friends, and always do what ...
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Is Aragorn supposed to be like Jesus?

Aragorn, like Christ, is “King of the Dead” who has the power to set the suffering souls free of the death-curse. Similarly, Aragorn is a Christ figure in his role as healer. As Ioreth, a wise-woman of Gondor, proclaimed: “The hands of the king are the hands of a healer, and so shall the rightful king be known.”
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What is Aragorn's mentality?

As a Ranger of the North, Aragorn is a brave protector who leads his people with strength, courage and an unwavering sense of justice and morality.
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Is Aragorn better than Legolas?

Aragorn Was a More Versatile Fighter Than Legolas

Though Aragorn was far younger than Legolas, he had much more experience as a soldier before The Lord of the Rings. Aragorn grew up in Rivendell, where he likely learned how to fight from the Elves.
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What is Aragorn's personality type?

Aragorn - ISTJ (The Inspector)

It was these traits that caused Aragorn to avoid his role as the King of Gondor for so long, as he firmly believed he would not be a good fit for the role due to the compromised history of his bloodline.
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