Is Barbie OK for a 10 year old?

I'd recommend this movie for ages 12 or maybe 11+. Just make sure that your kids understand that some of the behavior in this movie is not okay. There are some inappropriate jokes and rude actions (particularly men being rude to women and women being rude to men).
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Is Barbie appropriate for 10 year olds?

In the case of the “Barbie” movie, the MPAA handed down a PG-13 rating for two main reasons: Brief language. Suggestive references.
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What age group is Barbie appropriate for?

But if you haven't heard, the Motion Picture Association actually gave Barbie, Ken, and the gang a PG-13 rating!
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Can a 10 year old watch Barbie 2023?

Is the Barbie movie safe for children to watch? The Barbie is considered safe for children 13 or older to watch. For children under the age of 13, the film's PG-13 rating strongly cautions parents that “some material may be inappropriate.”
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What age do you stop playing with Barbies?

Some kids may lose interest in dolls around the age of 5 or 6, while others may continue to play with them into their pre-teen years. There really isn't a "magic age" at which all children suddenly stop playing with dolls - it varies from child to child.
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Barbie Movie Trailer Review - Is it OK for Kids? #barbiemovie

Is it normal to play with barbies at 12?

Because they are too old for that? As experts would tell you, there is no age limit for dolls. It may seem unusual in this day and age, but several 12-year-olds still play with dolls. And in a world where the internet is widespread, this may be a good thing.
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Do 12 year olds still play with barbies?

There is nothing wrong with still wanting to play with dolls at pre-teen or teen age. I knew a 16 year old who still played with her dolls. There was nothing wrong with that. Just remember that you can stay you, and that is all that matters!
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Does the Barbie movie have Lgbtq?

While the movie is given credit for including a gay character, he's largely made fun of and glossed over as an accessory to the Barbies. With a lack of queer people in the "real world" of this movie, families with two queer dads seeing this movie only have Allan – a character largely joked about – as a portrayal.
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Is 6 too old for Barbie?

As a lot of people told the mother that it's not necessarily unsuitable for younger children but would probably be uninteresting to them. But, as it is PG-13 you can still bring children to see the Barbie movie as long as they have a parent with them.
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Is 13 too old to play with Barbies?

I assume you're asking if you should be concerned when a 13 year old girl is playing with barbies or dolls, in which the answer would be a simple: Let the girl do what she wants! Who cares if not everyone else is into that, if they make her happy, that's all that matters. Plus, toys or dolls have no age.
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Is it normal for an 11 year old to play with Barbies?

Is it normal for me to still play with dolls? YES, it's totally normal to play with dolls at age 12, or even older.
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Why does Barbie go to gynecologist?

Previously perceived as a symbol of unattainable beauty, Barbie has transformed into an emblem of inclusivity and empowerment. The scene of Barbie visiting a gynecologist encapsulates this change, underlining that health is vital to being a “real woman.”
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Can 14 year olds play with Barbie dolls?

We're never too old to play with our favorite toys. Enjoy! Did you play with Barbies as a kid? If so, what of Barbies' many accessories did you treasure the most?
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Is Barbie 2023 appropriate for kids?

Barbie (2023) has a PG-13 rating. The movie has some suggestive dialogue and double entendres, but no extreme violence, nudity, or drugs/alcohol.
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Can 16 year olds play with Barbies?

There's no “age” that determines when you're too old to watch cartoons or play with dolls, or stuffed animals for that matter. My 15 year old sleeps with a stuffed rabbit and plays with Barbies and it's no big deal. They outgrow it when they outgrow it.
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Is 16 too old for toys?

The condensed version is - kids are NEVER too old for toys! If your child starts to seem too old for toys, it isn't time to get rid of playthings altogether. This is a new developmental stage, and just like when they progressed from a tricycle to a bike, it is time to transition to a different types of play.
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Is 15 too old for dolls?

The answer is never. People can play with dolls no matter what age they are. Your never too old to have fun.
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Is the Barbie movie rated R?

Why is 'Barbie' rated PG-13? "Barbie" earned a PG-13 rating from the Motion Picture Association for "suggestive references" and "brief language."
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Does Barbie have a pregnant doll?

“Pregnant Barbie” is actually Margaret Hadley Sherwood, or Midge, as her friends call her. Midge was created to be a less glam, more relatable Barbie, per Buzzfeed News. The doll was launched in 1963 as Barbie's bestie.
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Are there any Lgbtq characters in My Little Pony?

Nicole Dubuc (pictured) and Michael Vogel came up with introducing lesbian characters through Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty. "The Last Crusade" received recognition for being the first Friendship Is Magic episode to feature homosexual characters: Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty are lesbians.
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Was Sugar Daddy a real Barbie?

Sugar Daddy Ken is a satirical knock-off doll that made a cameo in the movie Barbie, poking fun at the legacy of the iconic doll. The doll was originally released in 2009 as a special edition for adult collectors but was quickly discontinued due to controversy.
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Do 10 year old girls like dolls?

Girls this age might still enjoy playing with dolls and will still want fun family time. They will also like playing games with their friends at parties or sleepovers.
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Do 10 year olds play with toys?

As for how that translates to the way they play, Kristin Morency Goldman, a senior editor at the Toy Association, explains that “kids around 10 years old are already playing independently” and that many like collecting toys as much as they like playing with them.
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Are 11 year olds too old for toys?

Of course! There is nothing that says a 12 year old should not play with toys. Toys have age requirements like 3+ for safety reasons for children younger than 3. But there is nothing that says a person older than that can't play with them.
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Is it normal for a 15 year old to play with toys?

If a child still wants to play with toys as they move into adolescence, it is totally normal and to be celebrated! Unless a child's play is affecting or replacing real-life friendships, there is no need to worry.
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