Is Batman back at the end of Gotham Knights?

This is obviously a part of the game that is upsetting a lot of fans at the moment. Gotham Knights was practically marketed around the idea that Batman is truly dead, which makes his return at the end of the game come off as something of a narrative betrayal.
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Does Batman return at the end of Gotham Knights?

In Gotham Knights' final moments, Talia al Ghul revives Bruce Wayne by exposing his corpse to the Lazarus Pit. Talia takes advantage of Bruce's "malleable" mind and turns him against you by convincing him that your Character has died and that you're an imposter.
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Is Batman revived in Gotham Knights?

Her plan works, and Bruce Wayne is revived and becomes loyal to Talia. A boss fight ensues, with the mentees holding their own against their mentor. Bruce Wayne eventually comes to his senses and learns of the goings-on in Gotham, but gets mortally wounded again when a strike meant for the player hits Bruce instead.
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Will Batman show up in Gotham Knights?

8 Bruce Wayne/Batman

Bruce Wayne does appear briefly in the opening scenes of the Gotham Knights pilot episode. However, these scenes only serve to set up his violent death, shot with the same gun that killed his parents before being thrown through the window of his office in Wayne Tower.
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Is Batman alive at the end of Arkham Knight?

No matter what universe he's in, Batman always goes through major life-threatening scenarios, with the events of the Arkham franchise truly pushing the Dark Knight to his limits. But despite that, there can no longer be any doubt that Batman survives the ending of Batman: Arkham Knight.
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Is Batman Really Dead In Gotham Knights?

Did Batman fake his death in Arkham Knight?

Due to the ambiguous nature of the ending, there are several theories on what the ending truly meant: Batman faked his death: The most accepted theory, and supported by the developers.
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What happens to Jason Todd after Arkham Knight?

In the end, Batman convinces him to abandon his quest for revenge against him and Todd then turns into the Red Hood. All-in-all Rocksteady's version isn't bad but they do leave some questions out there... like when exactly Joker captures and tortures Todd over the course of a year in Arkham Asylum.
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Will there be a Gotham Knights 2?

Gotham Knights season 2 is not happening, and Gotham Knights' cancellation is not surprising given that the show was doomed from the beginning.
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Why did Gotham Knights flop?

Unfortunately, Gotham Knights was pelted with mediocre reviews. The game earned a 67 score on Metacritic, with many critics and players comparing the game unfavorably to the Arkham Trilogy. Chief complaints revolved around repetitious gameplay, subpar graphics, and a nonsensical crafting component.
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Why did CW cancel Gotham Knights?

Ultimately, they said The CW wasn't able to renew the show, and the studio wasn't able to find a new home for it. Previously, The CW's Entertainment President Brad Schwartz noted, “We love all those shows, and they all do very well for us in different ways.” But apparently not well enough.
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Did Gotham Knights end on a cliffhanger?

Gotham Knights Ends On A Cliffhanger

He was ambushed by the surviving Talons and Rebecca March as he was making his escape, but was suddenly saved by a team of heavily armed mercenaries speaking a foreign language.
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Who is the final boss in Gotham Knights?

Perhaps the most difficult boss battle in the game, which is, of course, the final boss you'll face, Talia al Ghul expectedly puts up quite the fight. As a pivotal member and occasional leader of the League of Assassins and the League of Shadows, it's no surprise that she's difficult to take down.
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What is the code black in Batman?

Code Black was a contingency created by Batman in the case of his death. A transmission is sent to Nightwing, Batgirl, Red Hood and Robin telling them that Bruce is dead, the Batcave was destroyed as part of the contingency, and that he's leaving them the Belfry to use as their new base of operations.
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What happens to the Joker in Gotham Knights?

Batman Killed The Joker In Gotham Knights

Duela later confirmed that Batman killed the Joker in a conversation with Turner Hayes, but laughed off the idea that she'd try to avenge him, claiming that "Papa J ditched me and my mom in Arkham before my first tooth came in."
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What happens after you beat Gotham Knights?

Completing the main campaign of Gotham Knights unlocks the option to start over in a new mode known as New Game Plus. New Game Plus carries over your crafted gear and skills. However, your story progress is reset. To balance things out, enemies are tankier and hit harder in this mode.
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Who ends up being Arkham Knight?

Potential theories are as follows: Jason Todd - The Arkham Knight, now know as the Red Hood, was never apprehended following the events of the game, and in keeping with his vigilante tradition, he may have taken up fighting villains in Batman's stead.
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Why was Gotham Knights so bad?

But the game's key issue came down to performance, running at a highly unsteady 30fps, with harsh frame-rate drops, stutters, and frame-time fluctuations. The game felt rough and jerky as a result, particularly when travelling through the open world.
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Who is the weakest in Gotham Knights?

He is slow in general movement, his traversal is the only traversal that cannot be continued indefinitely in the open world, he cannot dodge as well as the other heroes, his melee damage is mediocre and his melee speed are slow.
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Why does Gotham Knights look worse than Arkham Knight?

Digital Foundry puts this down to the game's superior art direction. Arkham Knight features a much denser map. There's plenty to explore in Gotham Knights but some areas do end up feeling a little flat with the game lacking Arkham Knight's depth of field.
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Does Gotham Knights have 2 endings?

Because Gotham Knights is dedicated to the player's experience as whichever character they choose, there are also individual endings. Each ending is composed of a cutscene that features the character who reaches it, so if fans chose Red Hood for their final outing, they will be treated to a cutscene starring him.
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Will Joker be in Gotham Knights?

The Joker is one of the most instantly recognizable villains in media, but despite his long history with Batman and the Bat Family, Joker doesn't appear as a villain within Gotham Knights. Despite this, there are still references to Batman's nemesis sprinkled throughout the game.
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Did Gotham Knights sell well?

Despite this lackluster critical reception, Gotham Knights still sold relatively well around the world, becoming the second highest-selling physical game release in the UK and the thirteenth best-selling retail game in Japan.
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Why didn t Batman save Jason?

Though he never voiced it, Batman did privately admit that he didn't go searching for Jason because he was afraid of what he would find. He knew Jason was killing people, and Batman couldn't live with the shame of knowing that he had unintentionally created a deadlier version of Joe Chill.
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Why didn t Superman save Jason Todd?

TLDR: Superman didn't save Jason because he was being tortured by Lex Luthor at the time in order for Luthor to create Conner Kent/Superboy . This is why he wants nothing to do with Superboy once he appears.
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Why did Jason Todd save Batman at the end of Arkham Knight?

It seems implied that Jason now regretted how things went down, saw Batman did care about him, and no longer wanted to see him die.
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