Is Boba Fett's Armour pure Beskar?

Boba Fett's armor was previously stated to be made of durasteel. However, "Chapter 14: The Tragedy" of The Mandalorian retconned the Fett armor into being made of beskar.
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Who has the purest Beskar armor?

Din Djarin's armor was unique to him, being one of the only Mandalorians who wear pure beskar armor.
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Was Boba Fett's armor pure beskar?

The 2018 canon reference book Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition states that Fett's armor was made of durasteel. However, the fourth episode of the television series The Book of Boba Fett establishes that the armor is made of beskar.
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Why is Boba Fett's Beskar green?

Boba Fett's famous green and red armor represents duty and honoring one's parent, respectively. In Legends, Boba Fett was not only a bounty hunter, but also a Journeyman Protector (a Mandalorian police officer) and the Mand'alor who succeeded Fenn Shysa, making duty one of his defining characteristics.
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Did any Jedi wear Beskar?

During this same period, Jedi Knight Bardan Jusik was well known for wearing clone trooper armor into combat, and later on even full Beskar'gam.
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Was Boba Fett's Armor Made of Pure Beskar | Star Wars Explained

Was Darth Vader's armor Beskar?

Jango Fett's armor was partly made of durasteel, and General Grievous had some parts of his body made of this material. Darth Vader's armor was mostly made of durasteel, as was Boba Fett's before he upgraded during the Second Galactic Civil War to armor made of beskar.
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Did Phasma wear Beskar?

Phasma's armor appears very similar to Mandalorian beskar, as it effortlessly deflects a blaster bolt fired by Rose Tico in The Last Jedi. While The Mandalorian shows that the remnants of The Empire are in possession of beskar, this is not canonically what Phasma wears.
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Did Boba repaint Jango's armor?

Multiple sources confirm that the rest of the armor is Jango's, repainted and restored by Boba Fett in memory of his father, according to Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need To Know, Updated and Expanded (2017).
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What can damage beskar?

The purest form of beskar was capable of repelling the strikes of a lightsaber for brief amounts of time, and could withstand direct blaster fire. Pure beskar could still be damaged by weapons also made out of beskar; because of this, making weapons out of beskar was considered illegal by the Children of the Watch.
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Why do Mandalorians hate Jedi?

Notably, the Dagoyan Masters of Bardotta regarded the Jedi as thieves and kidnappers because of that practice. Some Mandalorians, most notably members of Death Watch, held a grudge against the Jedi for their perceived crimes against Mandalore during the Mandalorian-Jedi War.
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Why is Din Djarin so shiny?

In contrast, Din Djarin's armor was made from pure beskar, earned through the bounty on Grogu. This made Djarin's armor rare and even more durable than normal Mandalorian armor, allowing it to stay shiny and undamaged even when he walked into a barrage of blaster fire.
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How rare is pure Beskar?

The Mandalorian makes a point of saying that he finds pure Beskar, which is the metal in its best and strongest state. Beskar can only be found on Mandalorian worlds, which makes it very rare. This means that a lot of Mandalorians before the Night of a Thousand Tears didn't have full sets of pure Beskar.
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Did Boba destroy Jango's helmet?

His helmet is legacy that Boba values more than he values himself, yet the helmet actually was Jango's, not a duplicate for trap purposes as some people would assume. Boba put a bomb inside the helmet of Jango as an attempt to assassinate his father's killer.
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Can the Darksaber cut through pure Beskar?

Like other typical lightsabers, the Darksaber could not cut through pure beskar, however, it was capable of heating it to the point of turning red.
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Why is Mando's armor so strong?

The Mandalorians' bloody history made their armor an iconic symbol of fear. Mandalorian armor was typically made from beskar, which was one of the strongest metals in the galaxy, but it could also be made from more common metals such as durasteel. Beskar could protect the wearer from blasters and even lightsabers.
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Why is Beskar only found on Mandalore?

The introduction of certain additives during the smelting process served to increase the strength of the natural ore, and Mandalorian metalsmiths guarded the secrets of forging beskar from outsiders, passing along the techniques from one generation of metallurgists to the next, strictly within the Mandalorian community ...
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Is Beskar immune to force lightning?

Beskar is known to be able to withstand direct lightsaber hits. Lightsabers can withstand force lightning. So if beskar can withstand lightsabers, and lightsabers can withstand force lightning, then by the process of elimination, Boba's armor could probably withstand force lightning.
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Does Beskar have a weakness?

However, despite its strength, the armor doesn't offer total immunity to harm. Repeated damage can wear down and eventually break beskar, and beskar weapons are incredibly effective against it. There is also the risk of concussion, which can make even non-piercing blows fatal.
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Did Vader know Boba was Jango's son?

Yes, he knew Boba was a clone because that was what the Kaminoans told Kenobi that Jango asked for.
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Was Jango's head in the helmet?

You can see the shadow of Jango's head falling out just after Mace “removes” it from his body and the helmet goes flying. So, no, no head in it when #BobaFett picks up the helmet.
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Did Darth Vader wear Beskar?

Darth Vader's armor isn't made of beskar, but of durasteel, allowing mobility and absorbing energy from lightsaber blows. Obsidian in the armor supercharged Vader's dark side power, turning anger into a power source.
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Has a stormtrooper ever had a lightsaber?

Affiliation. Stormtrooper lightsabers were lightsabers created by the Galactic Empire and used exclusively by a group of clone stormtroopers created from the DNA of the late Emperor's Hand Sa Cuis. They were red-bladed and, unlike other sabers, had a predominantly white hilt which matched their armor.
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Is Captain Phasma asexual?

The Novel Implies That She Is Asexual

Though one character describes her as "deadly attractive", another clan member who knows her notes that they have never known Phasma to partner up with a man or a woman, or even show interest in such things.
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