Is Captain Kirk yellow or green?

In later series, the gold color was canonized in dialog. However, some uniforms – the alternate shirts worn by Captain Kirk, and the Command Section dress uniforms – were made of a different material which, while the same color, showed up as chartreuse-green even under the lights and when photographed.
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What color is Captain Kirk?

Captain Kirk's shirt was actually olive-green in color, but it appeared to be gold under the lights used on the set and when the film was developed. It was later described as being the color “gold” in the show's dialog.
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Did Kirk wear green or gold?

Oddly enough, as I recall the original yellow shirts were actually green. Just under the studio lights and on TV they turned out a goldish color. So switching to a different green shirt isn't really all that unusual, it just stands out more as green.
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Why does Kirk wear yellow and Picard wear red?

Starfleet Uniform Variants In Star Trek

Each of the blue flight suits had colored piping around the shoulders reflecting yellow for command and red for operations.
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What does green mean in Star Trek?

The Original Series

For the original Star Trek series and the Enterprise prequel that came later, the uniform color breakdowns are: Red – Engineering, Security, and Communications. Blue – Science and Medical Staff. Gold – Command Staff. Green – Command Staff Formal.
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Why did STARFLEET UNIFORMS Change Colours? | Star Trek Lore

Is Star Trek yellow or green?

Star Trek: The Animated Series

The perception by fans of the command uniforms being yellow/gold instead of green, thanks to set lighting and other factors, resulted in the producers committing to a definitive gold-color for animation purposes.
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Was Spock originally green?

Roddenberry explained in that conversation that he had created an alien with the name of Spock, and he wanted the character to be very intelligent and possibly green.
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Why did Captain Kirk have two different uniforms?

It makes sense, however, that a separate uniform would be created for Kirk for the particular “evil clone” episode because it helped the audience to understand that these were two different incarnations of the Captain of Star Trek's famous U.S.S. Enterprise.
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Why did Deanna Troi not wear a uniform?

Summary. Troi wore civilian clothes for most of TNG to put her patients at ease as the ship's counselor and indicate her position. Captain Picard allowed Troi to wear civilian clothes on the bridge due to her empathic abilities and his disregard for unnecessary regulations.
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Did Picard ever meet Kirk?

After Picard met Kirk, he remained as Captain of the USS Enterprise-E for another 14 years before he was promoted to Admiral (and subsequently quit Starfleet in protest) in 2385.
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Was Captain Kirk a womanizer?

During his five-year mission on the Enterprise, Kirk had no time for serious romantic relationships, with one or two notable exceptions. However, he certainly gained a reputation as a ladies' man during Star Trek: The Original Series. That reputation also defined Chris Pine's interpretation of Kirk in the J.J.
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Why do they call Captain Kirk Jim?

In order to demonstrate how close they truly were, and how much Kirk had “humanized” Spock, they would have him use the diminutive of James, which is Jim. This is a name used by those close to the Captain or in intimate moments of friendship.
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Did Captain Kirk wear a toupee?

Shatner reportedly started going bald at age 9, and by the time he'd been cast as Kirk in the original Star Trek series, he was regularly wearing toupees or "the merkins of the head," as nobody calls them.
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Why did Kirk wear green?

Kirk's green uniform served an important function in the TOS season 1 episode, "The Enemy Within," which featured an evil, duplicate Kirk. The green shirt worn by the good Captain Kirk helped viewers tell him apart from his twisted doppelganger.
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Who turned down Captain Kirk?

Kirk wasn't noted as dead until Generations. Money. Gene Roddenberry tried to get anyone he could from TOS to do a cameo in the TNG pilot. William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Nichelle Nichols, James Doohan, Walter Koenig and George Takei all turned him down.
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Who did Captain Kirk kiss?

In the episode of Star Trek: The Original Series titled "Plato's Stepchildren", season 3 episode 10, first broadcast November 22, 1968, Uhura (played by black actress Nichelle Nichols) and Captain Kirk (played by white actor William Shatner) kiss.
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Did Deanna Troi marry Riker?

Riker got married in the final TNG film to Deanna Troi and she went WITH him to Titan. This was, of course, QUITE SOME TIME after the Enterprise-D bit the big one in Generations, and they were aboard the ENTERPRISE-E.
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Did Worf sleep with Troi?

Since Pierce was dead at the time of the action, there was no way that Worf and Troi could have interviewed him. And they were shown to have slept together after their interview with him. Also Geordi states that there were no bones found, so that was part of Deanna's vision too.
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Was Deanna Troi's hair a wig?

She usually wore hairpieces for her role as Troi. Sirtis' real hair was slightly shorter and, although curly, was not as bouffant as her character's.
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What color does Captain Kirk wear?

He wore a gold colored shirt most of the time. He did, for a short time, wear a green colored shirt but it proved highly unpopular. Was Captain Kirk's uniform different from everyone else's in the original Star Trek series?
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What was Captain Kirk's original name?

James Tiberius Kirk, better known as Captain Kirk, is likely the most famous fictional Iowan. A character from 'Star Trek,' which is set in the future, Kirk's birth date was March 22, 2233, born on a shuttle leaving the doomed starship USS Kelvin, and was raised in Riverside, Iowa.
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Why did Uhura wear yellow?

As a communications officer, Uhura is most commonly seen in a red uniform. However, in her first two episodes on the show, “The Corbomite Maneuver” and “Mudd's Women”, her uniform was yellow. For some reason Uhura was transferred from the command division to the operations division.
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Why was Spock killed off?

Spock Died in Every Version of the Star Trek II Script

The filming of the first movie was a disaster, and so Nimoy wanted no more to do with Spock or Star Trek. Jack B. Sowards wrote his first draft for Wrath of Khan with Spock in the story -- and killed him at the end of the first act.
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Who turned down the role of Spock?

Surprisingly, though, there's evidence the role of Spock was originally offered to Oscar award-winning actor Martin Landau instead. In a 1986 interview with Starlog, Landau, who had since become associated with Gerry Anderson's Space: 1999, recalled being offered the role, only to turn it down.
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What is Spock's full name?

The beloved Vulcan's full name is officially S'Chn T'Gai Spock. The name actually comes from a popular fan work-turned novel for The Original Series in Barbara Hambly's Ishmael which was published in 1985.
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