Is Clara River Song's daughter?

Clara is the future child of the Doctor and River who's had her memory erased. The two Time Lords must be up to something on their nights away from River's prison cell.
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Is River the Doctor's daughter?

It is not until the character's ninth appearance that it is revealed that River was born Melody Pond, the daughter of the eleventh Doctor's companions Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill), alongside whom Kingston had already appeared six previous times in series five and six of the show.
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Does Clara have a child in Doctor Who?

For those unaware, in the episode 'Listen', Orson, a future astronaut, was stated to be the many-times great-grandson of Clara and Danny Pink. But later in the series, Danny was killed, and he and Clara never had any children.
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Are Oswin and Clara the same person?

Seeing her full name on her tombstone and finally recognising her voice, the Doctor realises she is the same woman as Oswin from the Dalek Asylum, whom he had never seen in her human form.
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Why did the Doctor have to forget Clara?

Increasingly desperate to save her, the Doctor threatened to fracture time and space itself to avert Clara's death, despite her end on Trap Street being a fixed point. Ultimately, the Doctor had to have his memory of Clara wiped to allow her to return to Trap Street and restore the timeline.
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Clara Meets River Song | The Name Of The Doctor | Doctor Who

Why did the TARDIS dislike Clara?

In answering that question in Doctor Who Magazine, Moffat suggested that the TARDIS' dislike of the current companion may be due to her sceptical nature and how she did not seem suitably awed by the Doctor's spaceship.
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Did Clara love the 11th Doctor?

That's all good and fun, and there's plenty of evidence to support claims of a romantic relationship between Clara and Eleven. But Eleven died. Eleven was replaced by Twelve, a much older version of the Doctor than we've seen in a long time and a Doctor with a personality far removed from Clara's beloved Eleven.
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What is the Doctor's real name in Gallifreyan?

Theta Sigma (ΘΣ) is given as the Doctor's name in TV: The Armageddon Factor. This is retconned to be the Doctor's "nickname at college" in TV: The Happiness Patrol. The names ∂³Σx² and ΘΣ both contain the Greek letter sigma (Σ). The Doctor's real name was spelled as "d³ᓬx²" in Marvel Premiere #57.
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How are there multiple claras?

After creating numerous copies (known as splinters) of herself upon jumping into the Doctor's time stream in "The Impossible Girl" arc, every version of Clara Oswald has now become important to Doctor Who canon.
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Does Clara love the 12th Doctor?

Both of them had ties to each other since their childhoods ⁠— thanks to time travel ⁠— and their relationship blossomed as she was the companion of his eleventh and twelfth incarnations. Soon enough, it became clear that Clara and the Doctor were most definitely in love with each other, despite not becoming lovers.
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Does Clara ever meet River?

Now, obviously there are a few holes in this theory – Clara and River have actually met before in 2013's The Name of the Doctor, albeit when River was already a data ghost, so there probably would have been more recognition – but despite the relatively circumstantial evidence, we kind of like the idea of two Doctor Who ...
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How is River Song mentally linked to Clara?

Clara is a future regeneration of River Song who's had her memory erased. River is, after all, a Time Lord. We've seen her regenerate before.
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Does Clara turn into a Dalek?

That impossible girl. In Victorian London, there's “sweet little Clara” from the Rose & Crown, who's also an upright children's governess. In the far-flung future, Oswin Oswald, the shipwrecked Junior Entertainments Manager from Starship Alaska, in reality a human-Dalek conversion refusing to accept her fate.
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Does the Doctor love River or Clara?

The Doctor loved River Song enough that he suppressed the urge to roam for over two decades. This is something he was never able to do before River, and has never done again since. This proves, definitively, that River Song was not, and never will be, just another companion.
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Will the 13th doctor meet River Song?

Fun fact: The 13th Doctor has met River Song | Fandom. This seems to be paper that River has written on (maybe from her diary,but that's unlikely). So this means that 13 and River have met. That's not the only good and new part this part of the book gives us.
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Is River Song really the Doctor's wife?

DWM, Moffat confirms there was no wedding in The Wedding of River Song, ergo the Doctor and River aren't married - although she likes to pretend they are. Another fan controversy resolved. Moffat confirmed that the wedding IN THE EPISODE wasn't an actual marriage.
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Does Clara have her own TARDIS?

Clara gets her own TARDIS and her own companion. She gets to adventure through the cosmos. She gets to be her own Doctor.
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Does Clara know the Doctor's name?

The variations of the Master also know the Doctor's real name, as they grew up together, and Clara, who learned it from the Time-War book, although it is never clarified whether she remembers it in “The Name of the Doctor”.
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Why was Clara turned into a Dalek?

Clara is called "The Impossible Girl" because she has died and then reappeared again in the Doctor's life numerous times. The first time, she had been a traveling on a spaceship that crash-landed and was captured by the Daleks, who converted her into a Dalek because she was a genius.
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Is the Doctor's real name ever revealed?

The character was first portrayed by William Hartnell in 1963. At the programme's beginning, nothing at all is known of the Doctor: not even his name, the actual form of which remains a mystery.
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What is the master's real name?

Though the Master's real name may not be confirmed in canon (such as it exists), Koschei is a particularly fitting choice. Koschei, commonly known as "Koschei the Deathless", is an archetypal figure in Russian folklore who traditionally acts as a rival to the male hero in any given story.
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Why is the Doctor's real name so important?

In Eleven's dying moments, we learned that the Doctor's real name was the signal chosen by the Time Lords to return to our universe – kicking off a massive galactic bunfight in the process – until Clara persuaded them that the only name that really mattered was 'the Doctor'. Quite right, too.
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Did the Doctor love Rose or Clara more?

Truly, madly, deeply. To some, companion Rose Tyler was the greatest love of the Doctor's life.
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Who did the Doctor love the most?

Rose is one of the Doctor's biggest romantic loves, but, of course, the two are torn apart in a split in time. Martha loves The Doctor to no avail, and she eventually leaves him because it's too hard to love someone that won't love her back.
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Who was the doctors longest companion?

Jamie McCrimmon accompanied the Second Doctor in 113 episodes, far more than any other companion. Frazer Hines happened to be working on the show during one of its busiest times ever and stayed with the program at the request of Patrick Troughton who wished to have Jamie and The Doctor together until the end.
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