Is Colossus stronger than Juggernaut?

Juggernaut Is More Powerful As a Hero Colossus later petitioned Cyttorak to take back his corrupting power, but Cyttorak refused, saying that the reason he had given Colossus more power than Cain was because as a hero, he was channeling far more destruction to the demonic being.
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Who is stronger, Colossus or the Juggernaut?

So while Juggernaut is much more powerful, and would normally be able to win in a fight, Colossus could convince Cyttorak to transfer his power, or even cut off Cain Marko's connection to Cyttorak. Cain Marko would be left as a normal human. Colossus would still be a powerful mutant.
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Who is stronger than the Juggernaut?

Hulk is Stronger Than Juggernaut, But Still Can't Beat Him

When it comes to physical strength, Hulk has succeeded in demonstrating, time and again, that he might actually be the "strongest one there is" in the entire Marvel universe.
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Is Colossus as strong as Hulk?

The closest thing the cinematic X-Men have to match the Hulk's strength is Colossus. In the comics, Colossus is strong but not on the Hulk's level. However, the two's most recent cinematic incarnations might just prove that, if the two went head-to-head, Colossus would obliterate Hulk.
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Can Colossus stop Juggernaut?

After grabbing the former Juggernaut, Colossus realizes he can't stop him and ends up pushing him more than 600 MPH. The Serpent has to intervene and teleports the hammer-wielding villain out of harm's way, knowing he would be defeated if he kept fighting the unstoppable Colossus.
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Colossus vs Juggernaut

Can Colossus lift Mjolnir?

Colossus' ability to wield Mjolnir shows that he is pure of heart and ultimately good, despite recent actions calling into question his integrity. Colossus' heroic nature is evident in his willingness to sacrifice himself for others, as seen in the Legacy Virus storyline.
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Can Magneto defeat Colossus?

10 Colossus

That very same power is a veritable death sentence against Magneto. While he has fought Colossus before, Magneto has been very kind not to rip him to shreds. After all, it would take little more than a thought for Magneto to turn Colossus' entire body into shrapnel.
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Can Colossus beat Thanos?

One of the most physically powerful X-Men, Colossus is a force to be reckoned with. He would be able to put up a good fight against Thanos and even get close to beating him but he wouldn't be able to keep Thanos down and that would be a problem.
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Can Wolverine cut Colossus?

During a sparring session, he put his fist under her chin and popped the 2 outer claws but she tapped out before the 3rd claw. So, I'd say yes, Wolverine or Black Panther could cut Colossus with their adamantium or vibranium claws. But unlike the claws, Colossus could heal.
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Can Colossus beat Superman?

There'd be no reason whatsoever for them to fight. But if they did, Colossus is just not at anywhere near Superman's level. Colossus' two best attributes are his strength and durability, and Superman has him far outclassed in each, even in his top level Juggernaut form.
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Can Thanos beat Juggernaut?

Based on their records against the Hulk, as well as his overall tactical superiority, Thanos would almost certainly win in a fight against Juggernaut.
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Why can't Hulk beat Juggernaut?

The two brawlers have fought beyond these two encounters, but these two fights establish a few hard facts: the Hulk can be overpowered by the Juggernaut; the Hulk cannot consistently stop the Juggernaut; and most importantly, the Hulk's strength, even at maximum, cannot harm the Juggernaut at his maximum power.
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Can Magneto stop Juggernaut?

3 Magneto. Much like other mutants who are not physically strong but are capable of great physical feats, the Omega-level Master of Magnetism could defeat the Juggernaut in any number of ways.
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Can Deadpool beat Colossus?

To stop Logan from healing, Deadpool hit him with a special type of weapon that inhibited his healing factor and the destroyed him. This was all before Colossus, Gambit, Rogue, Cyclops, Emma Frost, and others perished by way of Deadpool.
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Has Thor ever beaten Juggernaut?

Fortunately, as long as he has Mjolnir, he won't need to. When the two faced each other in the past, Thor beat Juggernaut by generating an anti-magic whirlwind with his hammer, effectively removing Cain's magical invulnerability.
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Can Ghost Rider beat Juggernaut?

Marvel debuts the all-new Galactus Ghost Rider in Nightcrawlers #3, which ties into the X-Men's Sins of Sinister event; however, the ultra-powerful character is no match for Juggernaut.
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Could Wolverine cut Hulk?

His adamantium claws are one of the few weapons in the Marvel Universe that can consistently pierce Hulk's skin and Wolverine has no problem going for Hulk's head. In fact, if it came down to it, Wolverine could cut Hulk's head off, ending the Hulk once and for all.
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Can Wolverine claws hurt Colossus?

Wolverine, given enough time, could defeat Colossus in a fight using only his claws, but he would have a terrifically difficult time doing so; the latter's skin is made of adamantium, same as Logan's claws, and even a demon-controlled Wolverine can do very little against him.
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Could Wolverine cut Mjolnir?

The adamantium covering Wolverine's bone claws is one of the strongest metals in the entire Marvel universe, but as tough and unbreakable as it may be, the comics themselves prove they're no match for Thor's hammer Mjolnir.
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Has Hulk ever beat Hyperion?

8 Hulk Has Yet To Take Down Hyperion

Hyperion and Hulk were both on the Avengers at the same time, and the two were pitted against one another in a couple of instances. The first fight found Hyperion beating Hulk back into his Bruce Banner form.
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How strong is Colossus from Deadpool?

As Strong as Steel

Colossus can convert the tissue of his entire body into an organic, steel-like substance analogous to osmium and to carbon steel that grants him superhuman strength (Class 100) and a high degree of imperviousness to injury.
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Can Colossus beat Iron Man?

In Ultimate War #4 by Mark Miller and Chris Bachalo, Colossus shows the true extent of his power when he faces down, and is able to beat, members of the Ultimates on his own. Colossus is able to stop Ultimate Iron Man in his tracks after Tony attempts to ram into him at full speed.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Juggernaut?

Wonder Woman was able to take him on with her bare hands and was able to knockout the Juggernaut with relative ease.
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Could Iceman beat Magneto?

While he doesn't do much solo work, he has battled Magneto many times with the X-Men, and he's come out on top every time. Unlike other members of the team, in his ice form, Iceman is completely ice, meaning Magneto can't even affect his blood because he doesn't have any at that point.
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