Is Darth Maul the same species as Eeth Koth?

Darth Maul is of the Zabrak species from Iridonia. That is the same species as Jedi Master Eeth Koth of the Jedi Council. Maul was taken from his home planet at a young age and was raised by Darth Sidious.
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Are Asajj and Maul the same species?

Asajj Ventress was born as a member of the Nightsisters, a culture of dark side-using Dathomirian witches. Later episodes would make Darth Maul no longer a Zabrak from Iridonia, but a male Dathomirian, born in a Nightbrother village on Dathomir.
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What species is Jedi Koth?

Hailing from the Mid Rim planet of Iridonia, Eeth Koth was a male Zabrak who discovered to be Force-sensitive and was brought to the Jedi Temple to be trained as a Jedi at the age of four. He soon became a Jedi Master and was appointed to the Jedi High Council by 40 BBY.
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What is Darth Maul's species?

Darth Maul is considered to be a male Dathomirian Zabrak, and lived during the waning years of the Galactic Republic. His mother, Talzin, gave him up at a young age to Darth Sidious because she wanted her son to escape the life of a Nightbrother.
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Is Darth Maul Zabrak or Dathomirian?

The Nightbrothers Two. The famous Sith Lord Darth Maul was believed to be a full-blooded Zabrak, though he was in fact a Dathomirian. As a boy, he was taken by the Dark Lord of the Sith Sidious from his mother Talzin due to his powerful connection to the Force.
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Zabrak Species Explained - Star Wars Explained

Why was Darth Maul red and not yellow?

Why is Darth Maul red and not yellow? Darth Maul was originally born a black-skinned Nightbrother, but was later stripped of his markings and given red-skinned Sith tattoos by Darth Sidious. His eyes were also turned yellow with red rims, either due to his touch of the dark side or the eyes he was born with.
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Why did Sidious let Maul live?

Sidious revealed to Maul that he did not intend to kill his former apprentice, as he still had use for Maul; it was Sidious' hope that Maul would lead the Sith to Mother Talzin, Maul's mother and the leader of the Nightsisters, so she could be eliminated as a potential threat to the eventual Sith rule of the galaxy.
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Who is the yellow Darth Maul?

Darth Maul comes from the species Dathomirian and Zabrak. The yellow “Darth Maul” you're probably thinking about is Savage Opress, Darth Maul's brother.
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What is the difference between a Zabrak and dathomirian?

Male Dathomirians had horns, whereas females did not. The Dathomiri had tattoos on their body that represented their tribal heritage. The male Zabraks, particularly those belonging to the Nightbrothers, had natural striping which they embellished with tattoos.
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Why was Eeth Koth replaced?

Jedi Master Eeth Koth resigned from the Order in the waning days of the Clone Wars, after being replaced on the Jedi Council. It is not explained, to my knowledge, exactly why he was replaced. Jedi Master Agen Kolar, another Zabrak Jedi Master, was chosen as his replacement. His resignation ended up a blessing.
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What species is trilla?

The Second Sister, formerly known as Trilla Suduri, was a Force-sensitive human female and a member of the Inquisitorius during the early reign of the Galactic Empire.
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Is Eeth Koth the same species as Darth Maul?

Darth Maul is of the Zabrak species from Iridonia. That is the same species as Jedi Master Eeth Koth of the Jedi Council.
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Was there a Sith species Jedi?

After interbreeding with the Dark Jedi exiles, the original members of the species became known as Red Sith. Their caste system included the skilled and intelligent Zuguruk caste, the priestly Kissai caste, and the war-like Massassi caste.
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Who is Maul's biological mother?

Talzin, a Dathomirian female, lived during the final decades of the Old Republic prior to the rise of the Galactic Empire. She lived on her homeworld of Dathomir as the mother to her sons Savage Opress, Feral and the child who would eventually become known as Maul, who she gave birth to in 54 BBY.
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Who kills Ventress?

Ventress falls in love with Vos. After Vos is turned to the dark side by Dooku, Ventress ultimately manages to redeem him, but she is killed by Dooku with Force lightning shortly after. Vos later returns Ventress' body to Dathomir so that she may rejoin her fallen sisters in spirit.
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Does Darth Maul have a sister?

Maul also had two siblings, the Nightbrothers Savage Opress and Feral.
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Who is older, Savage or Maul?

A Force-sensitive Dathomirian Zabrak male, Savage Opress was born to Kycina, a Nightsister of the planet Dathomir, prior to the year 54 BBY. Opress eventually became the elder to two brothers, Maul and Feral.
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Did Vader know Maul was alive?

In Star Wars Rebels, did Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader know that Darth Maul was alive? - Quora. Yep. They also did not particularly care.
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Did Maul ever meet Dooku?

The two were able to free Maul after he had been interrogated by the Sith Lord Count Dooku, and together the three rendezvoused with more Death Watch forces on the moon of Zanbar. Maul took command of his forces once again, and assured them that the war they had longed for was at hand.
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How did Sidious react to Maul's death?

He regretted it because he had essentially wasted 20 years training him. But since he was an enemy at the time of his death on Tatooine, Sid was glad that he did not have to keep watching his back anymore now that the loose ends were tied off.
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Why does Dooku not have Sith eyes?

While most Sith embrace their demon-like appearance, some, like Count Dooku, don't have yellow eyes because they are motivated by philosophical and political goals rather than rage and conquest. Count Dooku's betrayal of the Jedi is often justified, as he recognized the hypocrisy and corruption within the system.
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Why doesn't Maul have a Sith name?

Maul actually was his Sith name. In the Rebels tv series, Maul says to another character that he once had a real name, but he has long since forgotten it. Palpatine took Maul from his mother and gave him his Sith name as an infant. His real name is lost to time.
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Why didn't Palpatine have Sith eyes?

Some believe this is part of the evidence for the Force Mask theory. Although, it's probably because all Sith's eyes turn yellow through the Dark Side of the Force, in which Palpatine released when using Force Lightning. He WAS a former Jedi.
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