Is Darth Vader a good guy?

Vader's tyrannical brutality is top-tier, showing no mercy whatsoever. While many believe that his tragic origin story is what qualifies him as an anti-hero rather than a villain, Vader seems to walk the line between villain and anti-hero.
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Is Darth Vader good or evil?

Confused and conflicted, Anakin ultimately succumbed to Sidious' temptations. Rechristened as Darth Vader, he became an agent of evil.
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Is Darth Vader a villain or a hero?

First seen in the movie Star Wars (1977; later retitled Star Wars: Episode IV—A New Hope), the towering, black-clad Darth Vader is a menacing villain. His head is covered by a mechanical helmet, and the sound of his breathing is an eerie, mechanical hiss.
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Does Darth Vader become good?

Did Darth Vader actually turn good at the end of Star Wars? Yes. The conflict within him that Luke felt was his love of his mother and Padmee, as well as the good he did as a Jedi. His friends among the clones such as Rex and Fives and his apprentice Ashoka.
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Does Darth Vader think he's good?

Darth Vader considered himself an agent of Order. He was not interested in the petty concepts of good or evil. But rather in remaking the galaxy in his own image, no matter the cost. This would not necessarily have meant a better galaxy, not by any means.
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The Empire did Nothing Wrong

Why is Darth Vader so angry?

Padme's death fuels his rage, and his rage dictates his actions. It is only when he saw Luke, when he lost his anger for a second and felt his love for his son.
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What does Darth Vader really want?

Vader does not just want to protect Imperial authority, he wants to make it better. This is why these earlier flashbacks to the prequels are so important. Vader ultimately believes in himself and wants to be an arbiter of real change.
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Who kills Vader?

During the battle, Anakin, who had been known as the Sith Lord Darth Vader, was redeemed by Luke and brought balance to the Force. However, the redemption cost Anakin his life, having been mortally wounded by the Emperor, Darth Sidious, while killing his former Master. After his death, Anakin became one with the Force.
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Does Vader regret becoming a Sith?

The short answer is yes, without a doubt, Vader regretted becoming a cybernetic monstrosity. First, there's the constant pain and discomfort from his suit. Worse, however, is the psychological pain. Vader destroyed everything he had ever known for a chance to save Padme.
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Who does Darth Vader hate?

Summary. Darth Vader's intense hatred extends beyond Obi-Wan Kenobi and himself to Emperor Palpatine, as revealed in Star Wars: Darth Vader #39. Vader had to tap into his deep-rooted hatred for Palpatine to overcome a deadly Scourge and destroy a Clone Wars-era droid.
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What is Darth Vader's weakness?

Darth Vader's loss of limbs prevents him from using force lightning, a common ability among Sith, making him weaker in comparison. Vader's reliance on his mechanical suit weakens him in battle, reducing his agility and mobility from his days as Anakin Skywalker.
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What mental disorder does Darth Vader have?

A recent study found that Anakin Skywalker's turn to the dark side was the result of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).
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Why did Vader look so old?

The obvious explanation comes down to poor overall planning. While James Earl Jones voiced Darth Vader and David Prowse played the villain in costume, Lucasfilm brought in Sebastian Shaw for the unmasking scene. At this point, the English actor was already 78 years old.
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Why did Vader save Luke?

Vader's redemption in Return of the Jedi was not just about saving his son; it was also a defiance of the dark side's corruption and his own past as a Sith Lord. Vader's decision to block Luke from killing Palpatine was motivated by his knowledge that it would corrupt Luke and lead him down a similar path of suffering.
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Why does Darth Vader hate?

Vader Hated His Master As Much As He Hated Himself

For all the hate he directed upon himself, he'd come to hate his master just as much if not more, especially after learning that Palpatine had kept the truth about Padmé's death from him for so many years with the reveal that Luke Skywalker was his son.
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Did Vader ever regret killing younglings?

The added risk Darth Vader takes in allowing children to live in a situation where he could have killed them proves that he regrets killing Younglings and will avoid harming any more children for the rest of his days, though intense intimidation is a dark strategy to avoid repeating his Youngling massacre.
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Who betrayed Vader?

Darth Vader Has Been Betrayed by Sabé

But all was not as it seemed in the end. Sabé avoided his heart and used her droid to revive the thugso that he did not attack any more Imper Imperial guards. If Sabé had not intervened, Vader would have visited the planet and punished thousands by death or enslavement.
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Who killed Yoda?

A year later, in 4 ABY, with his health rapidly declining, Yoda died of old age when Skywalker returned to see him. He became one with the Force, shortly before Luke redeemed his father Anakin, who fulfilled his destiny as the Chosen One by killing Sidious.
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How old is Anakin when he dies?

Even though Luke tried his best to protect him, Anakin accepted his fate and expressed his love for his son and daughter, Leia, whom he learned about before dying. While it seemed like Anakin had lived a long life, his choices eventually led to his demise at 45.
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Who killed Kylo Ren?

Kylo Ren dies on Kef Bir (the ocean moon of Endor) shortly after Rey deals a mortal wound during a lightsaber duel on the wreckage of the second Death Star. Though Rey Force-heals him, saving his life physically, this blow, coupled with the memory of his mother and father, destroys the man known as “Kylo Ren” forever.
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What is Darth Vader afraid of?

Even after his brutal scorching in the fires of Mustafar, sand remained the only natural phenomenon that Vader feared. To him, sand was a reminder that he'd failed to save his mother or Padme from death.
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Why is Darth Vader so loved?

His power lies in his unquestioning belief that he deserves to be the leader. That kind of power inspires people to follow, and it is a big part of what makes Vader so irresistible to audiences. Or maybe audiences secretly longs to possess that power themselves. Fiction gives us freedom to explore our dark side.
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Did Darth Vader do anything for fun?

it seems Vader would spend what little free time he had. doing several different things, the most common of which were. meditating in his isolation chamber, as we see in Empire Strikes Back, and spending time in his back to tank. rehabbing from his brutal injuries he sustained.
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