Is Deadpool functionally immortal?

He is said to be having cancer which resulted in deformed face, but due to his heavy healing factor he does not die. Apart from this, he is not really an immortal, until he is banished from Hell and hence not reaching entity Death by a curse from Mad Titan Thanos.
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Is Deadpool able to live forever?

Deadpool is effectively immortal, although he has died several times. He is still alive 800 years in the future when the new X-Force encounters him. In addition, Thanos once declared that Deadpool should "consider yourself cursed ... with life!"
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How is Deadpool immortal?

Deadpool's immortality comes from his extreme healing factor, which constantly replaces his damaged cells with healthy ones at such an absurd rate that he's actually immune to telepathy because his brain cells are being repaired faster than any telepath can mess with his mind.
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Is it possible for Deadpool to die?

Deadpool's healing factor can be suppressed or neutralized by certain drugs or technology. And while he can regenerate from virtually any injury, there are still ways to kill him – for example, by decapitating him and then destroying his brain.
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Can Deadpool survive a nuke?

Deadpool can survive a nuclear bomb -- how hard could it be, right? The merc has been known for being indestructible, but you would have never guessed that he could survive his very atoms being blown to bits.
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Deadpool Embarrasses The Marvel Universe

How many F bombs are dropped in Deadpool?

There is also about 85 F words, and about 30 S words. There is a lot of drinking and smoking, Deadpool gets very drunk in one scene, and there are a few smoking scenes. Overall, it's a very funny superhero movie and I love it, but it's absolutely not for kids. 6 people found this helpful.
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Why can't Deadpool be killed?

In the comics nope, deadpool can't be killed as he's banned from the realm of death by thanos.
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Can Deadpool defeat Thanos?

It's been proven to be a difficult task to defeat the Mad Titan Thanos in the comics. The character has even decimated the entire Marvel Universe before. Deadpool has also done such a deed, but pit them both in a real fight to the end and Deadpool will stand victorious.
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What is Deadpool's weakness?

Deadpool is easily one of the most powerful characters Marvel has. The fast-talking gunman seems almost fearless on the battlefield, but in reality, there's a lot that scares the Merc with the Mouth. There are two things though, that scare him above all: cows and clowns are a Deadpool weakness.
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What happens if Deadpool's head is cut off?

Between lost limbs and even decapitation, Wade Wilson has managed to sprout back up. And in most cases, it seems that his head is the key to regeneration success, seeing as it often has to be attached back onto his body to actually heal decapitation.
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Can Deadpool lift Thor's hammer?

Deadpool's trap separated Thor from his hammer long enough that he turned back into Olsen and Deadpool then took advantage of the chaos to grab the hammer... Deadpool then transformed into a version of Thor!
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Is Wolverine Deadpool immortal?

While Deadpool and Wolverine are both practically immortal because of their respective healing factors, the way the two abilities work within their bodies are very different.
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Who gave Deadpool immortality?

Months later, T-Ray, now an agent of Thanos resurrects Deadpool, who has been killed in a fight with Weapon X, using an artifact Thanos gave him to create many copies of Deadpool. Thanos is jealous of Deadpool's relationship with Death and T-Ray is to "curse him with immortality" so that he may never see Death again.
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Why is Deadpool's face messed up?

Deadpool is a mutant who has an accelerated healing factor. He can re-grow his parts or attach them if cut from his body. He is said to have cancer, which resulted in a deformed face, but he does not die due to his heavy healing factor.
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Can Deadpool beat Wolverine?

There's no doubt Deadpool could beat Wolverine in a one vs. one bout. Surely, time is a ruthless master, and The Merc with the Mouth appears to cope better with aging than the X-Men member.
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Why does Deadpool hate Wolverine?

He was welcomed by the X-Men as a member and has a connection to them, to the point he considers them his family. His deeds are admired by many heroes, some villains, and also by the average man. Wolverine is a killer, but one who managed to become a hero. Deadpool is not, he knows it and he hates it.
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Who can Deadpool beat in a fight?

Deadpool might have his fair share of comedic moments in the Marvel universe, but the mercenary's powers allow him to be one of the strongest Marvel characters, proficient enough to defeat and kill major Marvel heroes ranging from Captain America to The Fantastic Four.
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What animal is Deadpool afraid of?

Bovinophobia is the fear of cows -- yes, you read that right. The Merc with a Mouth is deathly afraid of cattle. That's because, to him, they not only make good burgers, but they also have a death stare unlike any other animal on the planet.
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Can Deadpool lose a fight?

Just because he has a healing factor doesn't mean he can't lose; it simply means his opponent has to get creative to find a way to keep him down. And quite a few opponents have managed to do just that. Since Deadpool knows he's a comic book character, he doesn't take most fights too personally.
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Did Deadpool defeat Thor?

Deadpool Killed Thor In The Most Genius Way (With His Own Hammer) - IMDb. As Deadpool killed the Marvel Universe, his murder of Thor with the God of Thunder's own hammer remains one of the Merc with a Mouth's most brutal kills.
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Is Deadpool immune to Thanos snap?

Related: Everything In The MCU Set After Thanos' Snap

For anyone worried about Deadpool, he is technically safe. Feige's answer shouldn't surprise anyone: none of Fox's characters were affected by Thanos' snap because they aren't part of the MCU.
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Who would win Captain America vs Deadpool?

Captain wins. Captain can win over Deadpool IF he never had such a quick healing factor. Eventually, cap would lose. Unless he has Loki or Thanos to undo the curse he stands no chance.
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Has Deadpool ever killed anyone?

Then Deadpool pulled out a gun and shot Spider-Man in the head, killing him instantly. He did this in front of people on the streets, and this one moment caused everyone to suddenly fear Deadpool.
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Can Deadpool regenerate from a single cell?

The way his healing factor works is that as long as a single cell of Deadpool remains, any and every part of his body is capable of regenerating at an alarming rate. This allows Deadpool to survive everything from a stab through the heart to decapitation.
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What can destroy Deadpool?

10 Marvel Weapons Powerful Enough to Beat Deadpool's Healing...
  1. 1 The Ultimate Nullifier.
  2. 2 His Daughter's Neutrino Bomb. ...
  3. 3 Weasel's Annihilator. ...
  4. 4 Weapon X Kill Switch. ...
  5. 5 Anti-Regeneration Ray. ...
  6. 6 Cockroach Grenade. ...
  7. 7 The Muramasa Blade(s) ...
  8. 8 The Moon-Born Hammer. ...
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