Is Dr Manhattan stronger than Thanos?

Thanos should not be underestimated in any fight, but unless he's wearing the Infinity Gauntlet or has a literal sack full of Cosmic Cubes, he isn't beating Dr. Manhattan. Without the aid of any super powerful objects, or pants for that matter, Dr. Manhattan could easily snap Thanos out of existence.
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Who is more powerful than Dr. Manhattan?

When The Beyonder has full power, he could easily beat Dr. Manhattan. Everything that Beyonder proved he could accomplish — including destroying all multiverse — supersedes what Dr. Manhattan had even accomplished in DC's Rebirth.
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Who is stronger Hulk or Dr. Manhattan?

Unfortunately, as formidable as the Hulk has been in all his incarnations, brute force may not be as effective against Dr. Manhattan as his other adversaries. Manhattan could conceivably split Banner from the Hulk as Onslaught did in the '90s, or disintegrate the Hulk from existence altogether.
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Who is stronger Odin or Dr. Manhattan?

Who would win in a fight between Dr. Manhattan and Odin? Doctor Manhattan wins, he is almost infinitely more powerful than Odin. Odin has nothing in his arsenal to even hurt Doctor Manhattan, physical attacks, disintegration, reality erasures, magic, none of it affects the doc.
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Can Dr. Manhattan beat Black Adam?

Doctor Manhattan is pretty much the definition of raw power in the DC Universe (even if he's only sort of part of it), and Black Adam stands no chance of beating him.
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Dr Manhattan All Powers from Watchmen

Can Dr. Manhattan beat Thor?

Can Rune King Thor beat Dr. Manhattan? - Quora. No, Dr Manhattan Godstomp any iteration of Thor you put in.
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Could Dr. Manhattan beat Superman?

However, other mainstream superheroes are probably mightier than him, since they can achieve feats he can't In short, in a straight-up battle, Dr. Manhattan could easily destroy Superman.
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Can anything beat Dr. Manhattan?

Fans who are left wondering "who can defeat Dr. Manhattan?" have only to look towards the character known as The Beyonder, who is largely considered to be one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe.
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Who would win Dr. Manhattan or Goku?

1 Winner: Doctor Manhattan

Goku, being a mere mortal, would struggle against this DC superhero because he is not a mortal anymore, instead, he is just a kind of energy having a humane form.
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Can Dr. Manhattan defeat Doomsday?

Doomsday can resist little of Doctor Manhattan's power but their's no way that he can resist Dr. Manhattan's Soul Extracting- Can manipulate souls with his telepathy and trap them inside himself, which he has done with the souls of the entire Martian race for over a thousand years.
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Can Dr. Manhattan beat Dormammu?

We've only seen a brief glimpse of them but the Celestials are also probably more powerful than Dr. Manhattan. The Dread Dormammu could win against Dr. Manhattan.
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Is Dr. Manhattan immortal?

He is also an omnikinetic. He does not need air, water, food, or sleep, and is immortal.
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Would Superman actually beat Goku?

In terms of speed, power, and durability, Superman and Goku (in SSJ2) are pretty much even. However, Goku's martial arts training gives him an edge against Superman. Superman might have gotten some training as well, but it has not been covered or written about as extensively as Goku's.
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Who will win Dr. Manhattan or Darkseid?

Darkseid stomps. Dr. Manhattan is SLOW, so slow he had minimal odds of saving the world in the event of nuclear war, whereas Darkseid can move faster than light (which would emit tachyons, Dr. Manhattan's primary weakness).
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Can Naruto beat Dr. Manhattan?

Doctor Manhattan has insane powers such as Nigh Omnipotence, Chronokinesis, immortality, intangibility and reality altering, which means Naruto stands no chance of victory.
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What is Dr. Manhattan's weakness?

Weaknesses. Doctor Manhattan's major weakness is Tachyons which limits his sight of seeing into the future or through time itself, Ozymandias himself used this against Manhattan multiple times even tried to dissolve him by just science but failed.
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Who is the strongest DC character?

When counting down the most powerful DC cosmic characters of all time, the number one has to be DC's version of God, known as The Presence. While there are numerous Gods in the DC pantheon, mostly from the Greek versions of Zeus and his offspring, the Presence is more powerful than them all.
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Who would win, Dr. Doom or Dr. Manhattan?

9 NO CHANCE: Doctor Doom

With his genius, figuring out a way to trap Dr. Manhattan and siphon his power should be difficult, but not impossible. At the very least, nullifying his power should not be beyond the capabilities of the ruler of Latveria.
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Who would win, Silver Surfer or Dr. Manhattan?

Boomstick: This was a super-difficult dual to deduce, but in due time Doctor Manhattan could spell the doom of the Herald of Galactus. In fact, he made the Silver Surfer look tachyon in comparison. Wiz: The winner is Doctor Manhattan.
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Can Ghost Rider defeat Dr. Manhattan?

His abilities to manipulate reality at a fundamental level make him nearly invincible. While Ghost Rider is a powerful supernatural entity with his flaming skull and hellfire, it's unlikely his abilities could match the sheer omnipotence of Dr. Manhattan.
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Who would win, Scarlet Witch or Dr. Manhattan?

Thus, it seems Doctor Manhattan has the clear edge in even a fight that would literally shred the very fabric of reality. No matter what the Scarlet Witch did, Doctor Manhattan would retain clear perceptions of what was going on and be unaffected by Wanda's manipulations.
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Can Dr. Manhattan beat infinity ultron?

Doctor Manhattan tried erasing Superman but Superman popped right up every single time and Dr. Manhattan>Infinity Ultron. Tanked the anti-life equation that can end reality and would easily one shot Infinity Ultron.
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Who would win Thanos or Dr. Manhattan?

Without the aide of the Infinity Gauntlet, Dr. Manhattan could easily take Thanos down. Fortunately for Thanos though, the Gauntlet puts them on a much more equal playing field. Though this match is incredibly close, Thanos' evil nature and more ruthless actions certainly give him an advantage.
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Can Hela beat Dr. Manhattan?

7 Can't Beat: Doctor Manhattan

For all her daunting capabilities, Hela can't do a thing to a being capable of instant intangibility.
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Who would win, Superman or Hulk?

With his near-immeasurable strength, an ability to take even the most devastating blows, multiple attacks that aren't just punching, along with his flight and speed, the Hulk would struggle to keep up with Superman. Even in the few times he's faced Superman, the green monster has lost.
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