Is Finding Dory emotional?

Still charming and sentimental. Although not as elaborate as Finding Nemo it is more emotional in its origin story. The film still has a way to manipulate its audience and get wrapped up in all the feels.
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Why does Finding Dory make me cry?

When Dory begins to remember her parents. It's Marlin's response that brings on the tears: in a single word, he reminds us that, no matter how many Spotlight Stealing Squads he shares the screen with, he's still our leading man, by fitting every bit of pain he went through in the first movie into that one word.
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Is Finding Dory a sad movie?

Director Andrew Stanton and producer Lindsey Collins' honest yet sensitive approach to Baby Dory's traumatic back story both enriches and grounds Pixar's poignant new film.
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What mental disorder does Finding Dory have?

Amnesia in the movies. The character Dory from the movies Finding Nemo and Finding Dory is an example of a movie character who has amnesia, or memory loss.
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What kind of personality does Dory have?

Personality. Dory is an optimistic, friendly and adventure-loving fish. She can, however, be frustrating to short-tempered fish like Marlin, and she can be ditzy and forgetful as well.
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Has Dory got ADHD?

Dory suffers from severe short-term memory loss, but a lot of what she goes through can be adapted to other contexts, such as the world, or ocean, of ADHD. Dory has trouble with multi-step directions, is easily distracted, and is very impulsive.
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Who is Dory in love with?

The companionship that emerges is completely genuine. Nonetheless, Dory and Marlin's relationship is a complicated and interesting one. Some view Dory as Marlin's companion and speculate that the two are actually lovers.
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Does Dory have autism?

It's quite obvious that Dory has anterograde amnesia, which is the inability to form new memories. I also see many of the signs of ADHD within the character. I headcanon her as having an exaggerated version of ADHD because she gets distracted extremely easily and can't keep her attention on one thing.
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Is Finding Dory a guy or a girl?

Dory is the third female protagonist in a Pixar film, the first two being Merida and Joy. She is also Pixar's third titular character, the first two being Nemo and WALL-E, and the second titular character to be a protagonist overall, the first one being WALL-E. She is also Pixar's first female titular character.
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Does Dory have separation anxiety?

Book 6. The wildly popular, ever hilarious Dory Fantasmagory series is back for a sixth adventure, with Dory turning separation anxiety into a ghostly, goofy escapade.
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Why was Dory's mom crying?

In a flashback Dory hears her mother crying in fears of being relocated to another aquarium, so she left to retrieve a shell to cheer her up, to which she was pulled away by an undertow current out into the ocean.
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Why is Dory's mom crying?

Then the actual flashback begins as she is in their coral home, crying to Charlie about how she's scared about what will happen to their daughter as she can't remember anything, and expresses her worries about when she'll be by herself as an adult. Charlie comforts her, both not knowing Dory has seen everything.
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Does finding dory have cuss words?

Profanity (2)

Hank says 'Holy carp', obviously an alternative for the usual word. 1 brief use of the phrase "Suck It" by an Octopus.
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What is the main message in Finding Dory?

The overarching message in “Finding Dory” seems to be that difference should be celebrated and accommodated, in the same way that exceptional talent is. At the film's onset, Dory announces her memory loss to everyone she meets, often with a tone of profuse apology.
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Why is Finding Nemo so emotional?

By centering the film on the emotional challenges of two likeable characters, Finding Nemo is able to trigger a reaction of empathy in its audience; our emotions naturally shift to mirror those of the characters, such that we feel Nemo and Marlin's anxiety along with them (Davis, 1980).
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Why is Finding Dory bad?

It feels extremely uninspired and is nothing like Finding Nemo in tone. The movie feels less like a movie and more like string of increasingly ridiculous scenes attached to each other for no apparent reason. It feels like a direct to video sequel that Disney would've made during the early 2000s.
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Why is Nemo's fin small?

The protagonist, Nemo, displays a small, or "deformed," fin that is a congenital result of a fatal attack on his mother and sibling eggs—a corporeal characteristic that the story surrounds, yet does not drown in.
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What is Dory short for?

Dory, a gender-neutral name with a positively glowing demeanor, comes from the Greek Dorothy, meaning “gift of God,” and Dorris, meaning “gift” and “gift from the sea.” A true testament to your love, baby Dory will always be reminded how they are a cherished godsend.
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What is Dory's full name?

On coral reefs, “Dory,” the small vibrant blue fish with black stripes and a yellow tail, is known by several other names: Hippo Tang, Royal Blue Tang, Regal Tang, Palette Surgeonfish and by the scientific name Paracanthurus hepatus.
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Who has a disability in Finding Nemo?

On the pursuit to find Nemo, Marlins come across Dory, a Pacific regal blue tang who becomes Marlin's sidekick on the voyage to find Nemo. Dory has chronic short term memory loss.
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Is there autistic fish?

Although fish don't exhibit autism-like behaviors, they can show certain abnormalities.
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Is Dory mentally disabled?

The depiction of Dory's developmental disability came about in the storyboard process of figuring how to explain her memory loss. “I wasn't trying to literally say she's a representation of a specific (disability),” says director Andrew Stanton.
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Is Nemo a girl or boy?

All clownfish ( Nemo and Marlin are clownfish) are born male and the dominant male of a group turns into a female when the female of that group dies.
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How old is Nemo?

Nemo is a curious and impressionable six-year-old, only child who lives with his overprotective, single-parent father, Marlin. Having led a sheltered life, Nemo brims with the excitement of starting school and finally seeing the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef.
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Can Nemo and Dory live together?

Nemo is an Ocellaris Clownfish that generally stays small and requires a minimum tank size of only 20 gallons. In order for the larger Dory to join Nemo, the tank must be a minimum of 125 gallons.
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