Is Green Arrow good or bad?

Although an imperfect man, prone to make mistakes in his personal life probably more than most other costumed crusaders, the Green Arrow is nevertheless one of the greatest heroes in the entire DC Universe.
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Is Green Arrow a hero or antihero?

Years later, after being robbed of his fortune and company by a corrupt partner, Oliver became more of an anti-hero. He was willing to break the law in order to protect innocent people. Over all though, he is still a super hero, taking down not only supervillains, but every day villains as well.
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Is The Green Arrow a good show?

Yes, it had a few down seasons but overall the show was terrific! It tells the story of billionaire playboy Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) as he returns a changed man after the world presumed him dead when his yacht sank at sea. He becomes the vigilante Green Arrow and tries to clean up the city.
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Is Green Arrow as good as Batman?

Green Arrow has comparable abilities to Batman, but his methods of fighting crime are far closer to those of Superman in the Golden Age. Green Arrow is easily one of the DC Universe's most underrated superheroes, and while he is often compared to Batman, he actually has far more in common with Superman.
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Why is Green Arrow so good?

The world's greatest archer, as well as a competent swordsman and martial artist, Green Arrow deploys a range of trick arrows (in contemporary times, they are referred as "specialty arrows") with various special functions, such as glue, explosive-tipped, grappling hook, flash grenade, tear gas and even kryptonite ...
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Why Arrow is Still the Best Superhero Show | Video Essay

Could Green Arrow beat Superman?

Yes, Green Arrow Can Beat Superman

Even a Superman-level threat can't actually assume that they're safe from Green Arrow, giving him a huge psychological edge in battle.
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Why did Green Arrow stop killing?

During the first season, Oliver focuses on a list of targets, written by his father, that are taking advantage of the city's citizens. Subsequent seasons have him venturing into all criminal activity, and he shifts from being willing to kill to having a rule against all killing as a means of stopping assailants.
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Who is richer Batman or Green Arrow?

Joker War destroyed Batman's fortune, leaving Green Arrow far richer than Bruce. But how will this influence their new roles with the Justice League? Warning: contains spoilers for Infinite Frontier #0!
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Who is richer between Batman and Green Arrow?

And as a short story in Infinite Frontier #0, the Green Arrow, Oliver Queen, confirms that he is officially richer than Batman. During the short segment in Infinite Frontier #0, Oliver and Dinah are laying in bed and talking with each other. Oliver notes that he's richer than Batman now.
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Who is smarter Batman or Green Arrow?

Batman Secret Files #3 just made a surprising revelation when a team-up gone awry reveals Green Arrow is smarter than Bruce Wayne in the field.
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Can Christians watch Arrow?

From a christian perspective, i think that this show is fine for teens over 13 if you skip sex scenes but if you don't skip the sex scenes then idk if this show is appropiate for anyone who wants to have a healthy mind, kids and adults.
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Should you watch Green Arrow or the flash first?

So, if you've been keeping track, your watching order should be as follows: Arrow Season 1, then Arrow Season 2, then Arrow Season 3 and The Flash Season 1 at the same time, then, watch Arrow Season 4, The Flash Season 2 and Supergirl Season 1 at the same time.
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Who does Green Arrow end up with?

Felicity Smoak, by contrast, is a character original to Arrow. Thus, a big part of Arrow's decision to pair Oliver and Felicity rather than Oliver and Laurel comes down to the show's desire to tell its own story. Here's why Oliver ends up with Felicity and not Laurel in Arrow.
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Does Superman hate Green Arrow?

Despite finding Green Arrow abrasive, Superman has put aside any personal beef or annoyance with the hero in the name of protecting the world and being a team.
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Who is Green Arrow's main enemy?

A young Oliver Queen idolized the archery skill of Merlyn (Arthur King/Malcolm Merlyn) which helped inspire him to the bow. Years later, Merlyn became a mercenary for the League of Assassins and became the archenemy of Green Arrow.
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Is Green Arrow weaker than Batman?

' Batman may have more skill than Green Arrow in a lot of ways, but Oliver has surprised all kinds of foes over the years. He's worked with Batman, so he knows how The Dark Knight operates. If anyone could figure out a way to beat Batman, it's Green Arrow.
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Did Green Arrow ever meet Batman?

The Dark Knight Returns (Earth-686)

Years later when Batman comes out of retirement to fight crime in Gotham, Oliver comes into contact with his old ally. After Superman travels to Gotham to stop Batman, Green Arrow uses a cybernetic arm and a Kryptonite arrow to assist in taking down the Man of Tomorrow.
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Who will win arrow or Batman?

Batman. Hands down. 1. Batman is far more trained and knows almost every fighting style whereas Arrow was stranded on an island and all his fighting moves are of one kind.
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Who is the richest superhero ever?

The 25 Richest Superheroes, Ranked By Wealth
  1. 1 Thor. Thor Odinson's Net Worth: Incalculable But <$200 Trillion.
  2. 2 Aquaman. Arthur Curry Net Worth: $150 Trillion. ...
  3. 3 Black Bolt. Black Bolt Net Worth: <$100 Trillion. ...
  4. 4 Black Panther. ...
  5. 5 Madelyne Pryor. ...
  6. 6 Namor The Sub-Mariner. ...
  7. 7 Sunspot. ...
  8. 8 Professor X. ...
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Who killed Oliver Queen?

Oliver was killed by an army of shadow demons, stalling for time to save billions of people on Earth-38, but he was resurrected by John Constantine in a Lazarus Pit on Earth-18.
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Is Arrow a billionaire?

Cast and characters. Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen / Arrow / Green Arrow, a billionaire playboy turned hooded vigilante-hero who is initially known as the "Hood", "Vigilante", and simply "Arrow".
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Why is Green Arrow so much like Batman?

Dating back to 1941, the Green Arrow always had some semblance to the more popular Batman. Like the Caped Crusader, the “Emerald Archer” is Oliver Queen, a millionaire (now billionaire, thanks to inflation) who trains and hones his skills abroad before returning home to live the double life of playboy and vigilante.
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What was the saddest death in Arrow?

Perhaps one of the most devastating character deaths of the show. Quentin Lance was an incredibly loved part of the Arrowverse for many years, and he appeared in over 100 episodes before his untimely death. Lance was shot after he jumped in front of Black Siren (Earth-2's Laurel Lance) and rushed to the hospital.
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Why was Arrow Season 3 bad?

For some, the change was too much, especially since it began incorporating science fiction and fantasy elements all at once with the argument being that Arrow lost its identity. In the same season that it brought in the Atom, it also dove into the mystical nature and the restorative properties of the Lazarus Pits.
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Who betrayed Arrow?

In "Irreconcilable Differences," the midseason finale of Arrow Season 6, Rene Ramirez revealed that he was the one who confessed to the FBI's Special Agent Amanda Watson that Oliver Queen is, indeed, the Green Arrow. Oliver learned the news during his wedding reception.
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