Is infinity Ultron the most powerful?

But he is hardly the pinnacle of evil that the Multiverse has to offer. In fact, the comics have already provided villains more dangerous than Infinity Ultron, and the Griever at the End of All Things is undoubtedly the most lethal of them all.
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Which Ultron is the most powerful?

Perhaps the most powerful variant of Ultron of all is a version fused with Galactus. This Ultron was seen fused with the world eater in Marvel Universe 2001 Millennial Visions #1 in an alternate reality where the Silver Surfer reconstituted the android by combining his pieces with Galactus.
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Who is stronger than Infinity Ultron?

4 The Man Of Miracles Is The Ultimate Creator

They have been known as almost every deity in the history of humanity. They were even responsible for the creation of Heaven and Hell in Spawn's reality. This is power on a level beyond anything Infinity Ultron has come across in any of the realities he has traipsed across.
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How powerful is infinity Ultron?

His strength was later further amplified by his Infinity Armor empowered by the remaining Infinity Stones, allowing him to even overpower The Watcher in terms of strength. He proved to be more than a challenge to the Guardians of the Multiverse in terms of strength with his blows greatly knocking them away.
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Is Infinity Ultron stronger than Supreme Strange?

Infinity Gauntlet Thanos can't channel the power of the Stones as effectively as Infinity Ultron could. And Strange Supreme held his own against the latter. I'd say the corrupted Sorcerer Supreme would win. Infinity Gauntlet Thanos can't channel the power of the Stones as effectively as Infinity Ultron could.
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How Strong is Infinity Ultron ( MCU ) - Marvel Comics - Infinity Stones

Is Infinity Ultron stronger than Scarlet Witch?

In Marvel's What If...?, Ultron easily defeats Zombie Scarlet Witch, and there's a reason one of the most powerful Marvel Cinematic Universe characters loses.
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Can infinity Ultron beat watchers?

Ultron, however, reappeared in the Nexus the next moment, hitting the Watcher and causing him to shatter through the wall of the Nexus and falling out of his hideout onto an unknown world.
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How many kills does Infinity Ultron have?

Infinity Ultron killed 50,000 Asgardians, 10,000 zombies, 7.3 billion people on Sakaar, 12 billion people on Xandar, and 36 billion others from numerous unnamed planets.
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Is infinity Ultron nigh omnipotent?

Nigh-omnipotence: After stealing the Infinity Stones from Thanos after killing him, Ultron became somewhat of a god-like figure, being capable of creating life out of nowhere, destroy worlds, eradicate civilizations and travel space.
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Can magneto beat Ultron?

Magneto, though, has proved in the past that he can affect adamantium on a molecular level, which is how he removed Wolverine's adamantium skeleton, so he could break down Ultron at that level, taking him apart and ending him.
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Can Hulk defeat Ultron?

A fight with Hulk alone feasibly could have made for a climactic battle, but it didn't because Hulk is no match for Ultron. That's likely why he's taken out so early on in the story, before the events of the first issue. Readers aren't even made privy to the exact circumstances of Bruce's death.
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Who can defeat Ultron easily?

Just as Thor or his Rune King version can easily defeat Ultron, Shazam (Billy Batson) shouldn't have any problem doing the same. Shazam's powers are magical and something Ultron might have difficulty processing.
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Is Infinity Ultron stronger than Thanos?

Without the Infinity Stones, Thanos is physically stronger than Ultron. However, Ultron is more ruthless and has the ability to transfer his mind to any of his other bodies.
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Who is more powerful Infinity Ultron or Thanos?

In Marvel's What If…?, Ultron used the Mind Stone to instantly bisect Thanos before the two could properly fight. In a fight without any Infinity Stones, however, Thanos would destroy Ultron, further cementing him as one of the MCU's deadliest threats.
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Who is stronger Ultron or Hulk?

This has been a debate that has been ongoing for years. Now, it's finally been answered as Ultron officially picked the Hulk as the strongest Avenger to aid in his quest to destroy as much as possible and tear the team apart.
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Which Avenger killed the most?

While Thor slowed down on the killing as an Avenger, he didn't completely stop and has been willing to kill more as it's become more acceptable to his comrades. Thor is a killer and easily has the highest kill count among the heroes of Earth and beyond.
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Who killed the last Ultron?

With his plan foiled, Ultron uses the Vibranium and Chitauri technology to make himself a more powerful body and to convert Sokovia's capital city of Novi Grad into a meteor. Ultimately, the Avengers thwart him once more while Wanda and the Vision destroy Ultron's body and Ultron himself respectively.
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Who can Darkseid not beat?

10 Marvel Heroes Who Could Beat Darkseid On Their Own
  1. 1 Darkseid Would Be Overwhelmed By Silver Surfer.
  2. 2 Hyperion Is Marvel's Superman. ...
  3. 3 Thor Has Dealt With Beings Like Darkseid Before. ...
  4. 4 Black Bolt's Power Would Destroy Darkseid. ...
  5. 5 Doctor Strange Is Smart Enough To Take Down Darkseid. ...
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Which Avenger can beat Darkseid?

The Avengers would win, only if they were fighting together (Thor, Wanda, Strange, Danvers, Vision, etc) seeing that it took Atlantians, Amazonians and Zeus and Ares at their most mature form to defeat him.
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Would Thor beat Darkseid?

He has superhuman speed and strength, and once fought Zeus to a standstill. Thor would certainly be thwarted by Darkseid. This fearsome villain would be able to drain the lifeforce from him, and even his godly weaponry doesn't seem like it could withstand Darkseid's Omega Beams.
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Can Galactus beat the watcher?

#41, Marvel reveals that the Watcher's power actually exceeds Galactus' and Uatu could have stopped him whenever he wanted, though it would require great sacrifice.
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Why can't the watcher defeat Ultron?

The Watcher had already fought against Ultron and failed. This injured The Watcher badly, causing him to be unable to fight and for him to doubt his ability to beat Ultron. This is why he created the guardians of the multiverse, to fight Ultron, because they had a better chance.
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Who is more powerful than Watcher?

The Celestials are more powerful than The Watchers. One Celestial is more powerful than atleast 5 Watchers. The contingent of Skyfathers (Zeus, Odin, Zuras King of the Eternals, Vishnu, Osiris, and a few other “god kings”) were defeated by one Celestial.
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