Is Jack an antagonist?

Jack Merridew is the main antagonist in Lord of the Flies. Throughout the novel he stands in Ralph's way as Ralph attempts to create a civilized society on the island.
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What type of character was Jack?

Character Analysis Jack. Jack represents evil and violence, the dark side of human nature. A former choirmaster and "head boy" at his school, he arrived on the island having experienced some success in exerting control over others by dominating the choir with his militaristic attitude.
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Is Jack evil in Lord of the Flies?

Jack eventually forms a breakaway group of his own and swiftly becomes a violent dictator. By the end of the novel, he is ordering the torture of other boys and even tries to organise the murder of Ralph. Jack is an unlikeable character, motivated by evil and whose bad traits only get worse as the story progresses.
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What kind of leader is Jack?

Jack, the Self-Appointed Leader. The second type of leadership in Lord of the Flies is self-appointed leadership, which is someone who takes power for themselves rather than being elected. Self-appointed leadership is what we see with the character Jack. From the start he wants to be in charge.
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Is Jack a bad leader?

Jack is obsessed with power, and he abuses the power he has. He is impulsive and a bad leader. Jack symbolizes anarchy when he challenges Ralph's authority and encourages the boys to disregard their chief. He symbolizes dictatorship when he forms his own band and becomes excessively violent and controlling.
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Why is Jack the antagonist?

Jack from Lord of the Flies is a bad leader because he is impulsive, violent, manipulative, and controlling. He does not put the well-being of the boys first. Instead, he acts on his own insecurities and urges.
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Is Jack a harsh dictator?

Jack begins acting ever more like a cruel dictator to his own tribe members, having one of the boys tied up and beaten for angering him. He plans a raid on Ralph's camp to get fire for another pig roast and tries to convince his uneasy followers that they had beaten but not killed the beast the previous night.
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Who is the most evil character kills Piggy?

Roger in Lord of the Flies symbolizes evil. He bullies the littluns, kills Piggy, and he tortures Samneric.
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Why does Ralph cry at the end of the book?

Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart, and the fall through the air of a true, wise friend called Piggy. These lines from the end of Chapter 12 occur near the close of the novel, after the boys encounter the naval officer, who appears as if out of nowhere to save them.
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Why should Jack be chief?

Why does Jack think he should be the chief? Jack believes he is superior to Ralph because of his status back home. He states, “I ought to be chief . . . because I'm chapter chorister and head boy.” Later, Jack thinks he should be chief because he is a strong hunter.
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How is Jack inherently evil?

Jack relishes what he feels after a particularly satisfying hunt. Here, Golding makes a connection between Jack's thrill of the hunt and his desire to commit violence. Even at the first assembly, Jack is obsessed with the idea of hunting, which, Golding suggests, betrays his desire to take life.
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Does Jack represent evil?

The character of Jack not only shows us how the primitive desire and actions are released where there are no restrictions of civilization but also what an dictator would have done or would do when driven by his evil power and lust for blood.
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Why did Jack become evil?

His father passed away while he was very young, causing his mother to give custody of Jack to his grandmother. While being raised by his grandmother, he was subjected to (at the least) physical abuse. This abuse would most likely become one of the main contributors to the decline of his mental state as he became older.
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Is Jack a protagonist or antagonist in Lord of the Flies?

Jack Merridew is the main antagonist in Lord of the Flies. Throughout the novel he stands in Ralph's way as Ralph attempts to create a civilized society on the island.
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How does Jack symbolize savagery?

Jack leads the boys into savagery. He is obsessed with hunting, he challenges Ralph, and he promises fun and meat, which wins over most of the boys when he breaks away to form his own tribe.
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What is Jack's weakness in Lord of the Flies?

These are Jack's strengths as a leader in the book, he was always determined in everything he does and that he gives what his tribe wants and also fulfilling what he desires. Jack also has his weaknesses as a leader. He has a short-temper. An example from the book was that when he hit Piggy violently.
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Why does Ralph cry for Piggy?

He finally is able to mourn the death of Piggy. He is finally able to let go of the burden of responsibility that had been given to him, and he had not been able to uphold. He was relieved that he was finally being rescued. He was still a young boy who has just come through a prolonged traumatic situation.
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Does Ralph get stabbed?

Jack declares himself chief, and hurls his spear at Ralph, which tears the skin and flesh over his ribs, then shears off and falls into the water. Ralph turns and runs, but Sam and Eric remain.
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What does Ralph realize at the end?

Remembering the deaths of Piggy and Simon, Ralph realizes that the savages will only go further and further. He acknowledges the indefinable connection between him and Jack and knows that Jack will never let him alone.
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Who cries when Piggy dies?

Ralph Stands Alone

At the end of chapter 11, Ralph is completely alone on his side of the conflict because Piggy was killed and Jack captured Sam and Eric and forced them to switch over to his side. He runs into the woods, crying and fearful that Jack and his group will come after him.
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Who crushed Piggy?

In Lord of the Flies, Roger is the one who kills Piggy. He has gradually deteriorated and begun to show his sadism by throwing rocks at the littluns but not really trying to hit them.
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Who murdered Piggy?

Roger, the character least able to understand the civilizing impulse, crushes the conch shell as he looses the boulder and kills Piggy, the character least able to understand the savage impulse.
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What sacrifice to the beast does Jack order?

Jack and his hunters kill a sow and decide to leave an offering for the beast. They cut off the pig's head, and Jack asks Roger to 'sharpen a stick at both ends'. As Jack places the head on a stick he says: 'This head is for the beast. It's a gift'.
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What do Simon's words mean to Ralph?

In a scene which verges on the supernatural, Simon whispers to Ralph that he'll 'get back to where he came from', meaning that Ralph will survive the island.
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Why does Ralph want them to get cleaned up before they go see Jack?

Ralph wants the boys to get cleaned up before they confront Jack. He wants to distinguish himself, Piggy, and Samneric as civil and proper, in contrast to Jack's violent and savage tribe. "Well, we won't be painted... because we aren't savages."
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