Is Jack Crusher a changeling hybrid?

None other than a Borg/human hybrid like Jack Crusher. So far, we've seen he has innate defense mechanisms when threatened, able to kill four Changeling attackers without even knowing how or why. He can telepathically connect with others, making him an incredible asset on the battlefield.
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Does Jack Crusher have Borg DNA?

Little did he realize the nightmarish visions that plagued him since childhood were derived from organic Borg DNA Jack inherited from his father, who was assimilated and turned into Locutus of Borg in Star Trek: The Next Generation's classic "The Best of Both Worlds."
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Why do Changelings want jack crushers?

As crew members beamed on and off their ships, the computers recognized this new genetic code as "common biology" and integrated it into the DNA of every officer in the fleet. The Changelings wanted Jack because of they needed his Borg-altered DNA, though they later ended up acquiring this from Picard's body.
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What species is Jack Crusher?

Ensign Jack Crusher is a 25th century Human Federation Starfleet officer assigned to the USS Enterprise-G.
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Is Jack Crusher part Borg?

Jack suffered from terrifying visions and hearing voices as a child, but it was Beverly who ultimately determined that her son was born with organic Borg DNA he inherited from Jean-Luc from his time as Locutus of Borg.
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Jack Crusher Exposes Changeling Saboteur | Star Trek Picard Season 3 EIII

What is Jack Crusher's secret?

"Vox" reveals that the source of Jack Crusher's abilities is the Borg, thanks to some genetic trickery on the part of the collective. This is a development many Trekkies saw coming because the Borg and Picard are inextricably linked. There were plenty of theories about why Jack could do these strange things.
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What is Jack Crusher's Borg name?

Jack is indeed the biological son of Jean-Luc Picard and Dr. Beverly Crusher, but as much as he wanted to deny it, the young Crusher is also the son of Locutus and the Borg Queen, who pondered Latin names for Jack like Regenerati (Rebirth) or Puer Dei (Child of God) before she chose to name him Vox.
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Why are jack crushers' eyes red?

Is Jack Crusher's Mystery Voice A Star Trek: DS9 Pah-Wraith? Jack Crusher's eyes also go red when he manifests his special abilities, implying that another consciousness has taken over his body, similar to how Gul Dukat (Marc Alaimo) would also have red eyes while under the influence of the Pah-wraiths in DS9.
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What is Jack Crusher possessed by?

One leading theory is that Jack is possessed by the Pah Wraiths, non-corporeal beings and enemies of the Bajoran Prophets from “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.” Since the Changelings were also introduced in “Deep Space Nine,” the two species may have some connection.
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Is Jack Crusher a species 8472?

Jack is related to Species 8472

The going theory among fans doesn't seem to be that Jack is actually part of Species 8472, but that he's perhaps been modified or infected by the ruthless and highly evolved species as a pawn in some larger conflict.
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Who are the parents of Jack Crusher?

Both Jack Crusher, the son of Admiral Jean-Luc Picard and Dr. Beverly Crusher, and Sidney La Forge, the daughter of Commodore Geordi La Forge, have the weight of the galaxy on their shoulders living in the shadow of their legendary parents.
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How old is Jack Crusher supposed to be in Picard?

Jack Crusher is just a hard-looking (but handsome) 23-year-old. Living with your mom full-time and running rescue missions apparently ages you prematurely. Episode 4 confirms Jack's age when Picard asks him if he's about 23 or 24 years old. This ends up being a major plot point towards the end of the season.
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Is Jack Crusher really Picard's son?

Star Trek: Picard Season 3 firmly established Jack Crusher as a significant character within the beloved franchise, placing him alongside the iconic figures of the series. As the son of the esteemed Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher, Jack (Ed Speleers) plays a crucial role in the Star Trek canon.
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What species created the Borg?

The forced merging of the humans and the mostly decayed Caeliar results in the creation of the first Borg.
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Which species Cannot be assimilated by the Borg?

Species 8472: Also known as the Undine, they were a highly advanced and biologically unique species from fluidic space. Due to their vastly different biology, the Borg were unable to assimilate or adapt to them.
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What species is immune to the Borg?

Star Trek: Voyager

The Borg discover Species 8472 in the Delta Quadrant and try to assimilate its biotechnology, which is more advanced than anything the Borg have seen. The Borg quickly realize that Species 8472 is immune to assimilation and that contemporary Borg technology is no match for it.
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Why does no one like Wesley Crusher?

Fans disliked Crusher because they believed he was Gene Roddenberry's self-insert character and felt that his presence pandered to children in the audience.
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Why does Jack Crusher have visions?

However, it's more likely that Jack's vision has something to do with the larger Star Trek: Picard season 3 story. As Jean-Luc Picard is Jack Crusher's father, it's possible that Jack is experiencing the strange visions because he has inherited his father's Irumodic Syndrome.
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How can Jack Crusher be Picard's son?

Patrick Stewart's Jean-Luc Picard got quite the shocker in the second episode of Star Trek: Picard's third and final season: Ed Speleers' Jack Crusher, son of his former flame Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden), is also his child.
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Is Agnes Jurati the Borg queen?

Jurati returns as the Borg Queen. Upon returning from 2024 moments before the explosion, Picard canceled the auto-destruct and allowed the Borg Queen to proceed after realizing that it was the same Queen from an alternate timeline who had merged with Dr. Jurati.
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Why does Vadic want Jack?

Getting Jack into the anomaly was Vadic's plan all along

So the fan theory goes that this was all part of a long plan by Vadic and that something at the heart of that anomaly will interact with Jack in some way—and the “red” vision he saw in episode 3 was the first hint of some kind of connection Jack has to it.
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Is Jack Crusher Pah Wraith?

Only one detail works against this Picard theory that Jack Crusher is part Pah-Wraith. They could move about freely after possession, whereas whatever is inside Jack (and Jean-Luc's biological body) is more corporeal.
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Why is there no Wesley Crusher in Picard?

The most likely reason for Wesley's absence is that, in writing these final episodes, the decision was made to focus on the impact of Jack Crusher's existence on Jean-Luc. This is the final chapter of Jean-Luc Picard's story, so the focus on his legacy and his own next generation makes sense.
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Is Jack Crusher related to Wesley Crusher?

He also appeared in the feature film Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) and in the television series Star Trek: Picard (2022). He is the son of Beverly Crusher and Jack Crusher and is portrayed by actor Wil Wheaton.
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What happened to Beverly Crusher's son?

After marrying Jack, Beverly returned to the academy while he left for the USS Stargazer. A year later, she gave birth to a son named Wesley Crusher. Jack died on an away mission when Wesley was five years old.
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