Is Jean Grey stronger than Galactus?

Confirmed Jean Grey Could Beat Galactus All On Her Own Back In 1981. One dark alternate timeline revealed that a major Marvel hero can fight Galactus to a stand-still alone - and could be even more dangerous. Some of Marvel's most powerful characters are strong enough to shake the foundations of their entire universe.
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Who is powerful than Jean Grey?

Jean Grey is not the entity itself, she's just its perfect host and closest thing to its human form. Now for the next question… I'm assuming by who's stronger you mean who is more powerful, and true form Phoenix is more powerful than Jean Grey. The Phoenix is a practically omnipotent cosmic entity.
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Who is more powerful than Galactus?

Thanos (With Infinity Gauntlet)

With just the flick of a finger, Thanos could make Galactus disappear in an instant. With the might of all the Infinity Stones and his natural strength, Thanos is nearly unstoppable, and arguably no single hero or villain in the Marvel world could defeat him alone.
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Who could beat Jean Grey?

Professor X was always able to beat her in psychic combat, using his immense power to shut down his student. While he's not always the best person and has been wrong a lot, his powers and skills make him one of the most formidable psychic combatants ever.
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Can Jean Grey beat a celestial?

She could defeat a single celestial but multiple Celestials may beat her, unless she decided to go nuclear. If she feels the Multiverse has run its course she has the power and destiny to destroy the entire Omniverse and rise from its ashes. This would destroy everything, including the Celestials.
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Marvel Characters | Size Comparison (All Character's Abilities) 2021

Can Jean Grey defeat Darkseid?

Professor X and Cyclops convince what is left of Jean Grey's human consciousness that she is being manipulated, and she once again sacrifices herself to defeat Darkseid, repairing all the damage in doing so.
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Could Magneto beat Jean Grey?

Undoubtedly, Magneto could overpower Jean Grey without the Phoenix Force. Jean Grey's telepathic abilities are completely null and void against Magneto, but he would not be unaware of her attempts to reach out.
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Can Phoenix beat Galactus?

Galactus was at the ebb of his, hungry and weak. Phoenix was able to defeat him in a truly cosmic battle, but if Galactus had been at full strength, it seems the circumstances would have been very different in this titanic battle.
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Can Juggernaut beat Galactus?

Despite the fact that Galactus is a cosmic being older than the universe who regularly consumes entire planets, the earthbound Juggernaut shockingly proves to be more powerful than him–and one stunning side-by-side comparison confirms it.
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Can Deadpool beat Galactus?

There was one time in the comics when Deadpool faced Galactus head on, and somehow won. Instead of slicing the giant to pieces or punching through his heart, Deadpool just talked and talked - and talked. Indeed, Galactus got so annoyed by Deadpool's quips that he eventually surrendered.
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Could Spiderman beat Galactus?

The source of the Power Cosmic and among the most powerful cosmic entities in the Marvel Universe, Galactus destroys worlds with little effort. Spider-Man stands no chance against him but in at least one reality in the multiverse, Earth-11638, Spider-Man single-handedly defeated Galactus with some supernatural power.
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What power level is Jean Grey?

Powers and abilities. Jean Grey is an Omega-level mutant, and at her highest and strongest potential was fully merged with the Phoenix Force and with it was able to defeat even Galactus.
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Can Jean Grey beat Superman?

Whether it be with her telepathy or her telekinesis, Superman just couldn't hang with Jean. She could hold him off with her telekinesis and use her telepathy to take him down or hold him in place and pummel him with everything around him. For once, someone else has all the advantages in a fight against Superman.
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Can Jean Grey Phoenix beat Thanos?

It also confirms that despite Thanos' incredible might, he's no match for Jean Grey at the height of her power and control as the Phoenix.
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Can Hulk hurt Galactus?

Oddly enough, Hulk might actually be able to hit Galactus hard enough that he notices that he's been hit. But that's about as far as the fight goes. Galactus would see him as nothing more than a little green annoyance to be flicked away like a gnat.
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Can Thor beat Galactus?

Not only does Thor kill Galactus with the cosmic power that Galactus himself gave the God of Thunder, but he also combines it with his own power of the King of Asgard, absolutely obliterating the cosmic destroyer, making Thor the Herald of None.
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Can Thor's hammer stop the Juggernaut?

When the two faced each other in the past, Thor beat Juggernaut by generating an anti-magic whirlwind with his hammer, effectively removing Cain's magical invulnerability. Mjolnir's enchantment also makes it an immoveable object - the perfect counter to an unstoppable force like the Juggernaut.
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Can Dormammu beat Galactus?

Galactus would easily defeat Dormammu outside the Dark Dimension, but it turns out that even on Dormammu's turf, he retains his power and has the means to grow even stronger.
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Would Thanos beat Galactus?

Only with the power of the Infinity Stones does Thanos stand a chance of beating Galactus in a fight; it's fortunate for him (and for the universe) that Galactus considers himself above such moral concepts as good and evil, choosing instead to eat planets out of a desire to satiate his hunger rather than a desire to ...
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Who is the strongest mutant?

Marvel: 25 Most Powerful Mutants, Ranked Weakest To Strongest
  • 8 Apocalypse. ...
  • 7 Quentin Quire. ...
  • 6 Professor X. ...
  • 5 Jean Grey. ...
  • 4 Franklin Richards. ...
  • 3 Scarlet Witch. ...
  • 2 Legion. ...
  • 1 Onslaught. No other mutant in the Marvel universe is as feared as the terrifying Onslaught.
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Is Wolverine more powerful than Jean Grey?

The Phoenix Force is one of the most frightening elements in the entire Marvel Universe. It's something that has possessed multiple entities, but Jean Grey is its most famous host. Even without the Phoenix force, it's arguable that Jean could destroy Wolverine.
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Can Magneto lift Mjolnir?

This isn't even getting into the fact that, as we saw in Avengers #111 (by Steve Englehart, Don Heck and Mike Esposito), Magneto can control people's minds with his powers, so he could "wield" Mjolnir, in a way, by "wielding" Thor himself... (And yes, it is creepy that he has his daughter dancing for him).
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Can Spiderman beat Jean Grey?

Unfortunately, Spider-Man still has plenty of weaknesses and blind spots: he has absolutely no defense against energy-based attacks outside of dodging them, and he can't avoid telepaths like Jean Grey.
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Can Thanos beat Superman?

As mighty as they are, neither Thanos nor Superman is immortal. Both have been killed in the past, meaning neither is unbeatable. However, Thanos would need an ironclad plan to trap and defeat the Man of Steel, because if it comes down to plain old fisticuffs, Superman is definitely going to win.
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Can Superman beat Thor?

Even so, taking both heroes at their maximum potential, it's practically a given that Superman would overpower Thor in terms of sheer physical strength. He may not consider himself a god, but the Last Son of Krypton can still outmatch the God of Thunder on his best day.
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