Is Justine a girl or boy in Frankenstein?

Justine is a young girl whom the Frankensteins take in at the age of 12.
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Who was Justine to Victor?

Justine Moritz is Victor Frankenstein's housekeeper and his lover. One day, Victor's long-absent cousin Elizabeth arrives. Justine is dismayed when Victor announces that his and Elizabeth's marriage, arranged in childhood, is about to take place.
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Who is the boy in Frankenstein?

In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the title family is the 'most distinguished' family in Geneva, Switzerland. There are three boys: Victor, Ernest, and William. The family eventually adopts Elizabeth, who is either a cousin or a gypsy child, depending on the edition of the novel. Victor is the oldest boy.
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Why did Justine confess to killing William?

Answer and Explanation:

Justine confesses to the murder of William Frankenstein in order to receive forgiveness from God. If she confesses and asks for God's forgiveness, she believes she can die with a clean conscience.
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Why does Justine confess even though she is innocent?

Why did Justine confess to the murder? Justine confesses to the crime, believing that she will thereby gain salvation, but tells Elizabeth and Victor that she is innocent—and miserable. Justine confesses to the murder of William so that she could be forgiven, by God, for all of the sins she had committed in her life.
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Frankenstein - Lesson 8 - Justine

Did Victor know Justine was innocent?

Victor Frankenstein witnesses Justine's trial and is racked with guilt. He knows she is innocent but cannot admit it. Doing so would mean either implicating himself or revealing the existence of the creature, which would lead to further problems. Justine is found guilty of William's murder and sentenced to death.
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Did Frankenstein's monster fall in love?

In the 1818 novel by Mary Shelley, Frankenstein's Monster does not have a specific love interest, although he does wish to love and be loved by someone. However, all humans seem to fear and hate him, so he asks Victor Frankenstein to create a companion, or wife, for him who is also a Monster.
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What is toxic masculinity in Frankenstein?

A powerful man's toxicity is his masculinity, his pride in what he has and his fear he has it to lose. Victor's vanity leads to the deaths of innocent people and ultimately to his recognizing his impotence and powerlessness. It becomes Victor's political demise, as well as his personal downfall.
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What are Frankenstein's monster's pronouns?

Mary Shelley, for all her forward looking attitudes, probably was not indicating that Dr. Frankenstein had resurrected a female with Sapphic leanings. Therefore, the proper pronouns for the monster are he, him.
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What happened to Justine in Frankenstein?

The monster frames Justine for the murder of Victor's youngest brother, William, a murder the monster himself committed, and Justine is swiftly executed.
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Who died of scarlet fever in Frankenstein?

In Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus, Victor Frankenstein's mother is identified as Caroline Beaufort Frankenstein. She died of scarlet fever when Victor was 17, and does not appear in any scenes in the novel.
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What was affected by the death of Justine?

Justine's unjust execution for William's death keeps the cycle of revenge going. Victor is now indirectly responsible for Justine's death as well as William's. His compounded guilt over these deaths fuels his own desire for revenge against the monster.
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Who is Justine in Frankenstein story?

Justine Moritz

A young girl adopted into the Frankenstein household while Victor is growing up. Justine is blamed and executed for William's murder, which is actually committed by the monster.
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Why did Justine lie in Frankenstein?

Quick answer: Justine, in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, confesses to a crime she did not commit due to her fear of eternal damnation. Raised as a Catholic, she believes that by confessing, she will be absolved of all sins before her death.
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Why did Frankenstein not save Justine?

Frankenstein realizes that Justine is not the killer and that the Monster is, but he is afraid to testify in court on her behalf for fear that he will be labeled “insane” and that no one will believe that such a monster could exist anyway.
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What is the gender theory of Frankenstein?

Frankenstein presents a gendered inequality in which wives yield to their husbands' paternal protection and young girls are given like prizes to the firstborn male. The familial power structure functions only because the women are weaker than the men, and public life is completely separate from private.
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Was Mary Shelley a feminist?

While Frankenstein is an undeniably feminist text, just as Shelley is an undeniably feminist writer, Mellor notes that Shelley was no crusader for the cause. Her mother's work was foundational to the burgeoning women's rights movement, but Shelley did not join it during her lifetime.
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Why is Frankenstein a bad person?

As we reread Mary Shelley's Frankenstein at two hundred years, it is evident that Victor Frankenstein is both a mad scientist (fevered, obsessive) and a bad scientist (secretive, hubristic, irresponsible). He's also not a very nice person. He's a narcissist, a liar, and a bad "parent." But he is not genuinely evil.
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Why did the bride of Frankenstein hiss?

Frankenstein reanimates the body of a companion for his misunderstood monster and upon her awakening, is immediately horrified by everything around her. She hisses at the monster who cries out, “she hate me like the others” and proceeds to tear apart the entire laboratory and tower.
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Does Frankenstein's monster regret killing?

The Monster visits Frankenstein's body. He tells Walton that he regrets the murders he has committed and that he intends to commit suicide.
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Why did the bride of Frankenstein hate him?

Originally created as a companion to Victor Frankenstein's cynical and alcoholic "Creation", she is so disdainful of him that she went as far as to have her hair replaced with fire to keep him away. The Bride is in a relationship with a vampiric Mohandas Gandhi.
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Who testifies for Justine?

Who testifies in Justine's defense at her trial? Elizabeth testifies for Justine's innocence during the trial.
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What ultimately convinces the jury of Justine's guilt?

What ultimately convinces the jury of Justine's guilt? (Hint: Is itreason/logicor emotion?) The locket Elizabeth gave to William was found in Justine's pocket and she was unable to explain how it got there. She had been in the same place as everyone else when William was murdered but was not with the group.
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Why does the monster put the locket in Justine's pocket?

Why did the creature put the locket in Justine's pocket? He intended that she should take the blame for the murder. The creature asked Frankenstein to teach him how to create another life.
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