Is Kara Zor-El stronger than Kal-El?

Honestly, Superman is not as strong even when he doesn't hold back. In DC Comics' 2021 series Crime Syndicate, we see Earth-3 Kal-El become the evil Ultraman. Though Ultraman seems to be unstoppable, Kara Zor-El defeats him with ease.
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What's the strongest version of Supergirl?

1 Kara Zor-L AKA Power Girl (Earth-Two)

Since then, Power Girl made a life for herself as Karen Starr or Paige, so people don't really relate her to Supergirl or Kara Zor-El. However, she remains one of the most powerful and popular versions of this Kryptonian superhero in the multiverse.
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How powerful is Kara Zor-El?

A yellow sun gives her the powers akin to that of Superman. Like all Kryptonians under a yellow sun, the current version of Kara Zor-El possesses virtually unlimited strength, stamina, and invulnerability.
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Is Kal-El stronger than other Kryptonians?

As in the comics, Kal-El's powers are depicted as being superior to other Kryptonians, due to his spending a far greater period of time exposed to Earth's yellow sun and atmosphere, though some have an advantage over him in terms of combat experience (e.g. Zod, Faora and Nam-Ek).
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Is Kara Zor-El immune to kryptonite?

Another one of her powers however, is that she is immune to synthetic Kryptonite, whereas Kal-El is not.
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Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) Powers & Fight Scenes | Smallville

Who is the strongest Kryptonian in Supergirl?

Supergirl is the Living Symbol of Strength

She survived the loss of her home planet, fought to earn the respect of Earth, and conquered every fear and anxiety she's ever had. Kara is undoubtedly the strongest Kryptonian in both physical strength and spirit.
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Who is faster Supergirl or Superman?

Superman is stronger, supergirl is faster. However DC uses a +1 when assessing a characters abilities. They don't officially have Superman lift x amount of tons, it's whomever has whatever strength level Superman simply has +1 more.
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Who is the strongest Kryptonian?

Out of all the Kryptonians in the DC Universe, Supergirl is surprisingly the strongest of them all. A villain reveals that Kara has a mythical aspect to her powers that make her far more powerful than her cousin, Superman.
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Is Zod stronger than Kal-El?

General Zod

In the case of General Zod, it's because they are both Kryptonians who have traveled to Earth and gained the powers of the planet's yellow sun. Zod, though, is even stronger than Superman because he has absorbed less of Earth's sun than Kal-El.
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What is the lifespan of a Kryptonian?

Kryptonian's Longevity

This can enable them to live well into their hundreds to even thousands of years with every detail of their appearance remaining unchanged. It is believed that their physical appearances reach the peak of their lives in the range of their twenty years (on Earth).
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Why does Kara have black hair?

Eventually, she learned about her powers and how to use them, and took on the identity of Supergirl, wearing a black-haired wig to disguise her blond hair in that identity.
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Are female Kryptonians stronger?

Some say yes, others no, some say she's stronger. But, it appears that Kryptonians are a sexually dimorphic species with male kryptonians being noticeably taller, wider framed, denser boned and more muscular than female kryptonians.
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Would Superman beat Supergirl?

Although both of them share the same weaknesses and strengths, Kara seems to have a higher potential. If someone angers Supergirl, she can go on an absolute rampage, destroying everything in her wake just like Superman— but better. Moreover, Superman has been beaten several times by Kara.
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Can Thor beat Supergirl?

Thor. Supergirl is great but she lacks the spiritneeded to put him down. She is faster but Thor is a superior fighter with comparable strength and hax melee weapon.
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Who has beaten Supergirl?

Despite her confidence, Supergirl was beaten ruthlessly by Maelstrom. She was only saved by Superman. Her beating was so severe that Supergirl retreated to the moon, where she thought of giving up altogether and Superman had to talk her down.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Supergirl?

Wonder Woman and Supergirl have fought twice before - and Wonder Woman handily won both times. Supergirl is incredibly strong, and possess all the powers of her more famous cousin. Unfortunately, she lacks the experience and training necessary to defeat Diana in a fight.
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Why can't Zod beat Superman?

However, Zod's powers are often inferior to those of Superman, due to the latter being exposed to the yellow sun over the course of his entire life, while Zod typically only gets exposed for a short period of time before being defeated and returned to the Phantom Zone.
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Who is Superman's strongest child?

Superman's 16 Strongest Kids
  • 8 Conner Kent/Superboy.
  • 7 Chris Kent/Nightwing.
  • 6 Cir-El/Supergirl.
  • 5 Jordan Kent.
  • 4 Kara Kent/Superwoman.
  • 3 Lara/Supergirl.
  • 2 Ariella Kent/Supergirl.
  • 1 Jonathan Kent/Hyperman.
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Who is stronger Darkseid or Thanos?

Darkseid was created in 1971 by comics legend Jack Kirby and directly influenced Jim Starlin in designing Thanos two years later. While that linked origin is the source of debate, most fan conversation centers on who is the most powerful. However, the answer is quite simple: Darkseid.
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Is Supergirl weaker than Superman?

It's clear she absorbs her solar powers even faster than Superman. Beyond that, Supergirl just doesn't hold back. Honestly, Superman is not as strong even when he doesn't hold back. In DC Comics' 2021 series Crime Syndicate, we see Earth-3 Kal-El become the evil Ultraman.
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Is there anyone powerful than Superman?

Captain Atom and Superman have fought before. In that battle, Superman had to pull out a trick or two to come out on top because, at the end of the day, Captain Atom is stronger than Superman. On top of his strength and invulnerability, Captain Atom can absorb and expel radiation and energy of all kinds.
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Is Doomsday more powerful than Superman?

Doomsday possessed enormous superhuman strength that is significantly greater than Superman and at one point this enabled him to effortlessly stand his ground against the entire Justice League, including Superman and Orion.
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Can Superman beat Thor?

Even so, taking both heroes at their maximum potential, it's practically a given that Superman would overpower Thor in terms of sheer physical strength. He may not consider himself a god, but the Last Son of Krypton can still outmatch the God of Thunder on his best day.
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Is Wonder Woman faster than Godspeed?

According to Williamson in DC Nation #2 (2018), while Wonder Woman doesn't have the ability to access the Speed Force, she is still able to beat both Kid Flash and Godspeed in a hypothetical race, coming in at seventh place.
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Who is officially faster flash or Superman?

As a general rule, the comics claim that The Flash is the faster hero, with Barry Allen, Wally West and even an octogenarian Jay Garrick having outrun Superman over the years.
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