Is Katniss deaf?

Katniss is rendered deaf in one ear after she blows up the Careers' supplies, and she doesn't regain any hearing on her left side until afterwards when the Capitol gives her a hearing aid.
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Is Katniss permanently deaf in her left ear?

In the book, blood streams from Katniss' ear, leaving her permanently deaf in her left ear. She doesn't regain hearing until the Capitol fixes her with a replacement aid after winning the Hunger Games.
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How did Katniss lose hearing?

The explosions knock the wind out of Katniss and cause her to lose hearing in both of her ears. She knows that the Careers will be coming back to see what's become of their camp, but she can't stand.
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What disability does Peeta have?

He is "broad-shouldered and strong." Part of Peeta's left leg was amputated following the 74th Hunger Games, forcing him to walk with the aid of a prosthetic leg for the rest of his life.
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Why does Katniss rarely sing?

Katniss rarely sings because it reminds her of her father, but she now remembers a morbid song that her father taught her: “The Hanging Tree.” This moment in the story is significant in multiple ways.
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The Hunger Games: Katniss Goes Deaf

What illness does Katniss have?

How Katniss Deals with Her PTSD. It's no surprise that Katniss becomes traumatized—after all, the Hunger Games are the perfect breeding ground for PTSD. Severe, life-threatening, interpersonal violence as well as witnessing atrocities and killing enemies in combat are particular risk factors for the disorder.
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Why did Katniss stop liking Gale?

In the end, Katniss and Gale grew apart, as many childhood friends and young loves do. She needed something different in her life, and with Gale's link to Primrose's death, Katniss found a reason to cut ties. If Katniss ever wanted to find comfort again, she knew she had to return to Peeta for the long term.
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Why did Peeta get an 8?

Peeta Mellark - 8, for physical strength. Katniss Everdeen - 11, for her skill with a bow and arrow and her fierce temper. (Highest training score in the 74th Hunger Games).
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Does Peeta sleep with Katniss?

It's only implied that they get it on via snuggling and other affectionate acts in close quarters — but if you have read the book, they really imply that they took their relationship to the next level.
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What did Peeta do to Katniss neck?

As she approaches him, Peeta wraps his hands around her neck and throws Katniss around the room. He begins to strangle her, nearly killing her. He is wild, unable to be stopped, at least until Boggs knocks him out with a metal tray.
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How did Katniss lose her baby?

During the interviews for the 75th Hunger Games, Peeta lied about Katniss being pregnant to try to protect her from the Games, and Katniss later stated that she miscarried due to an electric shock in the arena to avoid further questioning.
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How tall is Katniss?

How tall is Katniss Everdeen? Katniss Everdeen is 5 foot 9 inches (1.75 m) tall as portrayed by Jennifer Lawrence.
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Why can't Peeta swim?

Peeta Can't Swim

In the book, Peeta is paralyzed when all the other tributes dive into the water and Finnick saves him from the podium despite Katniss's suspicions. He doesn't kill another tribute in the water. In fact, he only kills Brutus out of anger.
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Did Effie ever see Katniss again?

Katniss said goodbye to a teary Effie Trinket just before entering the arena for the Quarter Quell in the Catching Fire book, and didn't see her again until the preparations for President Snow's execution in Mockingjay.
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Why did Peeta paint Rue?

Peeta used the dyes to paint a picture of Rue after Katniss covered her with flowers when she died. He says he wants to hold them accountable for killing Rue, and Effie tells him that that kind of thinking is forbidden. Katniss then tells the team she hung a dummy of Seneca Crane.
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Why did Katniss fake her love for Peeta?

Katniss here's this and understands that even though she may not love Peeta (then) that it's one less person who has to die. (At least that's what I have always thought.) Katniss realizes that if she pretends to be in love with Peeta people will want the capitol to let them survive.
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Did Katniss love Gale or Peeta?

Katniss's focus on survival and her family's safety prevented her from fully considering romance, but her feelings for Peeta and Gale diverged in the end. Katniss ultimately chose Peeta because he understood her trauma and she didn't want to lose him, proving her love for him.
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Does Katniss actually marry Peeta?

It isn't until the end of Mockingjay that Katniss and Peeta are married; however, this isn't revealed until the epilogue after all of the events of the series take place.
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Why did District 6 female save Peeta?

Given that she is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect Peeta, it's safe to assume that the Morphling was committed to the rebel cause. Like the other victors, she knows the power that Katniss has as a lightning rod for the rebellion, and she knows that Katniss will not help without Peeta.
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Why can't mags talk?

While the Hunger Games film never talked about it, the Catching Fire novel explained why she could only communicate through hand gestures. Katniss briefly mentioned that a previous stroke could have caused Mags' garbled speech. However, post-traumatic stress disorder could have also caused her speech incapacity.
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Has anyone gotten a 12 in Hunger Games?

Katniss and Peeta were the first and only tributes to receive a 12. During the 71st Hunger Games, Johanna Mason kept up a guise of weakness, so she presumably got a low score on purpose. "A few years" before the 74th Hunger Games, an unknown male victor only received a score of three.
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What did Gale do to Prim?

Gale was responsible for creating weapons that would trigger a second wave of bombs to target first responders and combat healers. This invention potentially ended up killing Prim, but even if he wasn't directly responsible, Katniss found this tactic so abhorrent that she lost her affection for him.
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Did Katniss ever forgive Gale?

Although she will never know for sure, Katniss does recognize that she cannot be with Gale. She will never be able to forgive him for his idea — the parachute bombs — that killed Prim.
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Is there a love triangle in The Hunger Games?

The love triangle between Katniss, Gale, and Peeta is a major part of The Hunger Games franchise. There always appeared to be a spark between Katniss and her best friend, but when Katniss is reaped, everything changes. To survive, she's forced to fake a romance with Peeta, a boy who lives in her district.
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