Is Leia Rey's mother?

In a new excerpt, it's revealed that the names of Rey's parents are Dathan and Miramir. Dathan is the dad and Miramir the mother, if you were wondering; it's not always clear with these names from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
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Is Rey related to Leia?

At the end of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Rey visited Luke's childhood home on Tatooine. While on the planet, when someone asked her who she was, Rey responded by saying that she was "Rey Skywalker." Although she wasn't related to them, both Luke and Leia had been mentors to Rey throughout the sequel trilogy.
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Who is Rey's mother in Star Wars?

Rey's parents, Dathan and Miramir, have a Star Wars history tying them back to Emperor Palpatine and the Sith, but they have done the work to distance themselves from their past as much as possible.
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How are Rey and Kylo related?

Despite being enemies, Rey and Kylo Ren share a connection called a 'Force dyad' and eventually become romantically involved with one another. Following Palpatine's final defeat and her own resurrection, Rey adopts the name Rey Skywalker to honor her mentors and their family legacy and renounce her lineage.
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Who were Rey's real parents?

Born on the planet Hyperkarn in 15 ABY, Rey Palpatine was the daughter of Dathan and Miramir. While their names were lost to history, Rey's father was the cloned son—an artificial genetic strandcast—of the resurrected Darth Sidious, making her the granddaughter of the fallen Galactic Emperor and Dark Lord of the Sith.
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Everything We Know About Rey's Parents

Who did Palpatine have a child with?

Rumor had it that his mother was Palpatine's Umbaran aide Sly Moore, who had impregnated herself using DNA from an undisclosed source. Regardless of the veracity of that report, Triclops was regarded as the true son of Palpatine, both by himself and the few high-ranking officials who were aware of his existence.
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Is Rey related to Anakin?

Parents debate. Some fans have speculated Rey to be either the daughter of Luke Skywalker and another woman or daughter of Han Solo and Leia Organa, therefore the sister of Kylo Ren. She would also be the granddaughter of Anakin SKywalker and Padme Amidala.
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Why do Rey and Ben kiss?

The Rise of Skywalker novelization insisted the kiss was not romantic, explaining that it was “a kiss of gratitude, acknowledgment of their connection, celebration that they'd found each other at last”, but when looking at the context and what their connection was like since The Last Jedi, the kiss between Rey and Ben ...
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Why are Rey and Ben connected?

Rey and Ben Solo are characters who reject absolutism, embodying elements of both sides of the Force that together represent a kind of balance. The connection between them is strengthened by their vulnerability with one another; they are able to commiserate and recognize shared feelings of loneliness, loss, and fear.
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Is Kylo Ren Leia's son?

Leia and Han Solo's son, Ben Solo, renamed himself Kylo Ren and is the main antagonist in the sequel film trilogy, while they and Luke serve as supporting characters. Shmi, Padmé, and Han are the only members who are not Force-sensitive.
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How did Leia know Rey was a Palpatine?

Luke's words confirm that Leia discovered Rey was a Palpatine during her lifetime, either before or during the time jump between The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker. If Luke found out through his Sith investigations, or while training Rey on Ahch-To, he undoubtedly would've passed on this knowledge to his sister.
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Why does Rey call herself a Skywalker?

But by seeing the ghosts of Luke and Leia, Rey knew it was okay to accept her new path and embraced the name Skywalker. In doing so, it ensured that the name would continue and that her true last name of Palpatine would finally be left behind in the darkness.
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Why is Rey's lightsaber yellow?

Traditionally, yellow lightsabers are associated with Jedi Sentinels, who balance their combat skills with a strong focus on exploration and practical application of the Force. This choice reflects Rey's well-rounded training and her determination to maintain balance in the Force.
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When did Kylo fall in love with Rey?

When Rey went to meet him on the Supremacy in an attempt to convince him to turn to the light, Snoke reveals that he had manipulated their bond to lead Rey into a trap and starts to torture her in front of Ren. This infuriates Kylo, who at this point had developed strong feelings for Rey.
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Who is Rey in love with?

Rey and Ben kissing. Ben Solo is the love of Rey's life. Initially unknown to Rey, she forms a dyad in the Force with Ben. The dyad is an unbreakable Force-bond that makes them one in the Force, despite being born as two physically separated individuals.
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How was Rey conceived?

Rey was born in 15 ABY during the rise of the New Republic. Her father was a bioengineered Strand-Cast cloned from the genetic template of Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord who ruled the Galactic Empire as Emperor Palpatine.
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Are Rey and Kylo Ren siblings?

Finally, Rey is Kylo Ren's aunt through Anakin Skywalker. This means that Kylo and Rey's romance is just as genetically awkward as Luke and Leia's kiss on Hoth was. Granted, neither pair knew they were related at the time, but that's no excuse.
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Why did Kylo Ren hate Luke?

Kylo's Hatred Began With His Jedi Training

Not only did Ben care little for the Jedi, he also viewed Luke as the person keeping him away from his parents. And the strict rules of the Order only made matters worse, as Ben felt they limited his potential, and forced him to forgo attachments.
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Did Snoke really connect Kylo and Rey?

Once the ritual was complete, the Sith Lord would be able to peer into the mind of his target while controlling their visions to an extent. Snoke manipulated the bond between Kylo Ren and Rey.
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Does Rey have Ben's baby?

The birth of a young hero

Zayne, son of Rey Palpatine and Ben Solo, was born shortly before Exegol.
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Are Rey and Kylo cousins?

But if Palpatine essentially fathered Anakin through the Force, the Emperor would be the great-grandfather of Kylo Ren and the grandfather of Rey, making the pair first cousins once removed.
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Who does Kylo Ren love?

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) revealed that Kylo Ren and Rey were two halves of a "dyad" in the Force, which Terrio alternatively described as "sort of soulmate[s] in the Force" and "twins of fate, twins of destiny". Their relationship was also described as a romance by both J.J.
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Why does Anakin's lightsaber call to Rey?

By the time Rey touches the weapon, Anakin has long been redeemed, and the essence inside the Skywalker lightsaber is constantly calling her to learn the ways of the Jedi and fight against the dark side in his place.
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Is Rey actually a Skywalker?

But that itself ended up not being the final revelation, as Rey was firmly connected as Emperor Palpatine's granddaughter (yes, the Emperor Palpatine) in The Rise of Skywalker. The culmination of that movie saw her reject that family and legacy, choosing instead to carry on the mantle of the Skywalker name.
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