Is Mace Windu the most powerful Jedi of all time?

Is Mace Windu the strongest Jedi Master of all time? Not even close, especially in Legends. He was one of the most powerful Jedi of his era, and can certainly go down in history as one of the orders most capable warriors, but even in his era he was second to Yoda.
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Who was the most powerful Jedi ever?

Master Yoda has risen above all others to claim the top spot as the most powerful Jedi of all time and the true chosen one according to IGN's audience. He won pretty handily as well, as he was victorious in 89,756 of his 95,243 battles and had a win percentage of 94.2%.
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Who was more powerful Mace Windu or Anakin?

Once he became Darth Vader, Anakin had long become superior to Dooku and Mace Windu. He exceeded their power while still living as Anakin Skywalker, and greatly exceeded their power later in life, both in the force and in lightsaber combat.
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Is Mace Windu more powerful than Count Dooku?

That notwithstanding, Master Windu was also one of the best. If the two spared as Jedi, Dooku would probably win the match because he was the better all-around duelist.
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Is Mace Windu more powerful than Vader?

Based on skill alone and no force powers, Vader is probably the better duelist, but Windu's Vapaad, allowed him to siphon dark side energy from his opponent into himself and high ten his abilities, allowing him to win against Sidious.
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How Powerful is Mace Windu? | Star Wars Canon

Could Mace Windu beat Yoda?

Windu has created and fully mastered Vaapad, a variant of Form VII. Yoda mastered the original variant known as Juyo. Both of them were able to fight with Palpatine on equal ground, matching him blow for blow. It is stated that Yoda beat Mace in a sparring match.
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Could Mace Windu beat Darth Maul?

Mace Windu vs Darth Maul | Fandom. Mace windu clear winner 9/10 times. His use of vapad would make the fight play out similair to windu vs palpatine. He would use the seething rage pouring out of maul against him, and as mauls force power was so much weaker than windu's it would be an undisputed win for windu.
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Could Mace Windu beat Palpatine?

In the canon timeline, Mace Windu is known as the Jedi Order's greatest champion. With this in mind, it's easy to understand why Mace is one of the few beings capable of defeating Palpatine.
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Did Dooku hate Mace Windu?

Count Dooku didn't like the Jedi Order, but he particularly disliked Master Windu. Disney+'s Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi explains why. The following contains spoilers from Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi Season 1, streaming now on Disney+.
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Could Rey beat Dooku?

7 Why Rey Couldn't Win: Dooku's Skills Far Outshine Rey's

Rey was able to triumph over a lot of foes through sheer pluckiness and a good mixture of luck and sheer Force power. That won't help her against Dooku.
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Who is stronger Mace Windu or Luke?

Either way, Mace Windu was highly experienced, extremely powerful in the Force, and a skillful fighter. Although Luke Skywalker is technically the most powerful Jedi that ever was, Luke never achieved Windu's level of experience combined with prime Force powers.
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Could Yoda have beaten Anakin?

Yoda lost his fight against Palpatine in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, but if he faced Anakin, it's likely the Jedi Master would come out on top.
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What Jedi is stronger than Anakin?

Despite being the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker was not the most powerful Jedi in Star Wars, as that honor goes to Ahsoka Tano. The Star Wars prequel trilogy focused on Anakin's desire to become the most powerful Jedi, and while he became very strong in the Force, his lust for power drove him to the dark side.
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Is Jar Jar Binks a Sith Lord?

Summary. Jar Jar Binks's clumsiness may not be genuine, but rather an act to disguise his true nature as a Sith Lord infiltrating the Republic. Palpatine carefully orchestrated events to manipulate the galaxy, and Jar Jar's involvement suggests he may have been the eyes and ears on Naboo.
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Could Yoda beat Vader?

Yoda's presence on Dagobah was likely hidden due to his mastery of Force Stealth and the planet's connection to the Force. Yoda, with his enhanced Force abilities and potential home-field advantage, would have had the upper hand against Darth Vader if they engaged in a lightsaber duel.
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Who trained Yoda?

Legend had it that Yoda—a Jedi who became Grand Master—was trained by N'Kata Del Gormo. A Force-sensitive Hysalrian, N'Kata Del Gormo was trained in the ways of the Force and achieved the rank of Master within the Jedi Order.
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Did Palpatine prefer Maul or Dooku?

Indeed, Palpatine seems to have seen Maul as an ideal apprentice, admitting he was "a loss" compared to Dooku in Darth Vader #20.
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Did Mace Windu survive his fight with Palpatine?

As far as you remember, in Revenge of the Sith, Mace Windu personally arrived at Palpatine's office in order to stop him. After the duel won, Windu was about to kill Palpatine, but Anakin came, who ruined everything by cutting off Windu's hand, after which he was thrown out the window by Palpatine.
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Why couldn t Yoda defeat Dooku?

Yoda had to shoulder that decision for years. However, he ultimately understood the importance of life, and the power he could have used to defeat Dooku would have been much better used to preserve two lives. Over the years, Dooku would commit countless atrocities and also suffer incredibly embarrassing defeats.
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Could Darth Vader beat Windu?

Mace does have some advantages, for example shatterpoint and Vaapad. However, even with these advantages Windu would be defeated by Vader. The Dark Lord is one of the best duelists in canon, slightly more superior than Palpatine to the point that even Palpatine indicated Vader's strength and power.
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Who is stronger than Mace Windu?

Only three Jedi/Sith in Windu's lifetime ever surpassed him, (Darth Sidious, Master Yoda, and Anakin Skywalker) and all three just so happened to be candidates for “most powerful Force-User in the Republics' 25,000 year history” at various times. Windu was considered to be every bit as skilled as Count Dooku.
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Could Dooku beat Windu?

It's hard to say exactly how the fight happened, as this is a comic, and the amount of movement shown is very minimal. There are, however, some important things to note. While it's clear that nobody won this duel, Dooku definitely had the upper hand in the end.
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Could Windu beat Grievous?

Though seemingly unbeatable, General Grievous famously met his end on Utapau, thanks to Obi-Wan, and was previously defeated by Mace Windu during the Battle of Coruscant, but Windu had also bested Grievous one other time, as shown in issue 5 of Star Wars: Obsession, by Haden Blackman and Brian Ching.
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Could Maul beat Vader?

The duel. Darth Vader defeats Darth Maul. The two Sith Lords engaged in a lightsaber duel, going through the volcano and onto a bridge situated over a river of lava, which collapsed, though they both survived and continued their battle.
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What fighting style did Mace Windu use?

Mace Windu was known among the Jedi Order for his use of Vaapad, a variation of Form VII.
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