Is Maleficent a spin off of Sleeping Beauty?

Maleficent is a live-action spin-off film based in 1959's animated film Sleeping Beauty, focused on the eponymous antagonist.
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Is Maleficent connected to Sleeping Beauty?

Maleficent is based on the evil fairy godmother from Charles Perrault's fairy tale Sleeping Beauty. In Perrault's version, she's an evil, old fairy who was left out of the princess' christening because she hadn't left her tower in years, and most of the kingdom thought she was dead.
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Is Maleficent before or after Sleeping Beauty?

The story of Maleficent starts years before the events of Sleeping Beauty, where Maleficent (Isobelle Molloy) is a young and powerful fairy living in a magical forest. There, she meets Stefan (Michael Higgins), a young human boy with whom she develops a strong bond.
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Is Maleficent like Aurora mother figure?

Maleficent and Aurora have a close relationship, like a mother-daughter relationship. Even after learning Maleficent's identity and going away from her, after realizing that her father, Stefan, does not show any love or genuine care for her, Aurora sees Maleficent as her fairy godmother.
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Is the evil queen from Sleeping Beauty?

This week's look at a Disney villain shines a spotlight on Maleficent from “Sleeping Beauty.” First appearing in the 1959 film, Maleficent's villainous deeds vary from her putting a curse on a baby Princess Aurora to tricking a 16-year-old Aurora into pricking her finger on a spinning wheel.
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Disney Sleeping Beauty (1959) Maleficent Makes Aurora Touch The Spinning Wheel

Did Maleficent love Aurora?

Since watching Aurora over her childhood years, Maleficent soon grew a maternal love for her.
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Why is Maleficent different from Sleeping Beauty?

Maleficent is a fairy living in the Moors, and has a massive pair of wings that she uses to fly. Fans of the classic Disney princess movie Sleeping Beauty will know that Maleficent never had wings in the original animated film, and Maleficent explains how the dark fairy lost her wings.
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Why did Maleficent hate Aurora?

Maleficent confirms that Aurora will grow in grace and beauty, "beloved by all who know her", but as revenge for not being invited by the kingdom, she curses Aurora so that before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel's spindle and die.
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Who kissed Aurora in Maleficent?

When the dark fairy's curse is at last fulfilled, despite her efforts to renounce it, Maleficent herself (rather than Phillip) breaks the spell with a remorseful kiss on Aurora's brow.
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Who is Maleficent's daughter?

Emma immediately does some research and uncovers the truth that the woman, Lilith "Lily" Page, is not only Maleficent's daughter, but was once the childhood friend of Emma, who also discovers that fate has controlled her life down to the finest detail, which includes influencing the one friend she ever had.
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Is Maleficent 3 confirmed?

Disney has not confirmed the rumors of a Maleficent 3, but they have not shut them down either, giving hope for a continued story. If Maleficent 3 were to happen, it would likely take several years to be released due to the ambitious production scope of the franchise.
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Why does Maleficent have horns?

Even though Maleficent is a heroine, she is still presented as a satanic figure. Her iconic horns (which Disney artist Marc Davis, who designed Maleficent, says were inspired by the traditional look of the devil, to “frighten everybody half to death”) are present even before Stefan's betrayal.
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Why did Maleficent lose her wings?

Stefan later betrayed her and stole her wings, so he would be able to become the new king.
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What is Maleficent a symbol of?

Sleeping Beauty's Maleficent is an explicitly satanic figure: “mistress of all evil,” in league with “all the powers of Hell.” At the climax she transforms into a dragon to battle Prince Philip, the most archetypally heroic male lead in any Disney cartoon.
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Who is Maleficent's love?

Maleficent and Diaval

After saving his life, Diaval promises Maleficent he will be her humble servant as a gratitude. Maleficent and Diaval have been together for twenty-one years now.
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Who did Aurora love?

Tithonus was a mortal when she fell in love with him. Wanting to be with him forever, Aurora asked Jupiter to make the man immortal. Jupiter did as she asked. Aurora failed to ask, however, that Cephalus maintain his youth forever.
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Does Maleficent care for Aurora?

As Aurora grows up, Maleficent finds herself looking after the girl from a distance and protecting her so that she survives to her 16th birthday. In fact, she becomes very fond of the girl and seeks to undo her curse.
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Does Maleficent have hair?

In the animated film, she has no hair. In the upcoming Maleficent movie with Angelina Jolie, she does.
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Did Maleficent give birth to Aurora?

The irony is that Aurora was taken from her mother to protect her from Maleficent, but, to Aurora, Leila is simply the woman who gave birth to her while she refers to Maleficent as her Fairy Godmother.
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Why does Maleficent hide her hair?

But once she is betrayed, “her heart begins to turn to stone and she becomes a more malevolent Maleficent, she hides her hair and horns under wraps,” designed and made by members of Team Maleficent from leather and other materials meant to look like snake and animal skins.
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Is Maleficent a feminist?

Another way in which we can see rhetoric conveying Maleficent's feminist identity is when we compare female identity as constructed in traditional fairy tales (like Sleeping Beauty) to Maleficent's identity in Maleficent.
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Why is it called Maleficent?

Before Disney got hold of the word, "maleficent" was a highfalutin adjective meaning "causing harm," the opposite of "beneficent." Even if you were not quite sure what it meant, you would know from the "mal-" prefix that it was up to no good, in the same wicked family as "malignant," "malevolent," and "malicious."
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