Is Maleficent a witch or a fairy?

Maleficent is a powerful fairy who has magic power living in the Moors Kingdom, as a young girl, she meets and falls in love with a human peasant boy named Stefan, which later on betrays her and at her wings.
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Is Maleficent a wizard?

Unlike the other three fairy godmothers in the movie, Maleficent is an evil sorceress, and her evil enables her to perform many magical and powerful spells. She carries a staff with a glowing green orb at the tip through which she casts her spells.
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Is Maleficent a villain or a princess?

Maleficent is a well known villain in sleeping beauty. Little do most people know, she wasn't always like this. In the earliest versions of the story, Maleficent was married to the King who cheats on her with the younger princess Talia.
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Why does Maleficent cover her hair?

“At first, she has beautiful, flowing hair but when she gets older and more bitter, she is more scary. She's hiding her hair and we put headwraps on her, which are a very, very important part of her costume. …
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Why did Maleficent get her wings cut off?

On Maleficent's sixteenth birthday, Stefan kissed her. However, after some period of time after this, he didn't come to see Maleficent. Stefan later betrayed her and stole her wings, so he would be able to become the new king. Stefan later married Leila, Henry's daughter, and she became his wife and queen.
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"Evil Fairy" Clip - Maleficent

Why does Maleficent have no wings?

Maleficent becomes betrayed by Stefan when he decides to drug her to sleep and cut her wings off to take for a bounty.
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What is Maleficent's backstory?

Growing up as an orphan in the Moors, Maleficent believed herself to be the last of her kind. As she grew into adulthood, she became the de facto protector of the Moors. One day, Maleficent suffers a ruthless betrayal and deceit that turns her pure heart to stone.
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Who does Maleficent love?

After saving his life, Diaval promises Maleficent he will be her humble servant as a gratitude. Maleficent and Diaval have been together for twenty-one years now.
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What is the famous line from Maleficent?

Maleficent: This curse will last till the end of time! No power on Earth can change it!
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What does Maleficent fear?

Aurora is officially Queen of the Moors and rules the tranquil kingdom kindly and fairly. But when Prince Phillip (Harris Dickinson) asks Aurora to marry him, all of Maleficent's fears of losing her adopted daughter come to the surface.
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Why does Maleficent have horns?

Even though Maleficent is a heroine, she is still presented as a satanic figure. Her iconic horns (which Disney artist Marc Davis, who designed Maleficent, says were inspired by the traditional look of the devil, to “frighten everybody half to death”) are present even before Stefan's betrayal.
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Who is Maleficent's daughter?

Emma immediately does some research and uncovers the truth that the woman, Lilith "Lily" Page, is not only Maleficent's daughter, but was once the childhood friend of Emma, who also discovers that fate has controlled her life down to the finest detail, which includes influencing the one friend she ever had.
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What bird is Maleficent?

Diaval the raven bird and Maleficent's sidekick.
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Did Maleficent love Aurora?

Since watching Aurora over her childhood years, Maleficent soon grew a maternal love for her.
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What is Maleficent a symbol of?

Sleeping Beauty's Maleficent is an explicitly satanic figure: “mistress of all evil,” in league with “all the powers of Hell.” At the climax she transforms into a dragon to battle Prince Philip, the most archetypally heroic male lead in any Disney cartoon.
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Who got Maleficent pregnant?

Background. In the Enchanted Forest, presumably, Maleficent's dragon form mates with another dragon which results in her becoming pregnant and eventually having a daughter named Lilith, or "Lily".
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Is Maleficent a witch?

In the original Sleeping Beauty (1959), Maleficent is a horned witch-monster who can fly, apparate out of nowhere, shape-shift into a dragon, command the thunderous sky to do her bidding, and, of course, issue death curses at an infant christening she wasn't invited to.
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What is Maleficent's Raven called?

Diablo the Raven

Diablo is Maleficent's pet raven. The source of his name is not clear as he is never named in the film. Diablo is present at Aurora's christening, during which Maleficent curses the baby.
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Who broke Maleficent's heart?

King Stefan sucked in Maleficent. He broke Maleficent's heart and totally betrayed her.
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Why did Maleficent turn evil?

Later, Stefan betrays Maleficent and steals her wings so he could claim that he killed her and become king. After the painful loss of her wings, Maleficent becomes enraged over his treachery, and as her heart of gold turns to stone, she becomes the evilest magical being in the land.
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Is Maleficent pure evil or broken?

Verdict. Maleficent can be considered pure evil from any perspective. There is absolutely nothing with which to redeem her.
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Why is Maleficent afraid of iron?

Weapons and implements made from cold iron are often granted special efficacy against creatures such as fairies and spirits. In the Disney film Maleficent, the title character reveals early on that iron is lethal to fairies, and that the metal burns them on contact.
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Why does Maleficent have cheekbones?

The answer is that they're prosthetics. Makeup artist Rick Baker told Allure that Maleficent's cheekbones were inspired partly by the 1959 Sleeping Beauty character (“If you look closely, they actually follow the line of Maleficent's cowl in the Disney cartoon”) ... ... and in part by Lady Gaga.
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Will there be a Maleficent 3?

This means the earliest likely release date for Maleficent 3 would be 2026 or 2027. This comes down to the franchise's rather ambitious production scope. The second film came with all the thrills of an epic fantasy, and it's likely that Disney would want to top this—and that takes time to achieve.
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