Is Mara Jade related to Palpatine?

Mara Jade Skywalker was a Force-sensitive human female who was during different times in her life, an Emperor's Hand, a smuggler, and later a Jedi Master who sat upon the Jedi High Council. She was raised as a servant and assassin to Emperor Palpatine and became a high-level Force-using operative.
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Who did Emperor Palpatine have a child with?

Rumor had it that his mother was Palpatine's Umbaran aide Sly Moore, who had impregnated herself using DNA from an undisclosed source. Regardless of the veracity of that report, Triclops was regarded as the true son of Palpatine, both by himself and the few high-ranking officials who were aware of his existence.
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Is Mara Jade in Heir to the Empire?

Mara is introduced as smuggler Talon Karrde's second-in-command in Heir to the Empire.
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Who is Mara Jade Skywalker family?

In 19 ABY, Luke married Mara Jade. Their son, Ben, who was named after Luke's first mentor Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi, was born in 26.5 ABY. Ben would later become the ancestor of brothers Nat and Kol Skywalker, as well as Kol's son Cade.
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Who is Palpatine's daughter?

Unaware of her lineage as the daughter of Emperor Sheev Palpatine, Kira was the only name she went by prior to assuming the Palpatine name once her turn to the dark side. Kira ultimately chose to walk the along the Dark Path most of her inherited strength in the Force from a Dark Lord of the Sith.
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What Palpatine Said About Mara Jade!! - Star Wars Comics Explained

Is Rey related to Kylo Ren?

Despite being enemies, Rey and Kylo Ren share a connection called a 'Force dyad' and eventually become romantically involved with one another. Following Palpatine's final defeat and her own resurrection, Rey adopts the name Rey Skywalker to honor her mentors and their family legacy and renounce her lineage.
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Is Ray related to snoke?

Theory: Snoke is technically Rey's uncle | Fandom. It's a strange thought but when you look at Palpatines clone family in Star Wars Canon it sounds more plausible than at first. Palpatines "Son" was a strandcast clone of Palpatine and yet because he fathered Rey he is still considered the son of the emperor.
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Is Mara Jade a Jedi or Sith?

Mara Jade Skywalker was a Force-sensitive human female who was during different times in her life, an Emperor's Hand, a smuggler, and later a Jedi Master who sat upon the Jedi High Council. She was raised as a servant and assassin to Emperor Palpatine and became a high-level Force-using operative.
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Was Mara Jade stronger than Vader?

Despite being a beloved character with great intentions who is also great in a fight, she likely would not have won a fair fight against Darth Vader. For quite a while, Jade was actually Vader's apprentice, serving directly under the Sith Lord. Despite this, her power level never truly reached that of her mentor.
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Why does Mara Jade have a purple lightsaber?

This magenta-bladed lightsaber was the weapon carried by Emperor's Hand Mara Jade. Mara constructed this lightsaber from a rare crystal given to her by Emperor Palpatine when she became an Emperor's Hand.
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Could Shin Hati be Mara Jade?

Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm in 2012 led to the non-canon status of the Expanded Universe lore, including Mara Jade. Shin Hati, a character introduced in Star Wars: Ahsoka, is proposed as a potential substitute for Mara Jade, but many fans disagree due to their differences in personality and abilities.
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Why is Mara Jade not in Star Wars?

Despite initially approving Mara Jade's marriage to Luke Skywalker in the old canon, George Lucas did not want her to be part of the sequel trilogy. Disney has followed Lucas's lead and kept Mara Jade strictly in Star Wars Legends, with no mention of her or Luke's children in the canon.
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Who is Luke Skywalker's sister?

Luke Skywalker, his twin sister Princess Leia Organa, and their father Darth Vader are central characters in the original Star Wars film trilogy.
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Did Leia know Rey was a Palpatine?

She replies, "Myself," to which Luke says, "Because you're a Palpatine. Leia knew it, too" This realization takes Rey by surprise, as there had been few hints about her heritage up to that point.
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How is Rey related to Anakin?

Rey is a palpatine and they planning to have her be the granddaughter of Obi wans younger brother from Stujohn so Rey is not a skywalker or biologically related to them. Although She is connected to the skywalker family through her grandfather Palpatine and her great uncle Obi wan Kenobi .
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What was Finn going to tell Rey?

confirmed that what Finn wanted to tell Rey was that he's force sensitive!" Abrams apparently revealed Finn's Force sensitivity after the Q&A, when fans "wanted to talk and take pics," ren clarified in a follow-up tweet. When "one person asked about what Finn wanted to say," the Force-sensitivity answer "is what J.J.
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Could Cere have beaten Vader?

By the end of their duel, Cere left Vader burnt, limping, and wheezing, proving Vader wasn't all-powerful. Ultimately, she came closer to killing Vader than almost any Jedi in Star Wars canon, though her overzealous attack ended up being her downfall.
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Who is the strongest female in Star Wars?

14 Strongest Female Star Wars Characters, Ranked
  • 8 Fennec Shand.
  • 7 Reva.
  • 6 Asajj Ventress.
  • 5 Mara Jade Skywalker.
  • 4 Nomi Sunrider.
  • 3 Jaina Solo Fel.
  • 2 Ahsoka Tano.
  • 1 Rey Skywalker.
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How did Mara Jade get Anakin's lightsaber?

It was ultimately killed by Mara Jade, who then used Anakin's old saber to kill C'baoth. Upon the team's return to Coruscant, Luke presented her with the weapon as a gift.
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Is there a female Darth?

Darth Talon was a female Lethan Twi'lek who became a Sith Lady in Darth Krayt's One Sith in 137 ABY. Talon was styled with black Sith tattoos covering her body including her head and lekku; each tattoo had been earned in ritual combat and inscribed by Krayt himself.
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Who is the black female Jedi?

The Tholothian Jedi Adi Gallia served on the Jedi Council in the last years of the Republic, witnessing the first stirrings of the resurrected Sith and helping guide the Jedi response to the Separatist crisis.
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Who is Luke Skywalker's dad?

The life of Luke Skywalker's father, Anakin Skywalker, is complicated yet uplifting. Anakin, a hero turned monster, is driven to become Darth Vader by fear and loss. His tale is a potent tale of decisions and their repercussions. Despite his fall, Anakin's love for Luke restores his goodness and brings him salvation.
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Why did Rey kiss Kylo?

While they may not have had romantic love for each other, they became close enough that Rey would miss him after his death. The kiss at the end of The Rise of Skywalker was a goodbye to a friend who would be dearly missed.
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Why is Snoke deformed?

According to The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary (2019), Snoke's physical appearance was purposefully designed by Palpatine to ensure his species remained unidentifiable. Furthermore, Snoke's reluctance to meet in person with his First Order underlings helped conceal the fact that he was an artificial being.
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Who was Snoke a clone of?

Snoke and his many copies were not a clone of any known individual the way the Clone Army soldiers were modified copies of Jango Fett. Nor was he a one-for-one recreation of a previous body like Palpatine's clone body. Snoke was an entirely new being made from scratch, and Dr.
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