Is Natalie Portman bulimic in Black Swan?

Natalie Portman's character not only shows signs of anorexia—she's also bulimic. How can this not seem glamorous to teens and women seeing the movie since? Natalie's character also totally loses it in a crazy downward spiral.
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Did Nina have bulimia in Black Swan?

In the movie, Ms. Portman's character, prima ballerina and Swan Queen Nina Sayers, shows signs and symptoms of both anorexia and bulimia.
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What did Natalie Portman weigh during Black Swan?

And for Her Encore... After admittedly subsisting on very little for the duration of the shoot to keep her weight hovering around 98, a 20-pound drop from her already petite frame, Portman's first meal after they wrapped was pasta, "for breakfast, lunch and dinner," she told Collider. "I ate it all the time."
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How many calories did Natalie Portman eat in the Black Swan?

While training for "Black Swan," says Huhn, Portman got up at 5 a.m., worked out five to eight hours a day, and stuck to a 1,200-calorie-a-day vegan diet. She lost 20 pounds in six months.
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What did Nina eat in Black Swan?

In Aronofsky's "Black Swan", Nina is seen eating a Grapefruit and Hard boiled Egg for breakfast, drawing reference to Aronofsky's previous film "Requiem for a Dream" where Sara Goldfarb, the Mother, eats the same meal as part of her goal to lose weight for her upcoming appearance on Television.
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The Real 'Black Swan': Double Speaks

What mental illness does Nina have Black Swan?

She shows elements of an anxiety disorder with obsessive compulsive behaviors. She also manifests self-injurious behavior and some signs of an eating disorder. She dabbles with substance abuse. She has psychotic breaks if not outright psychosis.
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Did Nina have anorexia in Black Swan?

- She is under her mother pressure to become a perfect ballerina and her mother does not aware that Nina has problem in that ballet world. Based on the movie scenes she experiences Anorexia nervosa. The hints of this clinical condition is when she refused to eat cake that her mother have bought.
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What was Mila Kunis weight in Black Swan?

Kunis had never had any previous experience in ballet, but trained for three months in order to "fake it." Kunis acknowledges that she got "crazy thin," as Stern puts it, weighing about 95 pounds. "I didn't starve myself," Kunis, who's 5' 4," stresses. "I did do it in the healthiest way possible.
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Did Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis lose weight for Black Swan?

Already lean, Kunis dropped 20 pounds in order to play Natalie Portman's ballerina frenemy in "Black Swan." At 95 pounds, Kunis says "I was muscles, like a little brick house, but skin and bones." Unfortunately, when she gained the weight back, Kunis says it ended up in completely different places.
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How did Natalie lose weight for Black Swan?

The waif-like 29-year-old lost 20lb for the role, eating little more than carrots and almonds on a punishing diet, and spent eight hours a day in rehearsals.
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How many calories did Mila Kunis eat for Black Swan?

Mila Kunis has confessed that her diet was restricted to 1,200 calories per day while filming Black Swan. The actress - who shrunk down to 95lbs for her role as a ballet dancer in the film - revealed that she was in "hell" during filming and only ate foods that fit in her hand, reports the Daily Star.
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How old was Natalie Portman in Black Swan?

Can child stars go on to credible careers? With her Ivy League credentials and a performance in Black Swan that's put her in line for an Oscar, Natalie Portman proves it can be done... At 29, Natalie Portman has already been in the business a long time.
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How many hours a day did Natalie Portman train for Black Swan?

For one one year training six day a week eight hours a day. Natalie Portman prepared for Black Swan.
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Is Nina from Black Swan straight?

In Black Swan, while there is ample opportunity in the text for lesbian intervention, there is a particular scene where Nina and Lily have sex. In The Kids Are All Right, the two main characters are self-identified lesbians in a committed relationship.
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What did Nina do in the toilet Black Swan?

The two fight, breaking a mirror. Nina stabs her doppelgänger with a large shard of glass from the mirror, killing her. The body reverts to Lily. Nina hides the corpse in the bathroom and takes the stage, dancing flawlessly as Odile and seemingly turns into a black swan, her arms covered in feathers.
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Why did he kiss Nina in Black Swan?

Thomas notes that Nina clearly came with the intention to change his mind, to try and seduce him, in the mildest sense of the word. Thomas wants Nina to lose herself, that is how she can become the Black Swan. Thomas forcefully kisses Nina and she bits him.
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How much dancing did Natalie Portman really do in Black Swan?

In a written statement, "Black Swan" director Darren Aronofsky said, "Here is the reality. I had my editor count shots. There are 139 dance shots in the film -- 111 are Natalie Portman untouched. Twenty-eight are her dance double Sarah Lane.
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Did Mila Kunis do the ballet in Black Swan?

Soon after the L.A.-based Kunis was cast in "Black Swan," the film's choreographer, Benjamin Millepied, contacted the Los Angeles Ballet's artistic directors and asked if they could provide Kunis with ballet training. Instead of taking on the task themselves, they recommended Blacker for the assignment.
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Why did Mila Kunis lose so much weight?

Mila Kunis plays an addict in Rodrigo Garcia's “Four Good Days,” and to play the part, she had to lose an extraordinary amount of weight and watch a lot of YouTube videos.
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How did Mila Kunis diet for Black Swan?

For her prima ballerina role in Black Swan, Kunis's trainer put her through a rigorous 6-month diet and fitness routine in order for her to shed 20 pounds off of her already lean physique. She ate only 1200 calories per day and worked out 7 days per week up to 5 hours per day.
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Was Nina from Black Swan schizophrenic?

Accuracy of Portrayal

Although symptoms would not occur as rapidly as they do in Nina Sayers in most common cases of schizophrenia, it is plausible. Therefore, Black Swan is a decent portrayal of a person's descent into paranoid schizophrenia.
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Was the girl in Black Swan schizophrenic?

According to Malaspina, Nina's affliction is most consistent with a severely neurotic, obsessive-compulsive patient with features of a borderline personality disorder who suffers from “mini-psychotic episodes.”
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What age is Nina in Black Swan?

Synopsis. The movie opens as Nina Sayers (Natalie Portman), a young ballerina in her mid twenties, is dancing the prologue to Swan Lake. Swan Lake is a ballet in which a princess is turned into the White Swan and can only be turned back if a man swears eternal fidelity to her.
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Why did Nina's eyes turn red?

The night before she is set to perform, Nina becomes convinced that Lily is going to take her place. Her paranoia and mental strain cause her to hallucinate that she's physically turning into the role of Odile, the Black Swan, complete with red eyes and black feathers protruding from bird-like skin.
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Did Black Swan portray schizophrenia accurately?

But speaking as a psychiatrist, Lamberti said the film did not accurately depict schizophrenia, as has been widely speculated, but "does present a reasonable portrait of psychosis." "People tend to be scared of things they don't understand," he said.
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