Is Owen related to Darth Vader?

Owen Lars is the son of moisture farmer Cliegg Lars and the step-brother of Anakin Skywalker.
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How are Owen and Anakin related?

Owen Lars was a young adult when his father Cliegg married Shmi Skywalker, a Mos Espa slave he'd purchased and then freed. After Tusken Raiders kidnapped Owen's stepmother, a Jedi Padawan arrived in search of Shmi. This was Shmi's son Anakin, the stepbrother Owen had wondered if he'd ever meet.
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Is Owen Darth Vader's brother?

Owen Lars was a human male from the desert planet Tatooine who worked as a moisture farmer. He was the son of Aika and Cliegg Lars, and he became the stepbrother of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker when Cliegg married Anakin's mother, Shmi Skywalker.
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Did Owen know Darth Vader was Anakin?

Though it sounds like he thinks Anakin is dead, he could also be viewing it as Obi-Wan does, where he believes Anakin died when Darth Vader was created. There's a hint that Owen knows Anakin was Darth Vader by the time of A New Hope.
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Was Uncle Owen really Luke's uncle?

Relationship to Luke Skywalker

Before it was revealed in Attack of the Clones that Owen and Anakin become stepbrothers, it was intended to be that they were never brothers, and in fact Luke only falsely believed that Owen was his uncle.
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What Darth Vader Did RIGHT AFTER The Empire Strikes Back (CANON)

Does Vader know Leia is his daughter?

Darth Vader didn't learn he had a daughter until Return of the Jedi, when he stood before Emperor Palpatine. The Emperor's power probed Luke's mind, attempting to goad him to fall to the dark side, and he discovered Leia's existence. "Sister," the Emperor taunted.
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Who was Anakin Skywalker's father?

Anakin Skywalker's birth mystery is solved - his mother, Shmi Skywalker, reveals that there was no father and she can't explain what happened. Qui-Gon Jinn believed that the Force itself created Anakin in Shmi's womb, making him the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force.
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Why does Uncle Owen hate Obi-Wan?

Owen felt that Obi-Wan was personally responsible for the deaths of Shmi and Anakin and, that the Jedi Master's actions had ripped his family apart. Despite his dislike of the Jedi and Kenobi in particular, Owen did have honor, refusing to turn Kenobi in when several Sith Inquisitors came looking for him.
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How much older is Anakin than Owen?

Yeah, Anakin was born in 41 BBY and Owen in 52 BBY so when the twins were born Anakin was in his 20s and Owen in his 30s.
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Did Kenobi know Vader was Anakin?

It was during his viewing of the hologram that Obi-Wan knew Darth Vader was Anakin. This is because Sidious said, “Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth… Vader”.
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Are Kylo Ren and Rey related?

Finally, Rey is Kylo Ren's aunt through Anakin Skywalker. This means that Kylo and Rey's romance is just as genetically awkward as Luke and Leia's kiss on Hoth was. Granted, neither pair knew they were related at the time, but that's no excuse.
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Why is Rey a Skywalker?

Following Palpatine's final defeat and her own resurrection, Rey adopts the name Rey Skywalker to honor her mentors and their family legacy and renounce her lineage. As the last remaining Jedi, she makes it her mission to rebuild the Jedi Order.
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Is Kylo Ren a Skywalker?

Ben Solo, formerly known as Kylo Ren, is the central antagonist of the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Ben is the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa, the nephew of Luke Skywalker, and the grandson of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala.
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How many kids did Han and Leia have?

Han Solo marries Princess Leia and they have three children: twins named Jacen and Jaina, and a younger son named Anakin. Luke reestablishes the Jedi Order, marries a non-movie (but fan favorite) redheaded Force-wielder named Mara Jade, and they have a son, Ben Skywalker (named in honor of Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi).
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Who killed Darth Vader?

During the battle, Anakin, who had been known as the Sith Lord Darth Vader, was redeemed by Luke and brought balance to the Force. However, the redemption cost Anakin his life, having been mortally wounded by the Emperor, Darth Sidious, while killing his former Master.
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How did Obi-Wan age so much in 9 years?

The main out-of-universe reason for the Jedi Master's seemingly rapid aging is that Obi-Wan is played by different actors in those films: Alec Guinness in A New Hope and Ewan McGregor in the prequel series and the Disney+ series.
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Who is older Anakin or Luke?

How old was Anakin when Luke and Leia were born? In canon, he was 22 (he was born in 41 BBY, and Luke and Leia were born in 19 BBY). In Legends, accounts vary saying he's either 22 or 23. Interestingly enough, he was around two years younger than Ben Solo was in the TLJ flashback were Luke reads his mind.
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Who is Anakin's brother?

In the prequel films, Owen is the son of Cliegg Lars and stepbrother of Anakin Skywalker.
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Who is Obi-Wan's brother?

Owen was the perceived brother of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi seen through a vision from the Force. In reality, Kenobi was actually seeing Owen Lars, Anakin Skywalker's stepbrother.
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Did Yoda know Anakin was the father?

Master Yoda knew that Darth Vader was once Anakin Skywalker - the boy he sensed too much fear in to train way back in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace.
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Did Darth Vader know he had twins?

It is well worth remembering that, as far as Vader knew at the end of "Revenge of the Sith," he had killed Padme and his child did not survive. It is also very important to point out that he had no idea Padme was pregnant with twins. This will come into play as it relates to the Leia situation.
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Who is more powerful Luke or Anakin?

The realistic answer seems to be, yes, Anakin in his prime could have defeated Luke Skywalker (in the current canon) if they battled one-on-one. The main reason behind this is Luke's lack of formal Jedi training, at least when it comes to combat.
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