Is Peeta an extrovert?

Auxiliary Function: Extroverted Feeling Peeta focuses is on making the people around him comfortable and happy. He is polite, agreeable, and even charming when he needs to be.
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What is Peeta's personality?

Peeta is repeatedly described as charming, generous, kind and likable, and possessing a self-deprecating sense of humour. He first confuses and later inspires Katniss with his determination to maintain his identity while inside the arena and his refusal to become a "piece" in the Capitol's game.
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Is Katniss an introvert or extrovert?

Katniss is a very introverted person who prefers spending her time alone to hanging out with some friends. She rarely talks, belongs to no group of friends at school, and puts an indifferent mask because she does not want people read her mind too easily.
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How is Peeta described in the book?

Peeta Mellark:

How he's described in the books: "Medium height. stocky build, ashy blond hair that falls in waves over his forehead," and "blue eyes" with long eyelashes.
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Is Peeta Mellark attractive?

Peeta is said to be good looking, he is much more friendly and sweet than katniss, his family is much less poverty than average folk in district 12. the one who catch Peeta's eye would be one of the most lucky girl in the district.
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The Entire Life of Peeta Mellark (Hunger Games Explained)

Who does Katniss like more Peeta or Gale?

Katniss's focus on survival and her family's safety prevented her from fully considering romance, but her feelings for Peeta and Gale diverged in the end. Katniss ultimately chose Peeta because he understood her trauma and she didn't want to lose him, proving her love for him.
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Do people prefer Gale or Peeta?

Protagonist Katniss Everdeen has two suitors: Peeta Mellark and Gale Hawthorne. Some people prefer strong, hot-headed Gale, while others prefer kind, charismatic Peeta. When one closely examines both options, however, it becomes obvious that Peeta is the superior love interest.
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Is Peeta taller than Katniss?

Interestingly, Katniss is taller than Peeta only in the film versions of The Hunger Games novels—so it's not that the film is simply staying faithful to the source material. In fact, the books contain subtle text clues that Peeta is the taller of the two.
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What is Peeta's weakness?

Weakness: His Open Emotions

No one on earth could endure the torture that Peeta went through without being horrifically traumatized, but the fact that he was so forthright about his love for Katniss didn't do him any favors in that department either.
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Was Katniss pretty in the books?

How is Katniss Everdeen described in the books? Katniss is first described in The Hunger Games as a thin young woman with dark hair, olive-toned skin, and gray eyes. In the first book, she is 16 years old. She is unremarkable in District 12, and some make fun of her for being scrawny and underfed.
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Who has a higher IQ introvert or extrovert?

On average, introverts and extroverts are the same in terms of intelligence. But statistics show that around 70% of gifted people are introverts. People are considered “gifted” when they exhibit above-average intelligence or a superior talent for something, such as music, art or math.
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Which is rarer extrovert or introvert?

According to estimates, extroverts outnumber introverts by about three to one.1 Introverts often find that other people try to change them or even suggest that there is something wrong with them. While introverts make up a smaller portion of the population, there is no right or wrong personality type.
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Who is happier extrovert or introvert?

Current tests consistently rate extroverts higher on the happiness scale than introverts. However, many of these tests measure the degree of happiness using activities like socializing and interacting with the outside world, both of which extroverts need to thrive!
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Is Peeta intelligent?

The Capitol can't publicly accuse him of being a rebel, and at the same time he manages to use one of the Capitol's greatest publicity tools—his and Katniss's popularity—against it. This ability shows that he's extremely intelligent, and like the other tributes, he's not afraid to try to hurt the Capitol.
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What does Peeta fear?

He has recognized all along how the Capitol uses tributes as pieces in their Game. Captured by the Capitol at the end of the Quarter Quell, Peeta gets turned into his greatest fear: a piece in the Capitol's Game to be used against Katniss.
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Who was Peeta's crush?

Ever since he was five years old, Peeta had a huge crush on Katniss Everdeen. On the first day of school, Peeta's father pointed her out, saying that he wanted to marry her mother but ultimately didn't as she married a coal miner.
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Is Gale jealous of Peeta?

Gale is jealous of Peeta and the relationship he has with Katniss, and he wants Katniss to decide between them, though he doesn't press Katniss during her recovery in District 13. Gale is an excellent hunter and excels at setting snares and traps.
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What is Haymitch's personality?

Personality… stubborn, temperamental, and frequently surly. He is often curt: “Here's some advice – stay alive.” But over the course of the Hunger Games, Haymitch becomes a true mentor to Katniss and Peeta. As a trainer, it's his job while in the Capitol to get sponsors for his Tributes.
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Does Peeta turn evil?

Johanna clarifies, stating that Peeta has turned into his evil mutt identity given the way he verbally attacks Finnick and Katniss. Gale even sees a bit of himself in how Peeta acts and speaks.
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Is clove bigger than Katniss?

In the book she is about 150-200 pounds, as she is described as being at least 50-100 pounds heavier than 100-pound Katniss. It is heavily implied that Clove is at least 15 and overall larger than Katniss. In the movie, Clove is smaller and younger than Katniss, being only 14-15 and weighing just at 100 pounds.
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How much older is Gale than Katniss?

Answer and Explanation: Gale is eighteen in The Hunger Games, two years older than Katniss. Since the citizens of the Districts cannot be selected after they turn nineteen, this is the last year when Gale can be chosen as a Tribute.
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What age is Katniss supposed to be?

Katniss normally wears her hair in a long braid down her back. She is thin and not very tall, but is strong for her size from hunting to feed her family in the woods outside of District 12. Katniss is sixteen years old during the 74th Hunger Games, and seventeen years old during the Quarter Quell and the Rebellion.
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Is there a love triangle in The Hunger Games?

The love triangle between Katniss, Gale, and Peeta is a major part of The Hunger Games franchise. There always appeared to be a spark between Katniss and her best friend, but when Katniss is reaped, everything changes. To survive, she's forced to fake a romance with Peeta, a boy who lives in her district.
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Did Katniss ever loved Gale?

Katniss didn't really have the time to consider romance when she was worried about survival. When Peeta and Gale both made their feelings clear, Katniss wasn't entirely receptive despite caring for them both. In the end, her feelings for Peeta and Gale diverged, with Peeta ultimately winning her heart.
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Did Katniss ever forgive Gale?

Although she will never know for sure, Katniss does recognize that she cannot be with Gale. She will never be able to forgive him for his idea — the parachute bombs — that killed Prim.
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