Is Prometheus a spin off of Alien?

In June 2011, Scott and Lindelof confirmed that Prometheus takes place in the same universe as the events of the Alien series. In July 2011, Scott stated that "by the end of the third act you start to realize there's a DNA of the very first Alien, but none of the subsequent [films]."
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Are Alien and Prometheus connected?

Ridley Scott returned to the Alien franchise 33 years later with a prequel, Prometheus. The movie about a group of scientists in search of humanity's creators is depicted with wonder and horror. It's a story of exploration and identity that's at its best when it's exploring those concepts.
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Where does Prometheus fit in the Alien series?

Prometheus takes place roughly 80 years after AVP: Requiem, explaining the origin of the Xenomorphs and the Engineers who created them. Alien: Covenant continues the origin story in 2104, leading to the first Alien movie.
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Is Prometheus the beginning of the Alien?

It was a cold, dark, journey through space where a crew had to survive an evil corporation's quest to bring an alien home. Many years later, Scott returned to the Alien franchise with Prometheus, a prequel to the series that introduced the Engineers; the aliens who created the alien, and maybe who created us.
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Do I need to watch the Alien movies before Prometheus?

Yeah definitely watch Alien and Aliens if for no other reason than they're great and important films. Prometheus is also worth a watch afterwards.
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Prometheus: Alien Prequel or Alien Spin-off?

Did David create the Xenomorph?

In the novelization of Alien: Covenant (which was based on the script) it says the engineers created the Xenomorph. In the Covenant DVD commentary, director Ridley Scott says David created the Xenos.
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Is the Alien in Prometheus a Xenomorph?

The Deacon, also known as the 'Proto-Xenomorph', made its debut in the 2012 film, Prometheus, and its origin is more than a little complicated. Earlier in the movie, the psychopathic synthetic, David, infected one member of the crew with the mysterious Black Goo that was discovered on the alien world LV-223.
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How does Prometheus relate to Alien and Predator?

In both Prometheus and Alien: Covenant, the diabolical android David is seen creating the familiar xenomorph from the other Alien movies. Since these Alien prequels take place in the 22nd century – long after the present-day setting of Alien vs. Predator – they erased the crossover films from the franchise canon.
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Is the planet in Alien the same as Prometheus?

No it does not appear to be the same planet. Aside from having different names LV-223 in Prometheus and LV-426 in Alien their atmospheric compositions are quite different.
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Are David and Walter the same person?

Walter One (Walter1), commonly known simply as Walter, is a fictional character featured in the Alien franchise, portrayed by Michael Fassbender. He is the counterpart to the android David 8, also played by Fassbender.
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Is Prometheus a copy of Alien?

According to Scott, although the film shares "strands of Alien's DNA," and takes place in the same universe, Prometheus explores its own mythology and ideas. Prometheus entered production in April 2010, with extensive design phases during which the technology and creatures that the film required were developed.
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Is Blade Runner connected to Alien?

Blade Runner is connected to Alien and Soldier, creating a shared universe within the sci-fi genre. The connections between Blade Runner and Soldier suggest that Tyrell Corporation and Weyland Yutani Corporation would partner together due to their shared interests in bioweapons, artificial intelligence, and genetics.
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Do aliens show up in Prometheus?

Following on from something in another thread… it's definitively been established in the film and by the director that David creates the first 'alien' (as we know them). This, sadly, is canon. But the aliens are clearly depicted on the chamber wall during Prometheus.
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What was the Alien at the end of Prometheus?

The Deacon is a Xenomorph - like creature which appears at the ending of the 2012 film Prometheus.
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Why do Predators hate Xenomorphs?

As revealed in this issue, the existence of a Predalien is actually against the Yautja's religion, as they believe in a cosmic balance of hunters and prey, with Xenomorphs being the Yin to Predators' proverbial Yang, and the fusion of the two is regarded as an unholy abomination that must be destroyed immediately.
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Do I need to watch Alien vs. Predator before Prometheus?

Prometheus and Alien: Covenant Were the Cut-Off Points for the Alien vs. Predator Series. Watching the Alien vs. Predator series in order becomes a lot more complicated due to the movie Prometheus. While its opening is set in what's likely the distant, ancient past on Earth, the rest of the movie is set in 2093.
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Does Alien: Covenant have anything to do with Prometheus?

A joint American and British production, it is a sequel to Prometheus (2012), the second entry in the Alien prequel series, and the sixth installment in the series but counting crossovers eighth film in the overall Alien franchise (three of which have been directed by Scott).
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Did Xenomorphs exist before Prometheus?


A mural of a fully-grown Xenomorph, resembling a Drone, can be seen on the wall of the Engineer Temple on LV-223, indicating that the Xenomorphs already exist by the time of Prometheus.
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Are Prometheus and Alien linked?

Are Alien and Prometheus connected? Yes. It doesn't look like Ridley Scott will get to do what would have been another Alien-based prequel after Alien: Covenant, but he was trying to flesh out what was going on with Weyland Corporation before the original 1979 Alien.
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Is Prometheus the first Alien?

The first film released in the franchise, Alien takes place in the year 2122, about 18 years after the events of Alien: Covenant and 29 years after Prometheus.
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Who created the Xenomorphs and why?

There is no official explanation, but the vast majority of fans of the saga accept the theory that the Engineers created the Xenomorphs with the intention of using them as weapons. A relentless and lethal biological weapon.
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Do Xenomorphs have a homeworld?

Originally there was supposed to be a xenomorph home world that was unbelievably hostile to all kinds of life. Then later the story became that they were bio-engineered and thus have no home world.
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How did David make the eggs in Alien Covenant?

The Alien Egg appeared in 2017's Alien Covenant. These were David's creations and not exactly the same eggs that we've seen before. They didn't come from a Queen Alien but from David genetically engineering them and therefore look a little different.
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