Is Punisher good or bad?

The Punisher has always been blurred between the distinction of "good" and "evil" but is as worthy of note as any other anti-hero in fiction (especially given his brutal nature). He is one of Marvel's most popular anti-heroes and has appeared in a great many media out with his origins as a comic book character.
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Is the Punisher a hero or a villain?

The Punisher (Francis "Frank" Castle, born Castiglione) is an antihero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was created by writer Gerry Conway and artists John Romita Sr.
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What does the Punisher fight for?

Family man turned crime-fighting vigilante, Frank Castle embodies the persona of the Punisher to avenge personal tragedy and ensure all criminals receive the justice they deserve.
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Is the Punisher right or wrong?

Ultimately, The Punisher is a mix of both good and bad, in what most people nowadays would call an anti-hero.
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Is the Punisher good or bad in Daredevil?

The Punisher, who murders dozens, if not hundreds, of people in the second season of Netflix's “Daredevil,” is actually the most moral character on the show. Yes, the gun-wielding vigilante who kills instead of arrests his criminal adversaries is, in fact, the good guy here.
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Netflix's Punisher Didn't Understand Frank Castle

Why is the Punisher a bad guy?

The Punisher is infamous for killing his foes, and as a result hardly any other Marvel superhero will work with him. Castle's motivations for killing have always stemmed from tragically losing his family to violence - but even Daredevil can see that Frank has taken his revenge mission too far this time.
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Does Daredevil hate the Punisher?

The rivalry between Daredevil and the Punisher is one of the greatest in the Marvel Universe. Matt Murdock and Frank Castle have a love/hate relationship that often ends in the two heroes finally seeing eye-to-eye, usually after a violent (and oftentimes bloody) confrontation.
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Why is the Punisher so controversial?

According to Conway, Frank Castle represents a “failure of the justice system” and “the reality some people can't depend on institutions like the police or the military to act in a just and capable way.” To Conway, this has a lot to do with why these same institutions embracing the Punisher's logo is so problematic.
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What does the Punisher hate?

For those who don't know, Frank Castle, aka The Punisher hates the police. He does not trust them, he thinks they're corrupt, and especially hates anyone who tries to adopt his symbol.
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Does the Punisher hate Spider-Man?

The Punisher and Spider-Man frequently butt heads because of their contrasting methods of dealing with criminals, with The Punisher seeing Spider-Man as just another obstacle to overcome.
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Why are cops obsessed with Punisher?

The adoption of the skull is a sign some police no longer want to be police – they want to be vigilantes, capable of using “any means necessary”. After all, as Worcester states, “the legal system is little more than an inconvenience” to the Punisher.
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Why do cops like Punisher?

“We all thought what the Punisher did was cool: He righted wrongs. He killed bad guys. He made wrongdoers fear him,” Kyle's memoir reads. “We spray-painted [the Punisher skull] on our Hummers and body armor, and our helmets and all our guns.
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Why do so many cops like the Punisher?

In an interview with Vulture, law enforcement officer Jesse Murrieta expressed what seems to be a common sentiment among police officers who are Punisher fans: “Frank Castle does to bad guys and girls what we sometimes wish we could legally do, Castle doesn't see shades of grey, which, unfortunately, the American ...
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What is the Punisher's power?

Punishing Skills. Frank Castle may not have any superhuman abilities, but he is at the top of his game when it comes to physical conditioning, alertness, and extreme combat. He's notably stronger than average and has taken down foes like Daredevil and Billy Russo, who are ostensibly equal, or superior, in skill.
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Is Deadpool a bad or good guy?

Deadpool began as a villain but is currently being used as an anti-hero and in his own comic book series he ended as a good guy. He is currently one of the most popular Marvel characters. He has had many of his own book series as well as been in most of Marvel's other titles.
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Why did the Punisher get Cancelled?

'Jessica Jones,' 'Punisher' Canceled as Netflix Completes Marvel Purge. Put simply: Netflix did not have an ownership stake in any of its Marvel TV series. Each of the six Marvel shows was owned by Disney. Netflix paid ABC Studios a (steep) licensing fee for each season of its respective series.
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Is Punisher scared of anything?

What is the Punisher afraid of? The open ocean. Or at least, he used to. That is from an arc from the War Zone run.
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Is the Punisher disturbing?

Violence & Gore (39) Multiple scenes of graphic shootings. Some scenes of interrogation, showing men tied up and being beaten. Some knife violence, showing people being stabbed, sometimes brutally.
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What does the Punisher stand for?

The vigilante anti-hero is fundamentally a critique of the justice sysytem, an example of social failure, so when cops put Punisher skulls on their cars or members of the military wear Punisher skull patches, they're basically sides with an enemy of the system. They are embracing an outlaw mentality.
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Why did Netflix remove Punisher?

Despite being branded as a "Netflix Original", The Punisher was licensed to Netflix from Disney. The Punisher was removed from Netflix on March 1, 2022, along with the other Marvel Netflix series, due to Netflix's license for the series ending and Disney regaining the rights.
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Why does jigsaw hate the Punisher?

All of Russo's crimes and his disfigurement gained him a nickname of Jigsaw, until he was suddenly reunited with the Punisher, as Jigsaw finally remembered how the Punisher disfigured his face and destroyed his entire life.
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Why did they change Punisher's skull?

Opinion: Marvel Canceled 'The Punisher' Logo for Deeply Flawed Reasons. Marvel is releasing a new Punisher comic in March but has changed the iconic skull logo in an attempt to distance itself from police and other groups who have adopted it.
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Do Spider-Man and Punisher get along?

They may have saved each other's lives on occasion, but Peter Parker and Frank Castle are fundamentally different, and they do not like each other. The Punisher has committed himself to eliminating criminals.
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Who is more powerful Daredevil or Punisher?

Daredevil is More Powerful Than the Punisher

As both crews clash, Matt and Frank make a beeline for each other. They argue religious semantics, with Frank hating the Christian version of god for taking his family away.
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Why does Punisher call Daredevil red?

Trivia. Frank's nickname for Matt is "Red", due to the color of the Daredevil suit. Matt and Karen are the only characters Frank truly opens up to about his traumas, leading them both to develop soft spots for the humanity of a man that no other characters see.
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