Is Saavik in Picard?

Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Picard Season 3, Episode 2 - "Disengage"A fantastic Easter egg in Star Trek: Picard season 3, episode 2, "Disengage," honors the Vulcan Lt. Saavik (Kirstie Alley/Robin Curtis), from the Star Trek: The Original Series films.
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Why did they replace Saavik?

Summary. Kirstie Alley left Star Trek due to a salary dispute with Paramount, resulting in her iconic character being recast for future films. Leonard Nimoy was impressed with Alley's portrayal of Lt. Saavik, but her agent's salary demands led to her departure from the franchise.
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What happened to Saavik in Star Trek?

After a brief farewell to the TOS crew at the beginning of Star Trek IV, Saavik remained on Vulcan, never to be seen again. She was an important figure in what is arguably the very best Star Trek movie, and it was always a bit baffling that she never got a proper follow-up story.
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Why was Saavik not in Star Trek 6?

Saavik, the Vulcan character originated by Kirstie Alley, didn't return in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country due to budgetary reasons and concern about the film's story turning her into a traitor. Released in December 1991, Star Trek VI was the final time the original cast of Star Trek appeared together.
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Why is Saavik referred to as Mr.?

Selar in TNG and Sakonna in DS9.) In Star Trek II, Saavik is commonly referred to as "mister," a form of respectful military address. Normally applied to subordinates, the title is said in the film by Admiral Kirk and Captain Spock in reference to Saavik.
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Star Trek: Picard - "Last Charge Of The Enterprise"

Did Spock and Saavik mate?

When Spock aged into adolescence, he underwent Pon Farr, the painful Vulcan mating ritual. Understanding what this meant, Saavik has sexual intercourse with the young Spock to alleviate his suffering — and originally, this resulted in Spock getting Saavik pregnant.
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Did Spock and Saavik get married?

In the novel Vulcan's Heart, which takes place some years after Undiscovered Country, an older Saavik marries Spock.
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Was Valeris supposed to be Saavik?

Background information. Saavik was to have reprised her role in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, but was replaced with Valeris, reportedly because Gene Roddenberry was concerned that fans had become so fond of Saavik that they would react negatively to her turning out to be a traitor.
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Was Saavik part human?

Curtis also weighed in on the often-discussed topic that Saavik was actually half-Romulan, saying: My understanding was that Kirstie Alley and (Khan writer-director) Nicholas Meyer wanted Saavik to be Vulcan and Romulan and he directed her to include elements of both.
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Did Spock have a child?

No canonical children have been mentioned for Spock. Drafts of the scripts for Star Treks III and IV hinted that the rejuvenated Spock impregnated Saavik during his accelerated Pon Farr, but this was not referenced in the script as filmed.
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Who does Spock mate with?

In Star Trek III, Saavik tells David that Spock is about to go through Pon Faar, and that he will need to mate to survive. Later on, she is shown performing some kind of ritual with her hands with Spock which seems to calm him down quite a bit, but then the scene ends.
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What happened to Leonard Nimoy from Star Trek?

In 2015, Leonard Nimoy died from COPD. Through his family's endorsement, Leonard's story lives on as part of the Tips From Former Smokers® campaign. For more information on Leonard Nimoy and his struggle with COPD, visit Remembering Leonard Nimoy.
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How does Pon Farr work?

Every seven years, Vulcan males and females experience an overpowering hormone imbalance known as pon farr. Once triggered, a Vulcan must have sexual intercourse with someone or the chemical imbalance may cause insanity, loss of self-control, and death.
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Why did Kirstie Alley stop playing Saavik?

Leonard Nimoy (who directed Star Trek III: The Search for Spock), wanted Kirstie Alley to reprise the role of Saavik, but, according to Nimoy's autobiography I Am Spock, Alley's agent requested a large salary increase that the production simply couldn't afford.
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Is Saavik half Romulan?

Saavik was a half-Romulan/half-Vulcan woman who overcame her difficult childhood to become a successful Starfleet officer and wife to Ambassador Spock. This character is a member of Spock's family.
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Why are there 2 spocks in Star Trek?

Spock Met His Doppelganger In Star Trek: The Animated Series

Keniclius uses Spock's DNA to create a giant 25-foot-tall clone, referred to as Spock 2, to help him bring peace to the entire galaxy.
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Was Spock originally a woman?

Star Trek legend Nichelle Nichols reveals Spock was originally a woman. His logical nature and famous nerve pinch has made him one of the most iconic sci-fi characters of all time. But Star Trek legend Nichelle Nichols has revealed the show's famous Vulcan science officer Spock was originally envisaged as a woman.
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Does Christine like Spock?

In the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "The Naked Time," Christine Chapel confesses her love for Spock while under the influences of polywater intoxication. Spock seems genuinely sad when he apologizes to Christine, which would make sense if he had feelings for her, too.
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Did Spock have a sister before discovery?

Of course, Michael Burnham was introduced as Spock's adopted sister in Star Trek: Discovery season 1 in 2017 so she didn't exist when Leonard Nimoy embodied Spock before his death in 2015.
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Why does Spock not marry pring?

In Star Trek: The Original Series' season 2 classic, "Amok Time," T'Pring (Arlene Martel) formally ended her betrothal to Spock (Leonard Nimoy). The reason given was that T'Pring wanted to marry Stonn (Lawrence Montaigne) because Spock was more devoted to his Starfleet career aboard the USS Enterprise than his fiancée.
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Is Sybok older than Spock?

Spock has always had a complicated family dynamic, but his older half-brother Sybok is especially troublesome. While Sarek, Amanda, and Michael Burnham are all heroes, Sybok tends to be more villainous. Audiences were first surprised by Sybok's existence in the film Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.
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How much older is Sybok than Spock?

Sybok is approximately 13 years older than Spock so it stands to reason he left Sarek's home, possibly for Vulcan seminary or another intellectual pursuit as a young man, before Michael Burnham was adopted.
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What is Spock's girlfriend name?

Uhura's first name was not used in Star Trek canon until Abrams's 2009 film. The mystery regarding Uhura's first name is the subject of a running joke in the film, as Captain Kirk repeatedly tries to find out what it is, before finally hearing Spock call her "Nyota" in a moment of intimacy.
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Did Spock ever mention his sister?

Creation and development

In previous iterations of Star Trek, Spock had never mentioned a sister. Executive producer Alex Kurtzman has explained that the specifics of Burnham's backstory would be revealed in a way that would not break the existing canon continuity.
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What does Spock say to Saavik?

Saavik : [speaking to Spock in Vulcan] He's never what I expect, sir. Spock : What surprises you, Lieutenant? Saavik : He's so - human. Spock : Nobody's perfect, Saavik.
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