Is Scarlet Witch powerful than Thanos?

Both WandaVision and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness displayed Scarlet Witch's reality-warping abilities, which make Wanda one of the most powerful beings in the entire MCU. It is safe to say that Phase 4 Scarlet Witch would have defeated Thanos, even if the Infinity Stones were involved.
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Can Scarlet Witch beat Thanos?

Her full potential was not showcased until WandaVision. Scarlet Witch was by far Marvel's Phase 4 most powerful character, yet Wanda could not beat Thanos in either Avengers: Infinity War or Avengers: Endgame.
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Who is more powerful than Scarlet Witch?

Franklin Richards was omnipotent at some point, although his powers did not last forever. At the height of his powers, comic book Franklin Richards was much stronger than the MCU's Scarlet Witch ever was.
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Is Scarlet Witch the most powerful Avenger?

The MCU's Infinity Saga introduced a huge cast of superheroes with a wide array of abilities. We rated the strength of each Avenger on a scale of 1 to 10, using evidence from the 23 movies. Scarlet Witch was ranked the strongest. Captain Marvel and Thor rounded out the top three.
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Can Scarlet Witch beat Hulk?

Scarlet Witch's Powers Can Easily Defeat the Hulk (Under One Condition) Scarlet Witch has proved her magic can stop the Hulk, but the specific spell she needs to use has one condition to be effective. Avengers' Scarlet Witch has already proved she can defeat the Hulk, but only under a specific circumstance.
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20 Avengers Who Could Beat Superman

Can Scarlet Witch beat Thor?

While Thor is one of the most powerful beings in the MCU, it is known that Scarlet Witch's powers are superior. However, there are a lot of examples, even outside of Marvel, where powerful figures can still be defeated by those less so under the right circumstances.
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Who can defeat Scarlet Witch?

And the answer is always John Constantine. Scarlet Witch may be a powerful sorceress, but John Constantine is usually outgunned when it comes to raw magic power. He's faced off against sorcerers, witches, wizards, greater demons, even demigods and always found an angle to beat them.
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Can Scarlet Witch beat Superman?

Scarlet Witch's most important aspect in this fight is that she has the ability to defeat Superman. He is not impervious to magic, so her hits will damage him. Superman gains his power from the sun, and this charging method gives him no more immunity to magic damage than any other human.
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Who is the strongest avenger of all time?

Thor. Blessed with the powers and long life of a god, Thor was undoubtedly the most powerful member of the initial version of the Avengers. Not only can he fly and transport between worlds, but he was also the only one capable of taking down Thanos, even after he had assembled all six Infinity Stones.
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What is Scarlet Witch weakness?

As far as power weaknesses go, she doesn't really have any. Her real weakness is her mental instability, and how easily she can be manipulated.
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Who can overpower Scarlet Witch?

While it may not be permanent without some assistance, Spider-Man can easily beat Scarlet Witch, and her greatest weakness proves it.
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Why couldn t Scarlet Witch beat Thanos?

It wasn't until she had possession of the Darkhold that she was able to realize the full extent of her abilities. Before Multiverse of Madness, she was strong but not that powerful. That's why the Infinity Stones-powered Thanos could withstand Wanda's attack in Wakanda and then defeat her and destroy Vision.
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Why is the Scarlet Witch so powerful?

The source of Wanda's unnatural abilities stem from a two-fold base; unparalleled mastery of actual magic and an innate power to warp reality. Due to exposure to mystic energies and forces at an early age, Wanda may reshape reality to various extremes.
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Can Wanda defeat Thanos by herself?

Both WandaVision and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness displayed Scarlet Witch's reality-warping abilities, which make Wanda one of the most powerful beings in the entire MCU. It is safe to say that Phase 4 Scarlet Witch would have defeated Thanos, even if the Infinity Stones were involved.
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Why is Scarlet Witch so weak in MCU?

While this limited amount of power makes Scarlet Witch look weaker compared to her comic book counterpart, it was necessary in order to make the MCU more balanced, as giving her more power would render her almost invincible.
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Can Wanda beat Thanos alone?

Wanda can manipulate practically anything - energy and reality being her main two focuses - and using a combination of her abilities is why she was able to take on Thanos singlehandedly.
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Who can defeat Thor?

15 Avengers Who Could Beat Thor In A Fight
  • Scarlet Witch. Thor wasn't around during the events of Avengers Disassembled and House of M, so he missed out on Wanda losing control, and therefore he didn't have to face her full power. ...
  • Wasp. ...
  • Captain America. ...
  • Black Panther. ...
  • Cannonball. ...
  • Cable. ...
  • Wonder Man. ...
  • Sersi.
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Who is most powerful in Marvel?

10 Most Powerful Marvel Comics Characters Right Now (Ranked Weakest to Strongest)
  1. 1 One Above All/One Below All.
  2. 2 The Enigma. ...
  3. 3 The Mother of Horrors. ...
  4. 4 The Lost One. ...
  5. 5 The King in Black (aka Meridius, aka Eddie Brock) ...
  6. 6 Toranos. ...
  7. 7 The Children of the Vault. ...
  8. 8 Thor. ...
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Who is most powerful superhero?

Marvel Vs DC: The 25 Most Powerful Superheroes Ranked
  1. 1 Marvel: One-Above-All.
  2. 2 DC: Elaine Belloc. ...
  3. 3 Marvel: The Twins, Infinity & Eternity. ...
  4. 4 DC: Doctor Manhattan. ...
  5. 5 Marvel: Franklin Richards. ...
  6. 6 DC: Guardians of the Universe. ...
  7. 7 Marvel: Phoenix. ...
  8. 8 DC: Superman Prime. ...
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Can Scarlet Witch beat Black Adam?

While Scarlet Witch can be beaten by certain Marvel Characters, she is far stronger than Black Adam in enough ways that she could take him down, as Scarlet Witch's magical abilities easily outclass Black Adam's own. Her powers are much stronger, and she has access to far more abilities than Black Adam.
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Could Scarlet Witch beat Batman?

Without any superpowers, Batman is at a massive disadvantage as he would have to rely on his combat prowess to best Wanda. However, he would have a hard time getting close before she shreds through his armor with a massive blast of energy.
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Can Scarlet Witch beat Goku?

7 Scarlet Witch Would Make Short Work Of Goku

While Goku is certainly stronger and more skilled than Scarlet Witch, he can't really match any of her powers. Scarlet Witch has been fighting evil for long enough to know that anyone who looks like Goku is a fighter that she's not going to want to trifle with.
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Can spiderman defeat Thor?

3 Thor Smashes Gods And Cosmic Titans On A Regular Basis

Spider-Man has fought by Thor's side many times. He knows how the Norse god fights, and he knows that it would be impossible for him to beat Thor.
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Who wins Spiderman or Scarlet Witch?

Spider man is super friendly, which will allow the witch to go first and then it's over. If spiderman attacked all out from the moment of combat - he's quicker, faster, stronger — he'd win. Spidy allows the witch to bring her powers to bear even for a second and he stands No chance.
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Can Loki beat Scarlet Witch?

If we're talking current comics then also hell no, Loki is God of Stories right now, who is extremely powerful but Wanda is and Elder Godess right now, arguably her most powerful form so she wins low diff again.
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