Is Severus Snape an anti-hero and anti-villain?

The anti-hero is the central character in a story who lacks conventional heroic attributes. This person is Severus Snape. It is clear that Snape is the best character for anti-hero from all the characters in the story and this is proved through his bad characteristics, manner, and personalities.
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Is Snape an antihero?

Snape is a whiner at best

Rowling never realizes Snape as an anti-hero because she wrote him as obsessive and whiney. Both traits which, understandably, stem from his traumatic life.
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Is Snape on the good or bad side?

Snape's true intentions were revealed in the final Harry Potter installment, showing that he was never truly evil but was instead protecting Harry from Voldemort.
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Who is the anti-hero in Harry Potter?

And it's answered in Snape, the second cruelest person in the world, next to Voldemort, who is somehow transformed by love. Snape, like all Anti-Heroes, represents what society detests: cruelty, cowardice, self-interest, and dishonesty.
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Is Dumbledore an anti-hero?

Dumbledore fits best in the antihero category, a main character who lacks traditional heroic traits.
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Psychology of a Hero? SEVERUS SNAPE

Is Draco Malfoy anti-hero?

Draco Lucius Malfoy (simply known as Draco Malfoy) is a major antagonist turned anti-hero of the Harry Potter franchise, appearing in all films and books. He is the typical spoiled and self-centered bully, Harry's arch-rival at Hogwarts, and a Death Eater serving Lord Voldemort.
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Is Snape a villain or a hero?

Snape served as a villain in most of the Potter books. Apart from moving the plot, his hatred of Harry made us side forcefully with HP. The contempt for Snape also served to be invested in the books. Minerva McGonagall would be half the character she was if her rivalry with the Slytherins did not exist.
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Is Hermione an anti-hero?

Hermione Granger is the ultimate hero because she can overcome her own fears for the sake of others. She was afraid of breaking the rules, but she eventually began to break all of them at once and understood when something was necessary, rules can be broken.
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Is Voldemort an anti-hero?

Not all anti-villains are equal. Some anti-villains are 99% evil but with a tiny sliver of something which makes them not quite pure darkness. A good example of this is Voldemort, who is pretty bad, all told. He wants power and destruction, for selfish reasons, and he seems to positively relish people's suffering.
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Who is the main villain Hogwarts?

Throughout the series, Rowling establishes that Voldemort is so feared in the wizarding world that it is considered dangerous even to speak his name. Most characters in the novels refer to him as "You-Know-Who" or "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" rather than say his name aloud.
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Is Draco Malfoy evil?

By Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, it's a stretch to call Draco a villain anymore. We just watched — or read — him struggle to reconcile his choices and morals in The Half-Blood Prince. He can no longer justify his actions, and is far more aware of the evil he was born and raised into.
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Which side was Snape really on?

Severus Snape eventually joined the ranks of Lord Voldemort's Death Eaters. His actions as a Death Eater are largely unknown, though he quickly became an important Death Eater in Voldemort's inner circle. He was the spy responsible for informing Voldemort about the prophecy foretelling his downfall.
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Why is Snape not evil?

Despite his attraction to the Dark Arts and Voldemort's ideology of wizard supremacy, Snape's love for Muggle-born Lily Evans, Harry's mother, eventually compelled him to defect from the Death Eaters. He then became a double agent for Albus Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix.
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Is Snape really a traitor?

His loyalty was debatable throughout the entire series, but he was finally revealed to be on the side of good near the end of The Deathly Hallows, being unconditionally loyal to Albus Dumbledore and the woman he loved, Lily. He plays a very crucial role in bringing about Voldemort's final defeat.
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Was Snape protecting Potter?

One of the earliest moments where readers see that Snape might not just be kind of mean, creepy guy is when it turns out that Snape was trying to protect Harry from Quirrell. The big twist in Sorcerer's Stone is that it was Snape trying to stop Squirrel from getting the stone.
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Is Draco Malfoy an antihero?

His bullying behavior towards his students is often cast aside by those who feel for the character because they can sympathize with what it is like to be mistreated. Professor Snape is not the principal antihero of the series, however. That honor belongs to none other than Harry's chief rival: Draco Malfoy.
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Was Dumbledore a bad guy?

But yes, we also must concede that Dumbledore's character was not a paragon of morality. He had made many mistakes in his youth, made several wrong decisions, especially with his family, kept a lot of secrets regarding his true identity and background, and perhaps once upon a time he had also lusted for power.
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Is Harry Potter a hero or anti-hero?

Obviously, Harry is the center of the story, and most of the action revolves around him, his choices, and his beliefs. While he is a hero, there is no doubt that there is quite a lot of darkness seething inside of him.
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Was Dumbledore anti Muggle?

As detailed in the lore of the Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter franchises, Albus Dumbledore once held the belief that wizards held superiority over muggles. He developed the philosophy that having powerful wizards rule over muggles was for the greater good.
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Who can defeat Hermione?

Harry: Better At Defense Against The Dark Arts

Invigorated by his battles with Voldemort, Harry displays a proficiency for defensive magic that outrivals Hermione's. In the books, Harry's O.W.L. results for DADA are higher than Hermione's, the only exam in which he outperformed her.
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Who is stronger Harry or Hermione?

Harry's other best friend, the bookish and kind Hermione Granger can't be beaten in the classroom. Harry recognizes her as his year's best student and even said so at some point. But while Hermione can ace any test, she can't quite keep up with Harry on the battlefield.
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Is Draco Malfoy bad?

Draco's role in the story is to be a childhood rival to Harry, but he is not a killer; in the end, he's not even a bad person.
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Does Draco turn good?

Having gone through the horrors of the second wizarding war as a Death Eater, Draco abandoned the pure-blood beliefs he was originally devoted to, and grew to become a better person than he was in his youth, growing more tolerant and accepting of the non-pure-bloods of the wizarding world.
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Did Severus love Harry?

In the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie, Snape showed how much he loved Harry, providing him with his memories and showing that he saw Lily in him, his last words echoing this: "You have your mother's eyes."
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